Lefty Blogs
williampfaff ++ ++
Russian News ++
seaton-newslinks. USA expat in Europe ++
bilegrip Asu spleen ++
us-rockstroh a rant, not a blog ++
aboutmyplanet eco ++
sfgate ++
crookedtimber ++
onthecommons ++
sjlendman ++
abutamam freeiraq ++
airamericaradio +
amygdalagf +
angryarab ++
annezook +
antiwar ++
billmon ++ whiskeyB
consortiumnews ++
dailywarnews ++
drforbush +
english +
halcyondays ++
hereticalideas ++
boxspinning boxes

jamaicaobserver newspaper
jameswolcott +
lefarkins +
liberalgirlnextdoor ++
lonehighlander Libya, not lefty
mahablog +++ solid
maruthecrankpot +
indymedia melbourne
messopotamian +7Apr06
monkey ++
motherjones ++
nocapital +
norightturn +NZ
peakoil ++
pilger +
politicalhumor +
rafahtoday Feb05?
rense w= wacko conspiracies
rigorousintuition x
hegemon ++
ruckus ++
rudepundit ++
satiricalpolitical +
scaramoucheblog ++
secretsinbaghdad ++15Ap06
aliveinbaghdad ++
riverbendblog ++
sideshow +++
signs-of-the-times +++
slashdot ++techy
talkleft ++
thinkprogress ++
thismodernworld +++
uncapitalist ++
velorution ++ bicycles
org ++Brazil peasants
warandpiece +
warfare.ru +russia military
alternet ++
gbruno ++YT
axisoflogic ++
bobharris +
bradblog +
buckfush +funnies
buggery +
buzzflash ++
counterpunch +++
crooksandliars ++?
grist ??
huffingtonpost ++
infoshop +
inthesetimes x
iranmania x
juancole ++
kuro5hin ++ notlefty
kurtnimmo ++
lrb ++ Iraqi?
lewrockwell ++
marklynas climate change
mnftiu get your war on comics
rall ++ Ted Rall cartonist
selvesandothers ++
theleftcoaster +
thepoorman +
tnr ++ magazine
tompaine ++ mag
traprockpeace ++
truthout +
boondocks ++
. . . helix
rain radar
worldtribunal +
worldwatch ++ $ required
zaman + Turkish news
youcantmakeitup + ?
youngfox ????????????
bareknucklepolitics videos?
popdrain videos??
discovery videos??
cs videos??
aegisIraq video??
mariyaguchi video??
iwilltryit video..
ahram cairo newspaper
jfaughnan 28/04/2006 10:25AM
shrillblog +
thinkprogress +
marchforjustice + pictures
messopotamian + Iraqi not so radical, but scared (also see IraqTheModel which was a USA front, but is now also scared)
scaramoucheblog +
blogads liberal blogs by CPM $ per view
malakandsky ++ stolid?
republicoft + black gay parent??
dailykos ++
rawstory ++
democraticunderground ++
atrios ++
workingforchange +
leftinthewest +
dembloggers +
talkingpointsmemo +
firedoglake ++
vastleft ++
pamspaulding +
americablog +
washingtonmonthly ++
mydd +
politics1 +
bartcop ++
politicalwire +
sisterstalk black lesbian?
culturekitchen ++
wonkette +++
billstclair +
freefreedomtoldhere ++ pipe bomb

almuajaha defunct
whynot defunct
winstonsmith defunct
samadams dormant
mquinn02 defunct
iraqblogcount ++14Apr06 suspended
iraqicomments most recent: jan2005
iraqidoctor most recent: Aug2005
georgemustgo + moved?
vialls ++Dormant (joe is dead)
warblogging Defunct
hammeroftruth quiescant?
mediastorm quiescant? +
bushwhackedusa defunct
hamasonline defunct

04 May 2006

Judgement Day, Sex what is it good for?, evo-devo, Radio3 2006 WorldMusic Awards, No More Tears Sister

"Judgement Day" if USA hits Iran... aawsat
1- A missile strike directly targeting the US bases in the Persian Gulf and Iraq , as soon as nuclear installations are hit.
2- Suicide operations in a number of Arab and Muslim countries against US embassies and missions and US military bases and economic and oil installations related to US and British companies. The campaign might also target the economic and military installations of countries allied with the United States .
3- Launch attacks by the Basij and the Revolutionary Guards and Iraqi fighters loyal to Iran against US and British forces in Iraq , from border regions in central and southern Iraq .
4- Hezbollah to launch hundreds of rockets against military and economic targets in Israel .

shiva (1123KB)

climatescience exec summary (pdf)
"there is no longer a discrepancy in the rate of global average temperature increase for the surface compared with higher levels in the atmosphere," in the words of a news release issued by the Commerce Department and approved by the White House. The report was published yesterday online at climatescience.gov.
The report's authors all agreed that their review of the data showed that the atmosphere was, in fact, warming in ways that generally meshed with computer simulations. The study said that the only factor that could explain the measured warming of Earth's average temperature over the last 50 years was the buildup heat-trapping gases, which are mainly emitted by burning coal and oil.

Sex, what is it good for?
psom .. newtonsbinomium
ncbi .. nature
Evolution of sex
this chap Azevido claims its for "robustness" - its not clear what that is...
something like mutations disturb everything
sex disturbs everything
so sex strengthens 'everything' against mutation disturbances
.. I'm not convinced, none of these guys even mentions Bill Hamilton...
there is a book (not seen) "Robustness and Evolvability in Living Systems" by Andreas Wagner.

HOX genes .. nybooks
It is the very constraints created by the Hox genes and the other core processes (e.g., the exploratory behavior of capillaries and nerve endings) that permit complex designs to emerge over a relatively short period of time from a biological point of view (hundreds of thousands of years, or perhaps even less). As Carroll and Kirschner and Gerhart observe, some alteration of genes is still necessary if the changes are to be passed on from one generation to another. But the genetic alterations are considerably simpler and fewer in number than had been formerly imagined.
.. Kirschner and Gerhart move beyond embryology to show that metabolic and physiological processes are also critical to evolutionary change. Their approach, which they call the theory of "facilitated variation," attempts to show how the regulation of genes inside the embryo, as described by Carroll, is part of a larger set of processes that allow organisms to experiment with evolution in a tightly controlled way. According to this theory, the mutations, or variations, needed to drive evolutionary change can occur with little disruption either to the basic organization of an organism or to the core processes that make its cells function.

Radio3 2006 WorldMusic Awards
World Music
fly .. songlines
Ojos de Brujo have a new CD: Techari (label Pias)

Tuesday nights TV: brave women
abc Amazon Sister Leonora Brunetto - not murdered yet? (foreign corresp ABC 02/05/06)

No More Tears Sister: Anatomy of Hope and Betrayal, 2004 (SBS, Tuesday, May 2, 10pm. Hot Docs) .. On an unassuming afternoon in September 1989, Dr. Rajani Thiranagama, a 35 year-old physician, .. murdered by the LTTE
[if you feel sympathy towards the LTTE check this out:] spur

03 May 2006

Unwired, Iraq good news, Pataka, MEND, genographic

Unwired complaints 3/05/2006 11:26AM
whirlpool Unwired forum .. Unwired speeds
ISP Speedtests:
matrixau .. bigair .. ozspeedtest
speed test [using "Optus ADSL"]
Test run on 3/5/2006 @ 12:12 P.M.
Mirror: Optus Test type: ADSL
Your connection speed:
kbps: 224
KB/s: 28
Mbps: 0.21875
(nb we are paying for 1Mbps.. , but whats worse are the dropouts

3/05/2006 paulrieckhoff
One simple question: "What do you say when people say the media doesn't tell enough good news stories out of Iraq?"
.."I never hear that because we all here know the good news stories are bullshit and do not really affect the mission in any way. It's like this thing we keep saying here about all the new people we've recruited for the iraqi police. It leaves out the fact that my platoon was in a 40 minute gun fight with the iraqi police. So you recruited more of them ... awesome! I am sure that will make everything better. Also, they don't do ANYTHING. They don't even leave their building,..

PATAKA - The cultural heart of Porirua City.
terrible boredom of paradise
Jane Kauangaro, Courtesy of The Alexander Turnbull Library
Wayne Youle, Often Licked, Occassionally Beaten, (2005)
Antarctic temperature trends
nationalgeographic genographic
send your cheek scraping to nationalgeographic, get your ancestral story

entropia .. Real people, real activities and a Real Cash Economy in a massive online universe.">.
2005 turnover of 1.6 Billion PED (160M$). ..[now rents can be converted to real $]

Peak Oil And The Political Economy Of Terrorism

Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta (MEND)
06 March 2006 .. Deborah White is a senior energy analyst with SGCI..“The situation in the Delta has made the oil market extremely nervous. ..when we have the supply losses of up to 455,000 kdb [sic] (barrels per day), as it has been recently,... It’s on the market’s mind. .. “The militants have the capacity to shutdown certainly 500 or 600 or 700,000 barrels a day.

It therefore warned all Niger Deltans, who provide job and related work services for Exxon Mobil in all its off-shore locations to stay off all these locations till further notice, noting “we will have neither the time nor the patience to pursue identification and separation processes. We will be quick, decisive and hard hitting. In furtherance to this campaign, we hereby declare Operation ‘One-rocket for One Platform.’"

02 May 2006

Living with war, war profiteers, Biloxi, New Orleans, Evo Morales, Unwired, zombie lurch

NeilYoung Living with war

Helping George


war profiteers
Who wins and loses when gas prices skyrocket?
1May06 the Republicans turned on Big Oil..In a particularly delicious bit of populist sophistry, the party led by two oil guys that is pro-business, antitax and antigovernment meddling was talking loudly about greedy petro-executives, ..and withdrawing $2 billion in industry-specific tax breaks over 10 years. That's about a month's worth of profits for ExxonMobil.."we've got people like this that are working for a living, who are paying higher prices for their gasoline.." said ..Bush, .. at Fayard's service station in Biloxi, .. where a gallon of regular sold for $2.96...
The President visited the service station to discuss a number of largely ineffectual remedies for pulling down prices

rudepundit nola dailykos
New Orleans is fucked
eight months after Katrina hit, lifeless bodies of Americans are still being found:
Skeletonized or half-eaten by animals, with leathery, hardened skin or missing limbs, the bodies are lodged in piles of rubble, dangle from rafters or lie face down, arms outstretched on parlor floors.

MSN video needs IEx6 MediaPlay10 MacroMediaFlash6

more on Moore, and the dangerous delusion, spread by paid hacks, that nuclear is a salvation

1May06 Bolivia's President Evo Morales decreed the nationalization of the country's natural gas industry today..
He also ordered the military to occupy the natural gas fields..
..South America's second largest natural gas reserves.
..British Petroleum, and Total of France...Brazil Petrobras.
BP has a very small interest in Bolivia..
..Morales met with Hu Jintao in Beijing ..called China an "ideological ally," ..invited it to develop Bolivia's vast gas reserves.

AlZ: Why don't you reveal the truth about your soldiers, and the collapse of their motivation to fight, so that your people will know the truth about the war? Why don't you tell them about the continuing suicides among your soldiers? Why don't you tell them that none of your soldiers go to sleep unless they take sleeping pills and hallucinatory drugs, which make them lose their minds, and they become like dumb beasts, led by the pro-Zionist and Evangelist generals of your war to the slaughterhouses of perdition?

Mary Schmich: Live in New York City once, but leave before it makes you hard. Live in Northern California once, but leave before it makes you soft. Travel.

I exist, signed God
If I cracked open a 400 million year old rock and saw the words "I exist, signed God"
I wouldnt believe in God, I would look for a faker.
However... during a total eclipse when I saw the moon *exactly* eclipse the sun, I thought - thats like a sign saying "I exist, signed God" - (actually I didnt think that at the time. I was so spaced out by the direct, physical experience that I was perched on a huge sphere with other huge spheres, some doing nuclear fusion, where whirling about at tremendous velocities - You have to experience a *TOTAL* eclipse to get this sensation/realisation.. The God idea only occurred 18 years later.

Complaints cont...
'Unwired' broadband wireless internet have drooped even lower
A year ago, we were early adopters, in Mort Bay. line of sight, we regularly got our paid-for MegaBit
In recent months , in Annandale, with additional rooftop dish, we often got 300K sometimes 700K (still paying for 1M)
Last 2 weeks we are getting frequent time outs on web sites - seems Unwired have the same pipe, with a pile of new customers.
They have that simple confusion: profits as more important than service... a recipe for failure
Or is it rapid brand dilution? Time was that after many years, a premium brand (eg McIntosh Hi Fi) would be sold off and cheap&nasty products sold under that brand)
in sum: Unwired can NOT be recommended unless you get a discount..- the 1M account delivers about 300K with many timeouts

Inaugural zombie lurch in Sydney
zombie lurch
KM: All progress in capitalist agriculture is a progress in the art, not only of robbing the workers, but of robbing the soil."
Chomskyby Noam :Failed States 0805079122
Sloman Lynn :Car Sick: Solutions for Our Car-Addicted Culture

01 May 2006

Keef Richards, KBR gross negligence, Leaf Blowers, Ritalin, naringenin

Hi to Keef, waking up in One Tree Hill, sore head, I've been there. But never 5m up a coconut palm.

Monday morning Complaints:

Not surprised department:
The wrong coffin. Guess who was responsible for the tatty plywood coffin of Juso Sinanovic, which arrived n Aus in error.
Yes, it was Kellog Shit-coloured & Rooted. Really, if you find anyone working for this outfit, smash their head with an iron bar, courtesy of me.

Yellow Pages Australia: this web site is a travesty, a pathetic waste of a billion dollar asset. Useless for searching, Google works better. (Pink pages suburban search gave outdated numbers)

Leaf blowers cont...
A species which uses leaf-blowers deserves the Darwin prize for self destruction. Certainly deserves no sympathy.
I hope the USA stays in Iraq & bleeds for its leaf blowers. I hope the USA with Aus on a dog leash, invades Iran and gets all the green zone & a couple of carriers blown to smithereens.
Time to scrape the human slime off the surface of this world.

theatlantic desertdebacle
I was in a cubicle in BT #1 Liberty Plaza when Carter's rescue mission failed due to sand (in a desert!)
I put a NYT pic clipping of a burnt Herc on my cubicle wall. Undoubtedly helped to get me canned. My contract not renewed.
The boss said it was because some woman refused to work with me. I dont recall the woman, didnt then either. Evidently I ignored some office bitch one time to many. I believe she was a pom, possibly came from pommieland in my batch. Actually I disliked most of those poms, except for DJ, who got canned from Chemical Bank almost immediately, but was a genius. I also got on OK with the two Indian girls - family booted out of Idi Amin's Kenya. They bought an apartment UpperEastSide, in 1980 apartments were cheaper.
I was pissed off at being canned just before my green card arrived. Turned out it didnt matter, I got 3 job offers immediately, got my card & left the country. 3rd world types cant understand why I walked away. I actually believed my good reference from BT would open doors back in EnZed. In fact I arrived back just before the hyper-inflation 80's boom and my NY cred amounted to nada in NZ. (ps '3rd world types' is a quote from Mick Belker the racist swat leader in Hill St Blues)
telegraph The over-prescribing of the drug Ritalin to children diagnosed with alleged behavioural problems is a growing scandal..
Baroness Greenfield, a neuro-scientist and director of the Royal Institution, said the overuse of the drug should be addressed as a matter of urgency.
..Prescriptions of .methylphenidate - ..Ritalin - rose to 359,100 in 2004, a rise of 344,400 since 1995..
It is almost entirely prescribed to children under 16 in this country. ..(England)
The Citizens Commission on Human Rights:.. "Children are being drugged into submission,"
There are no medical tests for ADHD .. questionnaires that ask if a child displays symptoms including restlessness, inattentiveness and fidgeting.
..Ritalin..Harvard Medical School..rats given the drug in their infancy were found to have a reduced sense of pleasure and were more prone to signs of despair during adulthood.
..51 deaths among children and adults taking drugs for ADHD in the US since 1999.
The UK licensing authority,.. nine children had died
(not sure what a sign of despair in a lab rat might be - kept alone in a featureless plastic bin, theyre all stark staring mad anyway)

swansonvitamins Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry 17(2):89-95, 2005
UCLA.. .. naringenin, a citrus bioflavonoid ..After 24 hours of exposure to 80 micromoles/l naringenin.. stimulated .. Base Excision Repair (BER) ..repairs DNA during the replication stage.

“What is essential in war is victory, not prolonged operations.”
– Sun-Tzu