Scandal, sister-in-law is making the big-belly, no husband.
A late starter, cherry-girl until 20.
That would have been considered late either in Luzon or One-Tree-Hill in the 70s.

Friday, heard Bob Brown speak at the Mori gallery on Save the Styx
what a great speaker.
In Tassie there are these Eucalyptus regnans trees 80-90 metres high.
tallest flowering plants.
They say the tallest, now gone, were higher than redwoods
The locals are cutting these mighty trees down for wood chips.
Thats how crass Australians can be.
I met some of the guys who protested 65 metres up.. wild eyed young men
bought some pics taken by Maggie Roony - I will post them soon
This campaign will run & run.
Dont let Australians chip these trees...
This baby was the biggest living thing in Aus, until ForestryTasmania cooked it last Easter...
ElGrande ________________________________________