Lefty Blogs
williampfaff ++ ++
Russian News ++
seaton-newslinks. USA expat in Europe ++
bilegrip Asu spleen ++
us-rockstroh a rant, not a blog ++
aboutmyplanet eco ++
sfgate ++
crookedtimber ++
onthecommons ++
sjlendman ++
abutamam freeiraq ++
airamericaradio +
amygdalagf +
angryarab ++
annezook +
antiwar ++
billmon ++ whiskeyB
consortiumnews ++
dailywarnews ++
drforbush +
english +
halcyondays ++
hereticalideas ++
boxspinning boxes

jamaicaobserver newspaper
jameswolcott +
lefarkins +
liberalgirlnextdoor ++
lonehighlander Libya, not lefty
mahablog +++ solid
maruthecrankpot +
indymedia melbourne
messopotamian +7Apr06
monkey ++
motherjones ++
nocapital +
norightturn +NZ
peakoil ++
pilger +
politicalhumor +
rafahtoday Feb05?
rense w= wacko conspiracies
rigorousintuition x
hegemon ++
ruckus ++
rudepundit ++
satiricalpolitical +
scaramoucheblog ++
secretsinbaghdad ++15Ap06
aliveinbaghdad ++
riverbendblog ++
sideshow +++
signs-of-the-times +++
slashdot ++techy
talkleft ++
thinkprogress ++
thismodernworld +++
uncapitalist ++
velorution ++ bicycles
org ++Brazil peasants
warandpiece +
warfare.ru +russia military
alternet ++
gbruno ++YT
axisoflogic ++
bobharris +
bradblog +
buckfush +funnies
buggery +
buzzflash ++
counterpunch +++
crooksandliars ++?
grist ??
huffingtonpost ++
infoshop +
inthesetimes x
iranmania x
juancole ++
kuro5hin ++ notlefty
kurtnimmo ++
lrb ++ Iraqi?
lewrockwell ++
marklynas climate change
mnftiu get your war on comics
rall ++ Ted Rall cartonist
selvesandothers ++
theleftcoaster +
thepoorman +
tnr ++ magazine
tompaine ++ mag
traprockpeace ++
truthout +
boondocks ++
. . . helix
rain radar
worldtribunal +
worldwatch ++ $ required
zaman + Turkish news
youcantmakeitup + ?
youngfox ????????????
bareknucklepolitics videos?
popdrain videos??
discovery videos??
cs videos??
aegisIraq video??
mariyaguchi video??
iwilltryit video..
ahram cairo newspaper
jfaughnan 28/04/2006 10:25AM
shrillblog +
thinkprogress +
marchforjustice + pictures
messopotamian + Iraqi not so radical, but scared (also see IraqTheModel which was a USA front, but is now also scared)
scaramoucheblog +
blogads liberal blogs by CPM $ per view
malakandsky ++ stolid?
republicoft + black gay parent??
dailykos ++
rawstory ++
democraticunderground ++
atrios ++
workingforchange +
leftinthewest +
dembloggers +
talkingpointsmemo +
firedoglake ++
vastleft ++
pamspaulding +
americablog +
washingtonmonthly ++
mydd +
politics1 +
bartcop ++
politicalwire +
sisterstalk black lesbian?
culturekitchen ++
wonkette +++
billstclair +
freefreedomtoldhere ++ pipe bomb

almuajaha defunct
whynot defunct
winstonsmith defunct
samadams dormant
mquinn02 defunct
iraqblogcount ++14Apr06 suspended
iraqicomments most recent: jan2005
iraqidoctor most recent: Aug2005
georgemustgo + moved?
vialls ++Dormant (joe is dead)
warblogging Defunct
hammeroftruth quiescant?
mediastorm quiescant? +
bushwhackedusa defunct
hamasonline defunct

04 November 2008

China Land Reform, Depression, Hizballah

PRC has just changed land laws. The 30-year state land leases can now be sold. Big corporate consolidation of farms expected. This is expected to cause millions to leave the countryside and head for the coast. Hard to say what this means, but sounds like trouble. Farms may get more productive as Gangsta/Capital buys them up. Funny how the 'small farmer' is replaced by the big techno farm, more productive dontya know. but the commune never was.
"The Economist" says that PRC needs 7% growth to prevent 'social unrest'
Economic Crash means 2.7 Million workers in China will be fired.

YLD = Years Lost to Disability

Nature special on mental disorder/madness ... they of course seek the synaptic molecular source of bliss, not a social human correction.

Astounding how ill we have made ourselves. The tryanny of proffered liberty found illusory?

As a prototypical boomer, now suffering depression and alcoholism, I can say I seek the dignity of work - pace B.F.Skinner, we are not beyond freedom and dignity.
Our masters lack the skill to channel us without our sensing the bars.
Having just visited the unemployment office, and received the expert professional civil servant put-down/brush-off ... I realised the profession is exactly similar to the western white whore. The fixed smile, the pretense of care, the skilled ability to get me out the door unsatisfied but with no legal basis of complaint. The women at the dole office know they cannot say anything that could be quoted against them, but they enjoy evincing contempt and disdain. Actually not white, but she had the class. Just like a white whore she despised me, but her employ depends on pretending to service me.
In the west (OK Sydney) I have spent various pleasant 40 minutes with chubby girls from PRC, Thailand, Korea (always advertised as Japanese) but white whores are so loathsome (of themselves primarily?) that I wouldn't go there. Once in the Cross (King's) I went upstairs with a couple of white Westies, one proceeded to pull out a taser and demanded money before action, I paid and left before any action. Talk about fear and loathing.

A Hizballah mission, which arrived in Moscow Tuesday, Oct. 28, was taken around Russian state of the art anti-tank missile factories, including KBP in the town of Tula southwest of Moscow, DEBKAfile’s exclusive military sources report. The Lebanese visitors were treated to a live fire demonstration of various types of missile. They then ordered 3,000 missiles of different types and returned home Saturday, Nov. 1.

Tehran is footing the bill.

Our sources disclose that the hardware inspected by the Hizballah officers included 9M133 (Nato-coded Spriggan AT-14) which can be launched by helicopter and Kliver, which is an upgraded Kornet-E mounted on vehicles. The Lebanese Shiite terrorist shoppers also placed a large order for RPG-2 rocket-propelled grenades made by Bazalt. In the 2006 "Lebanon war, the older RPG-29 used by Hizballah was responsible for most of the hits suffered by Israeli tanks.
Several weeks ago, DEBKAfile reported that Syria had supplied the Shiite group with anti-air missiles supported by radar stations. They are already deployed on two Lebanese peaks, Mt. Sannine and Jebel Barukh, which Hizballah controls.

Hubble is Back!!!
Nat Geo Pics:



"He would jump all over me, then run away," said Stefano Unterthiner of the black-crested macaque in this winning photo from the 2008 Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition.

OBAMA - Admitted:

1. I was born in Kenya.
2. I am a Kenya “natural born” citizen.
3. My foreign birth was registered in the State of Hawaii.
4. My father, Barrack Hussein Obama, Sr. admitted Paternity of me.
5. My mother gave birth to me in Mombosa, Kenya.
6. My mother’s maiden name is Stanley Ann Dunham a/k/a Ann Dunham.
7. The COLB [Certification of Live Birth] posted on the website “Fightthesmears.com” is a forgery.
8. I was adopted by a Foreign Citizen.
9. I was adopted by Lolo Soetoro, M.A. a citizen of Indonesia.
10. I was not born in Hawaii.

Obama's half-sister recalled that the family attended the mosque "for big communal events." Watson learned from childhood friends that "Obama sometimes went to Friday prayers at the local mosque." Barker found that "Obama occasionally followed his stepfather to the mosque for Friday prayers." One Indonesia friend, Zulfin Adi, states that Obama "was Muslim. He went to the mosque.

Its really hard to see what we are being sold here ...

02 November 2008

Bluefin Tuna, Pine Plantations, Cow burps

Plantation Forests in NZ
notes on RadioNZ Insight program 2/11/08

"plantation" in NZ means mostly Pinus Radiata. Originally from Monterey. grows well here.
On "Marginal land" although a voice said our 'marginal' land is quite fertile, so how marginal is it?
New Zealand’s forests grow, on average, seven times faster than Sweden’s, 13 faster than Russia’s and 20 times faster than Canada’s.

Its hard to get an actual number for yields (why?) in Tons/ha/year.
The Ministry, having sold off "State Forests" has web pages years out of date.
But dry wood is yield is above 10+ Ton/ha/yr ( or more ... see below)

Problem: Wood is out of fashion.
In the last 4 years 40,000 ha have been cut and not replaced. Planting has "all but stopped"
Sawmills and Nurseries are closing (9 of 14 nurseries closed in last decade)
At peak 30,000 ha/yr were planted (early 90s?)
Emissions Trading means a trickle of new activity. The deforestation deluge may have ceased.
Now: high-density seeds are hard to get... may take 7 years to get seed.

A forester from Tokeroa said "11% of this forest has gone to other uses" [nb 40K is not 11% of 1E6]

70% of wood is exported. (too much as logs, a 3rd world type activity)
China minerals importing drove up bulk carrier prices.

80% of plantations are owned by 9 biggest companies ... greenhouse uncertainty has hurt them ... ???

Lockwood eco-home are all wood inside
[I like the knotty look when new. Needs a lot of varnish,but. Radiata pine has wide soft growth rings that get grubby easily
One House has 18 Tons of Carbon,

Scion (a semi-govt science agency is touting wood as a lignoCellulose source of transport fuel
1E6ha could supply 40% of NZ's transport fuel [1E6 is one million]
3E6ha could supply all our (current?) petrol = 150% of current forests (nb slightly wooly figures)

lignocellulose should be good "by 2013"

NZ marginal land has good fertility and rainfall [is it then truly marginal?]
(radiata grows every day in NZ, but doesnt sweat it at night, hence NZ is so great. Redwoods also do well here)

I am a bit sus about lignoCellulose to liquid fuel.
But its certainly worth a look.

it takes energy to grind up the wood
- leaf eater ants use as much energy cutting leaves as they would flying - leaves are soft

the pulp is acid treated - have to cost ($ or Joules or Carbon) that acid

are we talking
1) enzymes ......enzymes aint cheap
2) cells; multiple organism ferment? how to keep the population stable?
We know very little about the multiple organism mix. A lot is said about Termite guts, but a cursory glance reveals a fantastic protoctist bacterial intimate mix. Doubtful if we could mimic it. Termites do it by anus-to-anus feeding
Also those are 'primitive' termites Advanced termites have progressed to fungal gardens. Spend a lot of time chewing.
News Items
Scientists isolate Spirochetes convert two gases in termite stomachs, hydrogen and carbon dioxide, into acetic acid,
- one bacteria doesnt a system make.
NZ: 6.2 million hectares are in natural forest, and 1.3 million hectares in planted production forest (old figures?)

MAF figures (sadly out of date)
planted forest area (000 ha) 1980: 880 ......1985: 1,098 ....1990:1,304 ....1992: 1,325 ....1994:1,388

2005 figures

Radiata Monocultures can support native wildlife
"already 100,000 to 200,000 hectares have been or are about to be converted – mainly to dairy farming. If this isn’t done in a careful way, we could potentially increase the threat to some of our rare species ...
Native species living in plantation forests around the country include 36 native orchid species, birds such as native robin (or toutouwai), kakapo, kiwi, kokako, an endangered ground beetle, and hundreds of other insects, plants and fungi.
the plantation forest area in New Zealand decreased by about 12,000 hectares during 2007 - the third consecutive year the area of forest has declined. At 2000 ha or less in 2007, new forest plantings are the lowest recorded since 1950 - down from 10,600 ha in 2004, 6000 ha in 2005 and 5000 ha in 2006. Meanwhile, 14,000 ha were deforested in 2007, up from 12,900 ha in 2006.
Ethanol not the best?
"a selected mixed culture of thousands of different microbes to convert the biomass into butyrate.
From there the material is sent back to Peoria where another collaborator, Nasib Qureshi. Ph.D., using fermenters, converts the butyrate to butanol.
The USDA researchers Bruce Dien, Ph.D., and Michael Cotta, Ph.D. use physical and chemical techniques to make the hard-to-degrade lignocellulosic material more amenable to degrade, an important step that allows Angenent's mixed media culture to work its magic.
a selected mixed culture of thousands of different microbes to convert the biomass into butyrate."
- I worry about the abillity to maintain that culture of thousands,.... and the costing of those physical and chemical techniques - acids and grinding cost Joules.
a decent report...
Pete Hodgson
• Ethanol from lignocellulose is coming at us faster than we thought possible: see
big scale plants within18 months, with product at around US$1.30 / gallon
There are no microorganisms that can directly ferment lignocellulose to ethanol.
Three different processes for lignocellulosic ethanol fermentation have been
proposed,. All use a form of acid pretreatment

...a HTML readable of the pdf (ugh!) file:
what is it about bureaucrats that they produce pdf (UGH!) files. Maybe they feel a HTML file is not a 'product', a bolus that they can point to.
why is pdf still around??
From my old blog 2004:
Radiata Pine "In New Zealand, stands 35 to 40 years old yield about 770 m³/ha"
pine bark tonic?
One hectare of closely managed Pinus radiata in New Zealand is now expected to yield a remarkable 20 m³ of timber every year .. felled every 20 - 30 years.
One famous plot on unfertilised land gave a 50m³/yr yield.
This might be the 20-50m³ = 10-25T/ha/yr radiata (@ 525 kg m³)
Better than Cannabis
king of biomass
But: I worked in the Copper "recycling" industry in the 1970s ... All the copper recycled was dumped as CuOxyChloride on the Radiata.. so they may grow fantastically well with little fertiliser, but once all the copper toilet cisterns and all the phone wires are gone, we will need to find more Copper (this is only $2.5E6/yr? see below)
Is it "recycling" if the cycle ends in the forest?

On balance it looks like NZ's huge radiata plantations are a giant carbon sink
The timber is not much good for building unless it is heavily poisoned: CopperChromeArsenic is the favourite. Hopefully this will discourage burning, so the Carbon will remain sunk.
Some people day that radiata plantations are dull. The mat of needles does seem to inhibit a lot of undergrowth. Red Tailed cockatoos seem to like the cones, so they aint all bad.

Other Biomass:
canary grass Finland: 4-14(mean 10) T dm/ha on clay soil.
Elephant grass
miscanthus(Elephant grass) 15 T/ha/yr
1 kg dry = 0.4 kg of oil in energy,as a fuel.
DM yield 11.7 - 25.3 t DM /ha/yr (44 t DM/ha/yr as reported from a source in Denmark)
M. sacchariflorus .. southern England 12 - 20t DM/ha/yr.
"In Europe..15 t/ha dw.. Over large areas, ..average.. 8t/ha .. may be expected"
" If high yields can be attained, its energy and carbon balance may be favorable (though not as good as woody crops),"
For Energy use "pulverisation energy" can be a big cost, even for miscanthus.

(2004 extract ends)
New Zealand forest industry spends around $2.5 million per
year on Dothistroma control by aerial application of copper ... this is small change

If pests appear, the reaction cann be savage, witness the unpopular arial spraying of Auckland suburbs with unpublished toxins a few years ago

1080 baits are dropped to poison possum, fortunately NZ has no native mammals to suffer.

Density defined
basic density, the oven-dry weight divided by the green wood volume, in kg/m3.
Radiata pine is commonly regarded as a ‘medium’ density softwood, with typical tree basic density of 400-420 kg/m³
However,wood samples can cover a wide range ...350 and 550 kg/m³
700-900 m³ /ha ???
trees: 300-500 t/ha = 550 - 900 ton CO2 ??? (C to CO2 I suppose)
(We should all agree to talk about C, not CO2...)
All those plantations are being cut down to convert to Dairy farms
A double whammy of greenhouse gas: lost tree carbon
and Cow burps
Estimates vary
1 cow = petrol 107litre/year = car 900km??
or cow = car??
nb 10x variation in estimates
high quality feed or, low quality feed --- stories vary
climate change is a serious distraction from Peak Oil
...Peak Oil will crash our culture long before rising temperatures
the current financial crash is a serious distraction from Peak Oil
.... The economy can recover from greedy bankers, but cheap oil is gone forever.
in 2003 New Zealand's greenhouse gas emissions consisted of 46% carbon dioxide, 35.4% methane, 17.9% nitrous oxide, with Hydrofluorocarbons, Perfluorocarbons and sulphur hexafluoride accounting for some 0.5% of gross emissions. Agricultural emissions of methane from ruminants and nitrous oxide from fertilizer make up 48.5% of the total

Even if we follow the Kyoto Rules and assign a value to methane emissions of 20 times CO2 then the 300 to 500gms of methane equate to 6 to 10kgs CO2.

The cow has removed 25kgs of CO2 from the atmosphere and emits 6 to 10kgs CO2 equivalents in methane. She is in credit between 15 to 19kgs".
is it a problem --short term????
How much is sent overseas in milk products? This carbon is a credit to the cow and the New Zealand farmer. If the carbon is eventually released to the atmosphere from an overseas country then that country should pay.


I think Cow Climate danger is overrated..
But Tree to fuel may be optimistic at $2 per litre

Bluefin Tuna

Had my first taste of bluefin tuna last week. Lightly fried. Unusual red muscle, almost mammalian in appearance, but softer. Extremely salty taste (added?) not marvelous.
I can see how this was regarded as cat-food until Japs began treating raw tuna as a luxury. I dont know how old my meal was. Raw tuna must hit Tokyo fish market very quickly, upon which it can be worth heaps.
Odd to be munching on a Critically endangered species. Amateur caught. In NZ. They go out 50km in small boats and fish right next to the huge trawlers which are catching Hoki. Hoki is often the fish in "fish & chips", exported, not endangered. Odd looking but.
The trawlers arent interested in the bluefin, which hang around the hull and the trawl net. I guess that without a rapid delivery mechanism to Japan, the bluefin arent worth much. I dont know how critically endangered bluefin are in this South Ocean.

The rod&line guys can spend 3-4 hours fighting (torturing?) a fish, which makes it sporting. I would fish if invited, probably not for bluefin, but it is torturing wild animals. Like shooting, I feel that its OK for some to keep the skills alive. Is it true that 90% of all fish over 30cm have gone?
Each USA citizen consumes her weight in oil every week

Hugo launches The Simon Bolivar satellite for the Telesur television network.