No strongly denounces the "No Pressure" video released in the UK by the 10:10 Campaign. works with over 500 organizations in 180 countries and neither we nor any of our partners saw the video before 10:10 released it live on the internet. Once we viewed it, we immediately urged 10:10 to take it off the web. The video is diametrically opposed to everything we and this movement stands for.
"No Pressure" video 10:10
Tiny PlanesThe future of asymmetric warfare. Tiny RemotePilotedVehicles.
Capital has largely gone for bigger vehicles. Australia Defence famously ignored their local Aerosonde. Militaries are enamoured with 200kg bombs, which can dramatically demolish a house.
Resistance groups require irritants. Cheap tiny planes which can deliver a shotgun cartridge to the neck of a crusader.
Some standard military are investigating tiny reconnaissance drones. But imagine the day when 500 disposable planes invade a football stadium, armed only with cluster bombs. Many might perish in the crush.
brooklynaerodrome$100 remotePilotesVehicle

Electric NumeracyCohen Kadosh managed to improve numeracy in volunteers by applying tDCS to the right parietal cortex.
He zapped his volunteers while they familiarised themselves with made-up symbols representing the numbers 1 to 9. The volunteers had no idea which symbols stood for which number but had to work it out ..
Those given tDCS learned the symbols faster and did better in the tests than those given a sham..- the improvements have lasted six months so far.
Gliese 581gSeptember 29. "This is the first exoplanet that really has the right conditions for water to exist in liquid form on its surface." Vogt
Gliese 581 four previously known planets orbiting the diminutive star, two bracket what astrobiologists call the habitable zone, or the "Goldilocks zone"—the region of space surrounding a star that is neither too hot nor too cold for liquid water and just possibly life. The smaller of the two new worlds, Gliese 581g, orbits right between those two planets, placing it more squarely in the star's habitable zone
Gliese 581g does not appear properly aligned to transit its star from Earth's vantage point
about 20 light years from ...
Fred Hoyle's science-fiction is entertaining. None of it has literary value. I regard "
October the First is Too Late" as very easily his best novel...
Marina Silva got 19% in 1st round Brazil Election - MS resigned as environment minister in 2008

This acantharian amoeba grows fragile, crystal shells o
f strontium sulphate. It is found almost everywhere across the world's oceans and leads its adult life within 300 metres of the surface.
Shack chic
stealthofnationsneuwirth@tedthe_places_we_livesquattercityaperturethese uri the only dcent thing to emerge from Stewart Brand's love affair with big corporate


Rice down & ups..drought in Southeast Asia..cut rice production by as much as 40 percent. .. usually harvest one rice crop in August, and the main .. crop in October.
..rice harvest, will bunch up in November..Last month, rice prices in Thailand..hit a two-year low ..
exports,.. a third of the world total, .. to drop by .. a million tons this year..
....In 2008, poor weather and low rice stocks.. over $1,000 a ton. .. UN Concepcion Calpe said .. drought has lowered Cambodia's expected rice production 10 percent and Thailand's by about six percent, Asia's crop as a whole will b
e better than 2009."Indonesia,..bad start and were also affected by drought, they still will record an increase,"
"India, we foresee a very strong recovery from last year … because it was affected by the erratic monsoon.
China we see will
increase tremendously their production, Bangladesh also. So, the major players, so far we see that they will have a larger crop in 2010."
With production up and plenty of rice in government reserves, said Calpe, there is little risk of food shortages or price jumps.
USA wheat 46.7 bushels per acre = 3.14T/ha vs Australia 1.7, Intensive UK 7 ??
1,500 mg per day of dried powdered cranberries significantly improved measures of prostate health.
swansonvitaminsnutrition vitamins

50mybp dandelion
why do dandelions have flowers if they are parthenogenS?
Pipelinestan:The new EPSO pipeline snakes through east Siberian steppes from the Russian town of Skvordino to Daqing, an oil hub in China.
a project to boost capacity of the Eastern Siberia-Pacific Ocean oil pipeline up to 50 million tons per year (with prospects of further capacity increase up to 80 million tons) has been approved, Russia is gaining chances to expand its presence in the Asia-Pacific energy market.
..affney, Cline & Associates (GCA) announced Turkmenistan’s staggering gas reserves (14 trillion cubic meters).[ix]
myspacemeeukeamsplinksmyspaceoutofcentralasianowuyghurnewsIran announced the completion of its Dauletabad-Sarakhs-Khangiran pipeline in January 2010, which links Turkmenistan’s natural gas resources to Khangiran in Iran, where it joins with the Iran Gas Trunkline.
Filthy Fonterradestroyed rainforest which it said was driving climate change and putting at risk several species, including the orangutan.
"As the palm industry opens up new frontiers across Indonesia, companies like Fonterra, which is expected to spend $230 million this year buying up a quarter of the world's traded palm kernel,
Russia Caves"A decision was taken not to supply S-300s to Iran," Makarov was quoted as saying by the state-run RIA. "They definitely fall under sanctions.
Zionist criminalsThe UN Human Rights Council
.."clear evidence to support prosecutions" against Israel for "wilful killing" and torture .....
...Israel's blockade is unlawful .. the killing of at least six of the passengers were in a manner consistent with an extra-legal, arbitrary and summary execution."
Maori ClassAnnette Sykes, and her address, "The Politics of the Brown Table", issues a powerful challenge to: "A self-anointed Iwi Leaders Group, a Maori Party that supports a National/Act government, and a group of Crown mandated intermediaries drawn from retired politicians and bureaucrats".
According to Ms Sykes, these "agents for the manufacturing of consent and the management of discontent among Maori" are guilty of "harnessing Maori to a global capitalism that impoverishes the mass of working-class Maori and [is] making them dependent on its survival."