Endurance Crater
search all the books found this Rilke, buried in Pynchon:
    "And though Earthliness forget you,
    To the stilled Earth say: I flow.
    To the rushing water speak: I am."
and here
..pillars and lintels, hollow structures constructed using wood and cement board
(hewn stone would have been too expensive and time-consuming to erect).
gusee theyre not aiming for 4000 years
The billions of cicadas set to emerge from the ground en masse later this month
are.. high in protein, low in fat, no carbs,"
..quite nutritious, a good set of vitamins."
The largest group of periodical cicadas, known as Brood X, will crawl
out of the ground soon and carpet trees along the eastern United States.
By July, Brood X will be gone not to be heard from again for 17 years.
[cicadas choose prime numbers so as not to meet predators on
any multiple of generations less than their own]