First cicadas last week, or may have been a car alarm,
Sydney cicadas are the worlds loudest, sound industrial.
Jacarandas dropping their absurdly coloured blossoms in the lane
The Bolsheviks at SouthSydney have cut our garbage collection
on the PC principle that less bins means less garbage
Toxic-Biophilia abounds...
4wheel drive behemoths
race across "natural" landscapes on our wall-screens
SUVs firebombed in Encino,
perhaps there will remain some refugia
in the coming eco-collapse
so maybe we will have merely an ice-age level extinction event
not a Permian level extinction event
Miss Digital World discussed at suicidegirls
I just got off the phone with the runner of this pageant and he told me
"I couldn't care less about CGI, I just want women to have
an even MORE impossible standard to live up to."
Who knew?

kaya's site