Microfluidics, Google energy, Planets , Griff
Microfluidics tiny cheap lab-on-a-chip
now lab-on-a-postage-stamp.
Diagnostics are much quicker to market than therapeutics , because they dont require years of safety tests.
In the near future diagnostic chips ( paper strips) are gonna be everywhere
thousands of "wells" with DNA sequences will report on your genic susceptibilities, your tumours genetic pathways,your infectious agents and their resistances.
Its gonna be a world with loads of paper test strips checking your blood, your urine and your fridge.
For colourblind people, we'll need a CCD sensor to read the colours of the test results.. (ie an App)
The "stamps" (who has postage stamps around?) will tell you when to start what drugs, when to stop, and when to rush to ER.
Examples: if Sewage can be easily tested for Hepatitis/Polio etc it can be used as fertiliser in safety.
(face it if noone in your house has Hep then your sewage doesnt have Hep.. check your visitors?)
Genetic markers can tell which farm a food came from, and trace contaminants
Enzyme/DNA 10c tests are gonna be huge.
paper diagnostics
CCD chips can be lens -free microscopes...
Using a $1.50 digital camera sensor, scientists at Caltech have created the simplest and cheapest lens-free microscope yet. Such a device could have many applications, including helping diagnose disease in the developing world, and enabling rapid screening of new drugs.
The best current way to diagnose malaria is for a skilled technician to examine blood samples using a conventional optical microscope... A simple lens-free imaging device connected to a smart phone ..could automatically diagnose disease. A lensless microscope could also be used for rapid cancer or drug screening, with dozens or hundreds of microscopes working simultaneously.
.. microfluidics lead a sample across the light-sensing chip, which snaps images in rapid succession..subpixel resolving optofluidic microscope, or SROFM.
"The advantage here is that it's simpler than their previous approaches," says David Erickson, a microfluidics expert at Cornell ..Cells tend to roll end over end .. producing a video. .. clinician (App?)can determine its volume,..
- they say techreview has been captured by the car makers, so their E-Autos are a bit sus, but the biomedical stuff is worth watching
Google 260 million watts across the globe,... 80 to 90% .. data centers.. Google custom builds many .. in Finland that uses a seawater cooling ..
..3% of servers .... 1% of server-electricity use
... Gmail instead of an in-house e-mail 80x energy efficient.
..25% of its energy by renewable fuels —such as from wind farms—.. (note NZ @ 70% ? )
Planets dont bet on neighbourhood radio hams
"About one-third of FGK stars are predicted to have at least one terrestrial, habitable-zone planet,"
he Continuous Habitable Zone, which our Earth could exist in and remain "Earth-like", is the range 0.95 - 1.15 AU, and this drops the incidence of Earth-like planets, based on Traub's formula, to just 6.3% of FGK stars, themselves ~15% of the stars of the Galaxy. Combining the two%ages means about 1% of the Galaxy's 100 billion stars has a planet in the CHZ, thus 1 billion truly Earth-like planets.
a Billion earth-like sounds a lot:
[ however if half stars are in multiples, and multiples dont provide enough stability, we are left with
3E8 Eplanets, say 1E8 existing now
take cellular life = E-1 .. E-2 probable ie 1 chance in 100 that life forms
metazoan life = E-2 .. E-4
uses fire = E-3.. E-6
uses metal E-1 ... E-4
uses Radio = E-2 .. E-4
active now = E-1...E-10???
we are left with E-2 .. E-12 radio civilizations now ie chances are 1 in 100 to 1 ..a billion to 1 or worse that we are alone - in this Galaxy
I'd bet around a million to 1. So SETI is a waste of time.
If you include 100E9 galaxies, odds are quite good for smart life. Look for sun powered laser beams from other galaxies?
they might just destroy a bunch of stars to encode an encyclopedia?? Two-way coms out of the question if FTL is out.
St.Alf - ch 8 verse 5 - page 9. 'Griff walks in such mysterious ways His woodwork to perform'