Blackcurrant powder, Drinking Stories
Blackcurrants feral on the steep bank behind my house, inaccessable without powertools and protective clothing
So I lashed out on SUJON Blackcurant powder $40.50 for 189g
Apparently blackcurrants have the highest in anthocyanins
antioxidant activity
blackcurrants 100g 12,881
blueberries 6,341
green tea 250ml 1,500
Sujon says
New independent research suggests that SuJon New Zealand Blackcurrants are the Number One Super Fruit in the world, being the highest antioxidant cultivated berry. This is due to high intensity of natural UV light, a pristine environment, perfect growing conditions and unique varieties to New Zealand. Being the richest natural source of blackcurrant poly phenols available they also outperform bilberry, acai, goji, pomegranate, grape seed, pine bark and blueberry in antioxidant potency. The table below compares the antioxidant activity in Blackcurrants with other foods.
Proposed Shopping list Would cost around 5x in NZ (except for fish oil)
Vit B 50mg SWANSON $7.99 SW058 250 Caps.. 2x $16
fish oil SWE026 • 100 Sgels300 mg of EPA and 200 mg of DHA $6.49 3x $19.5
NZ 1 cap = 8c 180+100mg?
Vit D $5.49 Item #: SW1030 Availability: In Stock 1,000 IU 250 Caps SWANSON $5.49 2.2c/1000iu 5.5
Swanson Premium Vitamin C w/Rose Hips?SW106 • 1,000 mg 250 Caps $7.99 3.2c/g 2x 16++
..Choline+ Inositol. SW039 • 250/250 mg 250 Caps $11.99
..Lutein.. Astaxanthin SWANSON $9.39I SWU331 60 Sgels Lutein & Zeaxanthin <<<<<<<< 3x 28.2
SW1000 • 500 mg 100 Caps $10.79 L-Carnatine 50000mg = 1079c 21.6c/g 2x 21.6
Lipoic SWU190 • 300 mg 120 Caps $8.79 7.3c/cap 2x 17.6
Vit E $19.89 SW156 1,000 IU 250 Sgels 20
NAC SW854 • 600 mg 100 Caps.. $6.49 3x 19.5
Silimarin $6.99 SWC017 90 Caps 372mg weed alipoic 20mg 3x $18++
SW206 • 50 mg 250 Caps..50 mg zinc gluconate.. $3.79 3.8
Glutathione $15.49 SW936 100 mg 200 Caps .. 15.5
The USA fish oil probably comes from Chesapeake - George Bush snr has a business crushng coarse fish.
there is a NZ sourced fish oil - more expensive but might be worth avoiding the USA East Coast
Alcohol .... Supplements to take if you intend to continue Ethanol (reposting)
(Remember folks USA Swansons mail-order is 5-8 times cheaper than extortionate prices charged in NZ)
Some Drinking Stories:
Nutrients that neutralize alcohol byproducts and protect against alcohol vitamin C, B1, E
the amino acids S-allyl-cysteine and glutathione, selenium
chronic pretreatment with vit E prevents alcohol-induced vascular injury in the brain
antidote (N-acetyl-cysteine) ..ethanol metabolism result in acetaldehyde N-acetyl cysteine binds acetaldehyde
Kyolic Garlic Formula 105 Garlic S-allyl-cysteine, a neutralizer of acetaldehyde
S-Adenosylmethionine (SAMe)
.. depressing an enzyme to convert methionine into S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe)
.. 400-800 mg of SAMe 2x day protect liver
if too expensicve: 500 mg trimethylglycine (TMG, also known as glycine betaine), 800 üg folic acid, and 500 üg vitamin B12, 2x day, ..
help liver to synthesize S-adenosylmethionine.
Probiotics a supplement to nourish intestinal flora..fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS)
Magnesium Chronic alcohol ..constrict arteries in the brain .. 500-1500 mg of magnesium.. keep cerebral.. vessels open by blocking excess infiltration of calcium into endothelial cells.
Silibinin (Special Milk Thistle Extract) least 500 mg a day milk thistle extract silibinin
These 2 look interesting, but maybe expensive.. Swansons dont have them, so u can bet they'll cost
European Picamilon (50 mg, 3x day) and Pyritinol (200 mg 3x day)..restore neurological function ..
An expensive prescription drug called Nimotop (nimodipine) 30 mg 3-4 xday, can slowly repair cns damage
Picamilon (also known as nicotinoyl-GABAm
Pyritinol also called pyridoxine disulfide or pyrithioxine (European drug names Encephabol, Encefabol, Cerbon 6) is a semi-natural water soluble analog of vitamin B6
PPC polyenylphosphatidylcholine prior to alcohol consumption.. protection against ..alcohol-induced liver injury in animals ..
Choline is used by the truckload in processed foods.. it oughta be cheap. in NZ it aint (surprise!)
- probably best to buy in 40 gallon drum... Hope the Estrogens &other shit from Soy arent in the choline
- probably a net benefit. A bit of Estrogen doesnt scare me at my age.
Some more Drinking stories:
Perfect Equation.. patented the extract,.. skin of the prickly pear, Opuntia ficus.
..drank five hours after taking the pill, they experienced less severe hangover
Opuntia ficus indica (OFI) diminishes the inflammatory response .. (Easier to find in Auz than NZ )
The important thing is to take the hangover 'cures' *before* the drinking session, not the next morning
Hangover cures?: feverfew fumaric acid ginger inositol milk thistle niacinamide succinic acid.
..BMJ "encouraging findings" for borage, a yeast product, and tolfenamic acid
Commercial names for tolfenamic acid include Clotam Rapid and Tufnil for use in humans and Tolfedine for veterinar Tolfine
Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium; syn. Chrysanthemum parthenium (L.) Pers., Pyrethrum parthenium Sm.)
$4.49 SWH147 500 mg 60