Food, locus coeruleus, Lovecraft
...: It is true that grain production has expanded faster than population, from 249 kilograms per person in 1950 to 342 kg/ 1984. But since then, it has fallen to..320 kg/p[.. this year.
..U.S. corn yields an average of 10 tons per hectare, but U.S. wheat yields are under < href="">scientificamerican
...University of Kuopio... human urine and wood ash make a reasonably potent tomato fertilizer..early keeping pace with conventional (sic) fertilizer. .. August 26 Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.
.....wood rich in.. potassium and calcium, that urine lacks.
..a single individual's micturition could fertilize 6,300 tomato plants a year, yielding more than two tons of fruit.
...plants are often highly salt-averse...

Rigorous Intuition is back
The crisis is the same companion I’ve had since reading Lovecraft and Marrs and seeing the Kennedys shot, though I’m finding it more companionable at this time of life. Art Spiegelman, in In the Shadow of No Towers, wrote “I can no longer distinguish my neurotic depression from well-founded despair.” I would have said the same when he wrote that five or so years ago. But now, I’m no longer depressed. I just despair heartily.
I didn’t cry on September 11th. Though like Lovecraft's New York detective Malone, I promptly "acquired an acute and anomalous horror of any buildings even remotely suggesting the ones which had fallen in."
"Possibly Gilman ought not to have studied so hard. Non-Euclidean calculus and quantum physics are enough to stretch any brain; and when one mixes them with folklore and tries to trace a strange background of multi-dimensional reality behind the ghoulish hints of the Gothic tales and the wild whispers of the chimney-corner, one can hardly expect to be wholly free from mental tension."
- HP Lovecraft, The Dreams in the Witch House
Youth Suicides - Australia was high, then they took guns away??
The locus coeruleus— "blue spot".. attention and sensory processing. .stress response..norepinephrine.
Maia and statistics.... former heroin and cocaine addict ... Brain & Body., .. Bruce D. Perry..The Boy Who Was Raised as a Dog.. What Traumatized Children Can Teach Us About Loss, Love and Healing (Basic, 2007).
goats eat fire-risk underbrush

that french guy who climbs things

Heteropoda davidbowie
streaming video from the ISS - spacewalks simultaneously fascinating and tedious
favourite shot: inside the shuttle: 2 women with big hair (tied back, it sticks straight back) taking spacesuit off a guy who wags his arm like a big baby
"evolution of" Origin of species, one page color coded with revisions