Addendum: to Australiania:
Australia as grossly lacking in loyalty: Aus citizens detained by a brutal foreign power in inhumane conditions with no evidence of crimes produced.. Aus Govt doesnt complain, nor insist on visits, nor due process, and even refuses to accept them back. So Aus citizenship is no protection against the Great Shaitan
Apology to the Jesuits: Robert Cardinal Bellarmine could not have shown Galileo the instruments in 1631, since he died in 1621. He was a cardinal by 1600. I dont know who ordered Bruno gagged so that he could not call out heresies in the Campo di Fiori as he burned to a crisp.
After a week of rains and bombs, only 500Mlitre of sewage reached the harbour & Solon Hill assures us we are safer now, but he cant say why. We just cant travel safely anywhere, and reservists masquerading as militia will soon be patrolling our streets.