Nuclear, Australia, Ruppert, Petras, Farc
Steely John, that undersized dildo who runs this banana republic (where bananas are $12 per kilo, thanks to PermanentElNino) has decreed that we shall have 25 nuclear reactors. On the coast, because all the rivers are drying up. So hot waste Westinghouse sea water will be pumping out. Pity about the Great Barrier Reef which runs down half the coast. Some blithering idiot was talking about shade-cloth to protect the reef from coral bleaching. Another idiot claimed to be less stupid and is proposing hosing the sea surface so the sea is opaque, and less light hits the reef. 2500 km. Who gets the contract to build 500,000 solar powered(?) ships to spray the reef? I guess they're actually talking about saving just a few km, so that a few tourists can admire it. The Great Barrier Reef, is actually a youngster, 50,000 years old. The coral organisms themselves are tens of millions of years old. They evidently go and hide for a few aeons when things go bad. I trust they'll come back when industrial-man is gone. If our coming mass-extinction exceeds the Permian event, they may not. I think one reptile-like pig shaped animal survived the Permian extinction. It may be slime only this time. It takes a billion years for slime to stand up and order a latte. Bad news is that in just 500 million years the habitable zone of the solar system moves out past earth orbit.
Michael C. Ruppert isnt having a good time in Caracas.
FTW is folding up. MR reckons that its now to late for individuals to relocate to avoid PeakOilCrash. Damn, I should have made a base in NZ. My Barrio Base probably wont hold, theres no room to grow food, and too many 38's.
An Open Letter to the People and Government of the US (And a Reply to the FARC)
by James Petras November 20, 2006
Washington backed a rightwing politician with a history of ties to Colombia’s death squads for President, Álvaro Uribe. His electoral victory inaugurated one of the bloodiest extermination campaigns in the violent history of Colombia.
US military officials and their Colombian counterparts funded a 31,000 strong death squad force which ravaged the country, killing thousands of peasants in regions where the FARC was influential. Hundreds of trade unionists were assassinated by hired killers (sicarios) in broad daylight in the towns and cities occupied by the military. Human rights workers, journalists and academics who dared to report on the impunity of the military involved in village massacres were kidnapped, tortured and killed; not infrequently they were decapitated or disemboweled to sow even greater terror. Over two million peasants were forced off their land into squalid urban slums, their lands seized by prominent paramilitary chiefs or large landowners. The ‘class cleansing’ of the countryside was right out of the counter-insurgency manuals of the Pentagon, instructing the Colombian military to destroy the ‘social infrastructure’ of the guerrilla movements -
- This letter is a clear description of a typical USA trained and financed death squad campaign.
Note it was started by that good ol boy Bill Clinton.
Aint he so much more charming than GW?
- Well the answer is: not very fucking much difference if its Clinton or Bush trained sicarios who kidnap, torture and murder you.
Nuclear, Australia, Ruppert, Petras, Farc