Racism, obstetric hemorrhage
We have a lovely empty road to ourselves. We can see the parallel road, the road for Palestinians, just fifty yards away, running alongside. It's at a standstill. On that road the poor bastards have had to stop again for what looks like most of the afternoon. But us? We sail through. My Palestinian friend lights a cigarette. "Wherever you go, if you want to travel, there will be seventeen-year-old soldiers, Russians, Ethiopians, telling you how to live in your country. I'm old, so I put up with the humiliation, I absorb it." He drags on his cigarette, his face shading now. "But young people can't absorb it. They won't."nybooks
NZ's money-changer leader won't talk about it
.. this week's United Nations conference on racism. ... Foreign Minister Murray McCully confirmed today New Zealand would not take part, joining other countries including the United States, Australia, Canada, Italy, Israel and Germany.
Murray said on radio nz is joining 'many' countries in this kow-tow to racist Netanyahoo.
They left it until the last minute to chicken out, maybe hoping that Britian would go too. Bad Luck 'Sir' Murray and 'Sir' John.
Odd how upsetting is the high-tech molestation of Palestine by the Zionist Entity. Many more Tamil civilians than Palestinian civilians are reported recently killed, somehow the callous usurpation and levelling of Palestinian lands is more galling.
Its an open question if Semites fighting Semites is even racism. But if Zionists and Palestinians are not the same race, then surely the ZE is a "cruel and repressive racist regime"
Labour's associate foreign affairs spokesman, Grant Robertson, said it was unfortunate the Government had allowed "rhetoric around Israel" to override important issues about racism.
rnz's Noelle asked of the conference "really, isnt it a waste of time" - How very odd for a radio journalist, to propose that talk and debate are a waste of time...
Hey Noelle, feel free to plaigiarise my site anytime...
obstetric hemorrhage
Every five-to-seven minutes in India, a woman dies in labor. Almost every one of these deaths—roughly 500,000 a year worldwide—is preventable. Suellen Miller and Stacie Geller are working to save these mothers’ lives.good lifewraps I have no idea if these are regarded as useful by Johns Hopkins or the WHO
Globally, the largest cause of maternal death is obstetric hemorrhage, or excessive bleeding, which often occurs after labor. Most of the women dying are poor and live far from emergency medical care. The key to preventing hemorrhage is recognizing and treating it early. And central to that effort is a project developed by Suellen Miller and Stacie Geller, called the Continuum of Care to Prevent Postpartum Hemorrhage. Faced with what has been an intractable global tragedy, Miller and Geller have focused on low-tech solutions that show great promise in saving the lives of the developing world’s most vulnerable women.
Their work involves simple solutions, like the blood-collection drape that Geller helped invent, and the simple anti-shock garment that Miller is currently studying in the field in Zambia and Zimbabwe. The drape, tied at a woman’s waist and hips after delivery, easily measures blood loss, while the anti-shock garment, made of two-way stretch neoprene, is fastened with eight Velcro closures around the woman’s legs and torso to counter the effects of shock, which can result from postpartum hemorrhage
[Why I have an interest in Midwifery: because ma soeur is a professional in training midwives.. Cambodia, Afghanistan, Kiribati. She says there aren't "traditional midwives" there are "tbas" (traditional birth attendants) - thereby circumventing the question of Daya's...]
J G Ballard is dead. h/t Princess Sparkle Pony
, who we learned this year is a man.