Khan al Ahmar, Anthrax
Wikipedia article on Khan al Ahmar.
Note the Passive voice: Khan al Ahmar is "slated for destruction"
"slated for" is one of those Hokey folky expressions that tend to end up on the sports desk.
- I think its more used on US tv than in English polite conversation
A better expression might be :
"The Zionists are illegally conspiring to destroy Khan al Ahmar" - in the active rather than the passive voice
The slanted entry is boasted as an effort of "Wikiprojects Isreal" which might be better labeled ZEW "Zionists for the Enfeebling of Wikipededia"
Since Wikipedia announced that changes will be delayed & subject to review, I guess its now just another Web site.
If the review process allows tendentious, racist, sneering articles such as the current entry on Khan al Ahmar,
then Wikipedia is sub-just another web site, its an untrustworthy propaganda blathering pointless waste of Disk Space.
Wikipedia page on Khan Al-Ahmar. What bias?
1) the name is entered in brackets 1st as Hebrew, then Hebrew, finally in Arabic
1a) it is then located in "The West Bank" - the word Palestine does not appear in the article
2) called an "encampment" a derogatory term indicating transience
3) 'located' between 2 Jewish 'settlements' - a tendentious method of geo-location
4) described as 'tents and ramshackle huts' - pejorative nouns and adjectives
- this in the 1st 3 lines!
5) "slated for destruction" - "slated" appears to be a term intended to legitimise ethnic cleansing
6) the school is described as "made of tires and mud" - pejorative description of a well known sustainable building technology
Interesting that the place commemorates the story of the 'Good Samaritan' JC's parable answer to the question"who is my neighbour"
the 'discussion' page in wikipedia ia headed by .. a Zionist Entity flag
"This article is within the scope of WikiProject Israel, a collaborative effort to improve the coverage of Israel on Wikipedia."
- so Wikipedia loses the last of its interesting repute for independence, I guess it couldnt last.
remembering 11 September 2001
US Military Anthrax killed 5, including 2 in mailrooms of US Senators, who got the message, and signed up to the 'Patriot Act'
While Congress admirably resisted adopting the odious Patriot Act in the weeks following 9/11, both chambers quickly caved when two Democratic senators’ offices were subsequently targeted with anthrax-laced letters. ..[ one guy from the lab had the finger pointed at him. He was conveniently found dead, supposedly killed himself...]
The big story behind the 2001 anthrax attacks, however, was never properly covered: White House staff had started taking Cipro, an anthrax-treatment drug, a full week before the first attack even occurred. You’ve got to wonder what prior information the Bush administration had -
..Having anthrax show up at the offices of the two Congressmen [sic] who were blocking the pre-9/11-written Patriot Act was one heck of a coincidence... I went from ‘this is interesting, but how will we ever know’ to ‘wow! there's a strong case for complicity’ after hearing that David Griffin was writing The New Pearl Harbor .. I would say focus on Building 7 to start with. Show people the collapse. Show them Silverstein making his inadvertent confession. Show them that the 9/11 Commission Report doesn't even mention any of this -- not even a footnote! If that doesn't get them scratching their heads, I don't know what will.
USA military Anthrax 2001
Daschle and Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., received the two most potent anthrax-laden letters last October. They were part of a series of anthrax letter attacks that killed five people, including 94-year-old Ottilie Lundgren of Oxford. Thirteen more people were sickened.
nb Daschle was _not_ against the patriot act. Leahy was for it, then against the renewal in 2006
So it cant be said for certain that the anthrax letters were intended to help pass the patriot act 2001
nb wikipedia says :Both were identified in the media[4] as holding up the proposed Patriot Act because of concerns that some parts of it would violate civil liberties.
J Lancaster. Anti Terrorism Bill Hits Snag on the Hill. The Washington Post. Oct 3 2001
so maybe the scare worked. Remember the source was never found, but the anthrax strain was USA military