Colac Aborigine, Moopor, holds a bone to curse Prime Minister John Howard, watched by former ATSIC chief Geoff Clark
Uranium Munitions (DU)
The following estimates of damage from DU may or may not include
1) direct weight comparison of Uranium in DU & Nagasaki bomb
2) allow for (non-existent?) "Depletion"
3) allow for short/long lived isotopes produced in the fission event
I plan to do the reading, when I am feeling especially strong...
"..In terms of global atmospheric pollution, we've already released the equivalent of 400,000 Nagasaki bombs, Moret said..."
"..DU dust does more than wreak havoc on the immune systems of those who breathe or touch it; the substance also alters one's genetic code.
Thus, birth defects are way up in Afghanistan since the invasion: children "born with no eyes, no limbs, tumors protruding from their mouths ...deformed genitalia," .. "silent genocide"
Radiation in Iraq Equals 250,000 Nagasaki Bombs
World Uranium Weapons Conference
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's..Lockheed Lightning P-38, which vanished on July 31, 1944..pulled from the Mediterranean near Marseilles.
Not this one...
Neat multi-blog
Fog of War macnamara speaks
wtf world war animation
My Life continued..
I have switched from Johny Walker to VB stubbies
JW $28 = 280cc Ethanol
VB $30 = 441cc Ethanol but an embarrassing amount of glass for recycling...
I hate the new house, I have no fear of poverty or squalor,
I am afraid of spending lots of money
in an attempt at modern respectability,
only to end up in a low ceiling, cramped, polished floors
thin walled,halogen spots, failed attempt at middleclass habitation.
In praise of outside toilets and bathroom...
no smells inside, open windows mean dry towels...
Thankfully I have visual privacy, if not auditory privacy
- Steven next door an aging (ie my age) gay, seems friendly
and sliding glass doors to a tiny yard with slippery green bricks.