more Science:
Cosmology: No idea what 90% of stuff is. Some chap at Siding springs reckons its Jupiter-mass Blackholes 1 meter across. But we cant have 100% hadronic because of observed early H/D/He/Lithium ratios?
Some good news, the 64 Dish Atacana array is go.
Architecture: More good news: Norman Fosters big cigar in London actually has opening windows. On the site bombed by the IRA in 92. NF & BuckyFuller developed "Climatroffice" ideas. Onya Norman.
Medicine: Bad news the retrovirus SCID "boy in the bubble" treatment is not now a therapy, after 2 of 10 French boys got cancer. We have next to no idea how retro-virus get into cells, nor what they do once inside, other than they splice in. We dont know much about cells at all. A bit about the chemistry, thats all.
The USAnians in Iraq need to do the old Brit Empire divide & rule. But who to pick as favourites? Shia in Najaf? (where they is "no US presence") - the guy wants Sharia. Shia from Iran? Sunni Saddamites? None looks at all appealing to USA.
....Ha ha!