Heartland Institute, Brian Leyland, Deniers, Teal'C
NZ Climate Change Deniers get Listener journalist fired, abject apologies from blogger under threat.
Dave Hansford canned for outing disgusting corporate CCDs
Fat Cat right-wing USA think tanks threaten free speech in NZ
...the environmental writer for the New Zealand Listener was fired after Heartland demanded he be silenced, and:- Tim Lambert
Gareth Renowden has the full story.
Well not any more. The Listener hired a lawyer to threaten him and the post has been taken down and an apology put up, which includes this statement:
In fact Mr Hansford was not sacked by The Listener, and nor did The Listener seek to censor or suppress Mr Hansford's views.
When you use lawyers to suppress people's views it kind of undercuts your claims that you didn't suppress Hansford's views.
Three ghastlty kiwis, who gladly trade present privilege for the starvation of their grandchildren...
(NZ may not starve if they plant enough kumera, and if PRC invasion fleets dont trash the place...)
, three members of the New Zealand Climate Science Coalition - Bryan Leyland, Owen McShane and Vincent Gray - spoke at UN climate talks in Denpasar in support of a US-based conservative group, the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT). They told delegates "climate change is a non-problem".,..
Leyland says CFACT did not pay him to attend the Bali talks, but acknowledges some expenses were met by the Chicago-based Heartland Institute
[so sue; Heartland, Bell Gully... If more than one person is Giordano Bruno, who you gonna call?]
christopher judge teal'c
is in town this weekend. Must say he looked a tad pudgie in Auckland ;last year

Heartland, Brian LeylandDeniers, Teal'C,