Kepler, Frank Wisner, ILG,Muriel Rukeyser
Kepler Feb 2
~60 candidates with sizes ranging from Earth-size to larger than that of Jupiter which are in the Habitability Zone of their host star. This is obviously one of the most remarkable results of this survey.
..75% of the Kepler catalog exoplanets are smaller than Neptune, with a peak of exoplanets only 2-3 times larger than Earth.
..extrapolated that 6% of the stars in our Milky way have Earth- and super-Earth size exoplanets, 17% of them have Neptune-size candidates and only 4% of them have Jupiter-size exoplanets.
However, only 14% of the host stars have multi-candidate systems, including one multi-planet system named Kepler-11 with 6 planets,
Window on the Galaxy
Fisk: more on Frank Wisner
..Mr Wisner's astonishing remarks – "President Mubarak's continued leadership is critical: it's his opportunity to write his own legacy" – shocked the democratic opposition in Egypt..
...Mr Wisner's connections with the litigation firm Patton Boggs, which openly boasts that it advises "the Egyptian military,..litigation on the [Mubarak] government's behalf ..
Patton Boggs ...oil and gas and telecommunications ... military-sales
.. US is now subcontracting or 'privatising' crisis management
.. "Even in past.."the envoys in question were not actually paid by the leader they were supposed to squeeze out!"
.. one of Zaki Hashem's senior advisers was Nabil al-Araby, one of the 25 leading Egyptian personalities just chosen by the protesters in Tahrir Square to demand the overthrow of Mubarak. ..
Robert Fisk ..
25 political personalities to negotiate for a new political leadership and a new constitution to replace Mubarak's crumbling regime.
They include
Amr Moussa, the secretary general of the Arab League
the Nobel prize-winner Ahmed Zuwail
Mohamed Selim Al-Awa, a professor and author of Islamic studies who is close to the Muslim Brotherhood;
no actual Brothers)
president of the Wafd party, Said al-Badawi.
Nagib Suez, a prominent Cairo bus man.. mobile phone
Nabil al-Arabi, an Egyptian UN delegate
heart surgeon Magdi Yacoub, .. Cairo.
Fisk actually went to Cairo, clambered over tanks...
Tony Blair: Mubarak is 'immensely courageous and a force for good'
TB convert to RomanCatholic, payed a huge salary to blather to Zionists, what is he good for - absolutely nothing
Food Speculation Behind Food Riots N Tunisia, Algeria, Sudan, Jordan, Egypt, Yemen, Morocco
It's fair to imagine a really representative, democratic government in Egypt would inevitably open the Gaza border and de facto liberate hundreds of thousands of Palestinians.
... The Arab street is very much aware how the Mubarak system was bribed to send natural gas to Israel at ridiculous prices; how it enforces the blockade against civilians in Gaza
Shit, they sent in "Death Squad" Negroponte. Days after he went into Iraq car bombs started going off in front of Shia and Sunni mosques in turn. Those pesky Iraqis suddenly forgot about free and fair local elections.
Kenneth Olsen, one of the founders of Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC), died on February 6th, 2011 at the age of 84.
England Sucks:
But under the new proposals, companies will pay nothing at all in this country on money made by their foreign branches.
Foreign means anywhere. If these proposals go ahead, the UK will be only the second country in the world to allow money that has passed through tax havens to remain untaxed when it gets here. The other is Switzerland. The exemption applies solely to “large and medium companies”(4): it is not available for smaller firms.
George is pissed off with DC
Iwi Leaders Group (ILG). Feudalism anyone?
The ILG now negotiates with the New Zealand State in much the same way as the great feudal magnates of medieval England negotiated with their King. And what Mr Sharples speech made very clear is that the ILG will use the forthcoming constitutional review to secure for the leaders of the Maori tribes, the same sort of "Magna Carta" of aristocratic rights and privileges that the barons extracted from King John at Runnymede in 1215.
Power is not shared it is ceeded.
ILG gain power bercause WhiteWesternPower in NZ feels weak. The fundamental hope for an equitable future is fading fast.
This induces a moral weakness. Without this weakness, land and resource claims from a centruy ago would be fobbed off with barely a sneer.
tvnz shockwave flash not playing ... this disrespecting of Key is being vanished
The Maori Party must explain to its supporters why it is willing to continue supporting a Government that intends to sell large chunks of assets owned by the people of New Zealand, Green Party Co-Leader Dr Russel Norman said today.
untitled poem by Muriel Rukeyser (1913-1980). Here is Rukeyser’s FBI file.
I lived in the first century of world wars.____________________________________________________
Most mornings I would be more or less insane,
The newspapers would arrive with their careless stories,
The news would pour out of various devices
Interrupted by attempts to sell products to the unseen.
I would call my friends on other devices;
They would be more or less mad for similar reasons.
Slowly I would get to pen and paper,
Make my poems for others unseen and unborn.
In the day I would be reminded of those men and women,
Brave, setting up signals across vast distances,
Considering a nameless way of living, of almost unimagined values.
As the lights darkened, as the lights of night brightened,
We would try to imagine them, try to find each other,
To construct peace, to make love, to reconcile
Waking with sleeping, ourselves with each other,
Ourselves with ourselves. We would try by any means
To reach the limits of ourselves, to reach beyond ourselves,
To let go the means, to wake.
I lived in the first century of these wars.
After Warming, I fear the blue whales will be gone, the universe may lose its biggest denizen.
but Antarctica has been around for 35my so seems rather stable
warm = rain = forests? will the Sahara be grass again?
cold = dry = dust = fertile seas
but Sahara dust -> Amazon fertiliser?
does cold = big grasslands = megafauna?
With more rain, and smaller glaciers, humans will need to store floodwater. How? Underground stone/concrete cisterns? Dam Lakes? ponds? weirs? rubber bladders?
Millions of plastic bottles cover ponds to reduce evaporation?
Weirs on upland streams apparently put water into natural underground aquifers.
astaxanthin.. salmon pink.. grind up those old Crayfish shells...
12 weeks of oral supplementation with astaxanthin .. 40-50% reductions in ..phospholipid hydroperoxides (PLOOH), known to accumulate in erythrocytes of people with dementia, ..
..incorporated into the red blood cells..
..used enhance the pink coloration of fish such as salmon.
The human uses market .. $35-60M 2008 data ..
..eye and skin health .. joint health and central nervous system health?? antioxidant ..500 times that of vitamin E.
Most astaxanthin is derived from the algae, Haematococcus pluvialis,.. commonly consumed by fish and crustaceans ..
40 subjects aged 50 - 69 .. 6 or 12 mg astaxanthin per day for 12 weeks. from H. pluvialis (Puresta)
Source: British Journal of Nutrition....25-Nov-2010