Asawa has injured her leg while learning to ride a scooter.
I cant lacerate my mind over a lovers wounds
fate fell in love with a stupid girl.
2 stiches on the hand, 5 on the leg... not lifethreatening
ENFP - "Journalist". Uncanny sense of the motivations of others. Life is an exciting drama. 8.1% of total population. |
this engram testing is jive - they reckoned I am exceptional at determining others motives.
In Fact I am rather high on the Aspergers Spectrum - other people are a mystery to me
Toxic Biophilia
Sometime around 1960, the developed world turned from the Organic to the Chemical. A belief was promulgated that ecological links could be disregarded, and any problem could have a simple isolated technical solution.
This belief structure came in large part from the art of advertising, offering discrete products as technical fixes.
Along the way essential bodies of knowledge have been lost.
An Example: My Grandfather lived in a small city, maintained a sizeable garden through the 1940 to 60s.
He kept a compost heap, but it was not maintained to best practices and bred lots of flies. Simply mixing and turning would have kept the temperature up enough to kill fly larvae.
He fretted constantly about insect and fungal damage to his fruit, and the use of chemicals began.
My Father maintained a compost heap in our rather smaller city back yard. It was never very efficient, and the Lawn/Rosebed style of garden could not absorb the output. We had an "incinerator" where we burned all the household paper waste. (A windy town meant no worries about air pollution) My father would look at the heap of ashes and wonder what to do with it. Eventually we would load it onto a trailer and tow it behind our car to the city "Dump". Somehow the knowledge that it was extremely valuable as fertiliser had been lost. Ashes would have been a good balance to the piles of lawn clippings that sat acidically for weeks not composting.
One sighting of a rat and the compost bin was abandoned. Replaced with a machine under the sink that ground up organic waste and flushed it down the drain. I am not saying that is a terrible thing to do, or that the loss of the compost bin was a terrible thing. Rather they are a good example of the replacement of a complex, at times awkward system requiring folk knowledge, with a simple machine which flushed waste "away" out of sight.
The major device that has spearheaded this mechanisation, is of course the automobile, which spread widely in the 1960s. The initial lesser spread of cars began in my Grandfathers time in the 1920's with Model A and such which had some reliability.
Global warming
Petrochemical Industry
War for oil
Toxic biophilia
4 wheel drive ads Nature
cows cars, chainsaws
Resort swimming pools
battery hens
genetic modificationsa
citizen vegetable plots Cuba
extremely poor have chickens, the merely very poor do not
not even a few herbs
the urban barrios, townships...
Confession, My small concrete yard has a lot of big pots with wild decoratives and a few herbs
No Compost, no worm farm,
I miss digging the dirt
I miss fires, and digging in the ashes
the future:
every citizen will garden
detectors for microbial profiles, mineral profiles,
bio control wasps not chemicals
permaculture, the greatest Australian Invention
Mass extinction
Species & complex ecosystems as the only irreplaceably valuable treasures we have
10Billion cant drive cars, even 5 billion cant
rapid temperature rise
sexual selection
patrilocal species with male related bonded groups - only homo sap. & troglodytes
when I was a lad I was told: "to make a girl fall for you, take her right away from her familiar surroundings, and feed her"
- This works. In a patrilocal species the females are primed to travel.
- explains why humans are obsessed with cars and restaurants.
- the car part, like a peacocks feathers, is a sexually selected excresence
one which is now causing gross degradation and a mass extinction.
this geological era,
deforestation , desertification, my megafauna ape
pumping of CO2 and fixed N
mass extinctions
chlorinated hydrocarbon residues.
Panoramae mambo #3?