Lefty Blogs
williampfaff ++ ++
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seaton-newslinks. USA expat in Europe ++
bilegrip Asu spleen ++
us-rockstroh a rant, not a blog ++
aboutmyplanet eco ++
sfgate ++
crookedtimber ++
onthecommons ++
sjlendman ++
abutamam freeiraq ++
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antiwar ++
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english +
halcyondays ++
hereticalideas ++
boxspinning boxes

jamaicaobserver newspaper
jameswolcott +
lefarkins +
liberalgirlnextdoor ++
lonehighlander Libya, not lefty
mahablog +++ solid
maruthecrankpot +
indymedia melbourne
messopotamian +7Apr06
monkey ++
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rafahtoday Feb05?
rense w= wacko conspiracies
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secretsinbaghdad ++15Ap06
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velorution ++ bicycles
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grist ??
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infoshop +
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iranmania x
juancole ++
kuro5hin ++ notlefty
kurtnimmo ++
lrb ++ Iraqi?
lewrockwell ++
marklynas climate change
mnftiu get your war on comics
rall ++ Ted Rall cartonist
selvesandothers ++
theleftcoaster +
thepoorman +
tnr ++ magazine
tompaine ++ mag
traprockpeace ++
truthout +
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. . . helix
rain radar
worldtribunal +
worldwatch ++ $ required
zaman + Turkish news
youcantmakeitup + ?
youngfox ????????????
bareknucklepolitics videos?
popdrain videos??
discovery videos??
cs videos??
aegisIraq video??
mariyaguchi video??
iwilltryit video..
ahram cairo newspaper
jfaughnan 28/04/2006 10:25AM
shrillblog +
thinkprogress +
marchforjustice + pictures
messopotamian + Iraqi not so radical, but scared (also see IraqTheModel which was a USA front, but is now also scared)
scaramoucheblog +
blogads liberal blogs by CPM $ per view
malakandsky ++ stolid?
republicoft + black gay parent??
dailykos ++
rawstory ++
democraticunderground ++
atrios ++
workingforchange +
leftinthewest +
dembloggers +
talkingpointsmemo +
firedoglake ++
vastleft ++
pamspaulding +
americablog +
washingtonmonthly ++
mydd +
politics1 +
bartcop ++
politicalwire +
sisterstalk black lesbian?
culturekitchen ++
wonkette +++
billstclair +
freefreedomtoldhere ++ pipe bomb

almuajaha defunct
whynot defunct
winstonsmith defunct
samadams dormant
mquinn02 defunct
iraqblogcount ++14Apr06 suspended
iraqicomments most recent: jan2005
iraqidoctor most recent: Aug2005
georgemustgo + moved?
vialls ++Dormant (joe is dead)
warblogging Defunct
hammeroftruth quiescant?
mediastorm quiescant? +
bushwhackedusa defunct
hamasonline defunct

31 March 2006

do not comply, Salvador Option, Condi, Weinberger, Ralph Peters, Elizabeth Kolbert, Sean Preston


>وزارة الدفاع تدعو المواطنين الى
عدم الانصياع لاوامر دوريات الجيش والشرطة الليلية اذا لم تكن برفقة
قوات التحالف العاملة في تلك المنطقة

"The Ministry of Defense requests that civilians do not comply with the orders of the army or police on nightly patrols unless they are accompanied by American coalition forces working in that area."

. ‘I am not leaving my home,’ he said. ‘The police commandos arrested 15 people from here last night including the local baker. I am sitting here in my house with a Kalashnikov and 60 bullets and if they come for me I am going to open fire.’

Everybody is wearing the same uniforms. Whole sections of the city have virtually fallen to gangs and terrorists, and this is sepecially true for the "Sunni" dominated neighborhoods. People and businesses are being robbed and the employees kidnapped en mass in broad daylight and with complete ease as though security forces are non-existent, although we see them everwhere.
I don't know anymore what can be done to rescue the situation. At least, those who are supposed to be in positions of responsibility should stop lying and painting a false picture. It has to be admitted that the city is under siege and has become the front battle line. Emergency measures have to be put in place immediately, otherwise as everbody in Baghdad knows, the whole city is going to fall soon.
[nb messopotamian is Pro-Invasion "that great liberation day in April of 2003." ]
He says:
"terrorism gravitated towards Baghdad and its surrounding “Sunni Belt” of villages and farms, Mahmoudiya-Iskandariya-Latifiya etc. to the South; Tarmiya, Mshahda, Taji in the North; Nahrawan and the road to Dialla in the East and of course Abu Ghraib and the approaches to the Anbar in the west. These outskirts of Baghdad are the source of the worst sectarian atrocities that we have seen lately and the source of the corpses dumped daily in Baghdad these days." - which is odd since the impression we otherwise get is that (Shia?) death squads are dumping Sunni corpses, Evidently the "Salvador Option" [terrorise everyone with death squads ofgrotesque brutality]comes with (deliberate?) confusion
socialistworker 28 March 2006: the return of solidarity
Up to one and a half million workers struck in Britain. Three million workers, students and young unemployed demonstrated in 150 towns and cities across France.
Britain’s biggest strike since the 1926 General Strike shocked New Labour and the bosses this Tuesday. Strikers and activists sent in their reports of the pensions strike from around the country
[Here in Aus the obese gas belchers slumber, while worse worker laws, and worse migrant laws carry on...]
abc 30Mar06 Kays Juma, 72, was apparently driving near a convoy of four-wheel-drives in Baghdad, when security guards opened fire and killed him.
Professor Juma spent much of each year living in Iraq, where he taught at university.
....unconfirmed reports that an Australian security guard was responsible for the shooting, but the manager of the security firm has said that the employee involved in the incident was not Australian.
informationclearinghouse Pilger gets upset:
On March 27, Channel 4 News broadcast a relatively long piece on Hugo Chavez, president of Venezuela. On Channel 4's website you get a flavour: “He is in danger of joining a rogue’s gallery of dictators and despots — Washington’s latest Latin nightmare.”
This was a piece seemingly written by the US State Department, although Channel 4's Washington correspondent, Jonathan Rugman, appeared on screen. It was one of the worst, most distorted pieces of journalism I have ever seen, qualifying as crude propaganda.

Condius.news.yimg images dont last...
consortiumnews 26Mar06..
In a world where might did not make right, George W. Bush, Tony Blair and their key enablers would be in shackles before a war crimes tribunal
...."If you really believe that the only thing that happened on 9/11 was people flew airplanes into buildings, I think you have a very narrow view of what we faced on 9/11," Rice said. "We faced the outcome of an ideology of hatred throughout the Middle East that had to be dealt with. Saddam Hussein was a part of that old Middle East. The new Iraq will be a part of the new Middle East, and we will all be safer." [what ya mean "we" house nigger?]
..It goes well beyond waging "preemptive" or even "predictive" war. Rice is asserting a U.S. right to inflict death and destruction on Muslim countries as part of a social-engineering experiment to eradicate their perceived cultural and political tendencies toward hatred.
..lead story in the March 27th New York Times:
American officials are now saying that Shiite militias are the No. 1 problem in Iraq, more dangerous than the Sunni-led insurgents who for nearly the past three years have been branded the gravest security threat.
032906 ..former Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger, who died on March 28 .. In 1992, he was one of six defendants in the Iran-Contra scandal who received Christmas Eve pardons from President George H.W. Bush .. ..If Bush had not granted those pardons, Weinberger would have gone on trial in early 1993 facing perjury and obstruction charges, a courtroom drama that could have changed how Americans perceived key figures from the Reagan administration,
including Colin Powell and President Bush himself..... In the early-to-mid 1980s, Ronald Reagan had sought to avoid a head-on clash with Congress ..using cutouts like Israel to ship missiles to Iran and White House aide Oliver North to funnel supplies to the contra rebels fighting in Nicaragua.
..Among the likely star witnesses would have been Colin Powell, who would have faced the dilemma of risking perjury or admitting that he participated in a violation of the Arms Export Control Act in the missile shipments to Iran in 1985.
..Though Reagan was declaring publicly "that America will never make concessions to terrorists," privately he ordered precisely that..
In July 1985,..Iran wanted 100 TOW missiles to be delivered through Israel, according to Weinberger's notes. Reagan gave his approval..
.... Weinberger began pressing for other military equipment to go to Iraq, which was then engaged in a bloody war with Iran. ..
.."Saw Colin Powell - re Italian Agosta [sic] helicopters," Weinberger scrawled, "try to let them sell to Iraq."
tmwTom Tommorrow
the offensive Tom Toles cartoon
Someone shouts: (drag the Wahhabi,” while another describes him as a (bastard.” They pause a moment to search for a wire, then they dump him on the side of the road. Another militiaman suggests they bury him. (What do you mean bury him?” the gang leader snaps back with indignation. (Leave him here to the dogs.” Then they joke about his underwear and cover the corpse with a cardboard.
Note that life looks absolutely normal in the surroundings. You can see children running about, stores open, religious holiday flags and even a traffic jam. Perhaps Ralph Peters will happen to drive by with an American army patrol and enjoy the scene of children cheering for the troops, while wondering where his civil war is, dude.
nypost realclearpolitics
This guy Ralph Peters rides around embedded with USA troops ,and complains that no-one attacks them, so this must mean there isnt a civil war. And he complains that journalists dontsee the real Iraq. I hope he gets a shaped charge right up his embedded arse.
healingiraq washingtonpost one week in Baghdad
timesonline [Ken L on the USAnina ambassador to England] This new ambassador is a car salesman and an ally of President Bush. This is clearly a political decision."
Later, he was even more forthright, telling ITV’s London Today: "It would actually be quite nice if the American ambassador in Britain could pay the charge that everybody else is paying and not actually try and skive out of it like some chiselling little crook."
lefty blogs scaramoucheblog lefarkins huffingtonpost
Elizabeth Kolbert Field Notes From a Catastrophe: Man, Nature, and Climate Change
WN: You talk about David Rind's work -- predicting rampant drought conditions afflicting much of the continental United States within 50 years if greenhouse gas emissions continue at business-as-usual levels.
Kolbert: (In the book) he says that, "I wouldn't be surprised if by 2100 most things are destroyed." But he's certainly a very cool guy, not a hysterical person. He's a scientist, and he's just looking at the evidence.
Kolbert: People much more expert than I will tell you that we are in the middle of what is probably a mass extinction. People will say that the evolution of large vertebrates, of which we are one, that's just over.
March 22 — Stimulants like Ritalin lead a small number of children to suffer hallucinations that usually feature insects, snakes or worms, according to federal drug officials, and a panel of experts said on Wednesday that physicians and parents needed to be warned of the risk.
The panel members said they hoped the warning would prevent physicians from prescribing a second drug to treat the hallucinations caused by the stimulants, which one expert estimated affect 2 to 5 of every 100 children taking them.

Monument to Pro-Life: The Birth of Sean Preston.

29 March 2006

Manning on Grain, Tipping point, Chinese furniture, Chernobyl, French protests, Battle for Baghdad, America’s Secret War, Mustapha mosque

Manning forestcouncil ayahuasca synearth
The Scourge of Agriculture from the Atlantic Magazine
Richard Manning argues that looking back to what "nature has already imagined" could be the solution for a world ravaged by farming
Against the Grain by Richard Manning
[Atlantic magazine has trashed its free archives, so these are alternate sources
to the "wheat as catastrophe" link in http://gbruno.tblog.com/archive/2004/08/ 3Aug04
I have a copy, so if this link fails I will post the complete interview
but seeing I found 4 links easily, someone should tell "the Atlantic" that once posted free, its futile to charge $ for archives...

Time aol time
Climate Chaos: The Tipping point
Time magazine "be very worried"

Ice melting fast

25 March 2006, 6:29 Makka Time..
Import of wood products from China by the USA and the EU have increased 9x since 1998..Forest Trends and the Center for International Forestry Research.
..China ..the leading importer from .. Indonesia and Papua New Guinea where illegal logging is common..
70% of timber imported by China is for export .. 1/3 of the trade in furniture over the last 8 years.
.."Few consumers realize that the cheap prices they pay are directly linked to the exploitation of some of the poorest people on Earth and the destruction of their forests," said Andy White..
..a community in Papua received $11 /m³ of hardwood. ..China, it is worth $240 and ..10 times more ..in the West and Japan.
.. Forest Trends ..illegal timber from Papua New Guinea was ending up in China..Japan and South Korea.
Global Witness ..illegal timber from Burma ending up in China.
.. Indonesia has lost 65% of its forests.
..70% of timber supplying the .. processing industry is logged illegally.
..Global Witness .. February .. 150 log trucks ..into China from Myanmar every night.

nppa nppa 0006 nppa
PhotoJournalism awards
See this if you're still keen on Uranium

Greatest NZ painting?

28 March 2006, 23:24 Makka Time, 20:24 GMT

The Eiffel Tower was closed
At least a million people have marched in French cities while unions staged a one-day national strike..
Unions and student groups said three million people took part in rallies on Tuesday, including 700,000 in central Paris,
500,000 protest in LA against anti-immigrant laws
"Organizers claimed the L.A. turnout was closer to 1 million, but no matter whom you believe, everyone agrees it was the largest demonstration California has ever seen."
sadly here in Aus, I havnt seen a decent demo since I arrived in 88.
Back in 78 there was still life in Aus, decent demos against Uranium.
Expansion of Uranium mining, sales to India etc now seem likely
The current nuclear war in Iraq has doomed millions to be drenched in radioactive powder.
Disease, malformations, mutants, this is a terrible outcome,
for which GW , Condi, and all war apologists should be tortured then shot.
This includes Australian Alan Jones, professional RedNeck Radio ShlockJock,
who was on TV this am saying things in Iraq are peachy, its just nasty media that say its bad.
As if Jones himself wasn't the nastiest piece of journalism.
I encourage all to take up a gun and shoot the prick, guilty of encouraging radioactive war.

counterpunch GIDEON LEVY A bullet in the head from a distance of a few meters, fired suddenly and without warning shots aimed at the wheels, which the Israel Defense Forces claims there were. This is the way undercover soldiers from the Border Police killed Akaber Zaid, an eight-and-a-half year-old, who was on her way to the doctor

Battle for Baghdad ’has already started’
3/25/2006 Independent - By Patrick Cockburn
kurdmedia or uruknet
The Independent wants $ but the report is available free, tbtg for internet...

In 2004, George Friedman, the founder of private intelligence firm Stratfor, released a book, called America’s Secret War...
These, and all of the other public explanations for the war were indeed lies, but necessary lies, Friedman maintains, in the face of America’s need to achieve its true goal: prove to Saudi Arabia and the rest of the Middle East that America is not a military weakling. That’s it. That’s why we’re at war in Iraq.

glenngreenwald balkin enfranchisedmind talkingpointsmemo boston
USA Administration tells Congress (again) - We won't abide by your "laws" 28/03/2006 10:37AM

A senior aide to Sadr, in comments capable of inflaming passions among the radical cleric's supporters, accused US troops of shooting dead more than 20 unarmed worshippers at the Mustapha mosque after tying them up. The mosque's faithful follow Sadr but the aide denied they were Mehdi Army gunmen.
"The American forces went into Mustapha mosque at prayers and killed more than 20 worshippers," Hazin al-Araji said. "They tied them up and shot them."
....Baghdad provincial governor Hussein al-Tahan said he would halt all cooperation with U.S. forces.

aol kites over Kabul

27 March 2006

Body art in the Omo valley

Body art in the Omo valley, originally uploaded by BoazR.

gratuitous scarification cont...

Diamond Sand, The Weather Makers, Antarctica's ice-sheets, Chernobyl, Greenpeace in Papua, Risperdal, Mahdi Army, Joshua Frydenberg

The Weather Makers Tim Flannery ©2005
A readable and alarming book on Climate Change
Simulations: the largest study early 2005 Oxford U. using downtime on 90,000 PCs:
A doubling of CO2 would cause 3.4°C warming range 1.9 to 11.2°
But.. "at the end of the last ice age CO2 increased by 100 ppm and the Earth's average temperature rose by 5°C" p161
the difference may be explained by aerosols?
So Tim says jet travel is OK because the contrails may be cooling the earth. I wonder if this isnt self-justification by a guy who flies a lot. He makes me feel better about my 30 hours of jet travel each year. Apparently its best to avoid small flights, so no more jets to Koh Samui from Bangkok?
"If humans pursue a business-as-usual course for the first half of this century. I believe the collapse of civilisation due to climate change becomes inevitable" p209
"another decade of such profits may cost us the earth" p245
Sierra ClubCarl Pope (re USA New Coal burning Epower stations):
"If approved and built...They will also pre-empt the market for wind and solar. So if they are built, we are cooked."
Tony Blair: " a challenge so far-reaching in its impact.. that it alters radically human existence... There is no doubt that the time to act is now."
By 2003 Britain's CO2 emissions had fallen to 14% below what they were in 1990,,,
Australias 24 coal power stations.. CO2 output as liquid: one cubic kilometer per day
World output 50km³ /day
- there is Buckly's chance of burying this stuff. ("choke-damp" as miners call it) can asphyxiate multitudes if it escapes
"Australia.. may find itself on the brink of collapse as a result of declining rainfall across its main population and agricultural centres, while Canada may enjoy bonanza harvests and mild winters.."
TF says we must concentrate our efforts on Coal, not cars. He reckons if we fix electric generation, we can fix cars later. I dont know, but I can get behind his call for no more coal stations, none.
Looking at the huge profits the Oil companies are making from high prices, and the subsidies that Coal industries still
gauge form govts. it seems to me that disaster is inevitable. No change of course will happen in time.
Its not clear what kind of Dark Ages we are about to enter. I reckon that information won't be lost, we will be living dirt-poor with global cell phones, wall sized TV screens with 1000 channels, but each truckload of supplies will be an expensive event. Around 2 Billion might be able to live this way, so 4 billion are set to starve. Expect a lot of raiding as they refuse to go quietly.
Each surviving village may have Micro-fabs, so be able to manufacture a range of precision machinery independently of Industrial Centres... Printed photovoltaics may provide cheap electricity, but doubtful if that will give Ammonia and Tractors enough for our existing negative-Joule-output-agriculture.
Arthur C Clarke reckons we must save our coal, in a few thousand years we may need it to prevent the next ice-age.
In the meantime we might need to suck CO2 from the air.
Where to put it? and in what form? Liquid CO2 is ghastly stuff. Much better is Diamond Sand.
Solar powered Nanobots will build sand grains of diamond, which we can scatter on beaches, or on the sea-floor.(not over the plate divergences please, those vent communities are way too fascinating to smother)
Im not sure what a beach of Diamond Sand would feel like. Diamonds are extremely good heat conductors, so it might burn the feet. Also tough, so sunglasses might get scratched.
TF does mention peak oil, saying we should use today's cheap energy to build a sustainable future before oil peaks around 2015. It seems that peak oil will arrive before gross greenhouse effects, so expect big coal to get further boosts. not looking good...

March 6, 2006 A new rapid manufacturing and prototyping system that makes 100 percent solid metal parts has been introduced to the market - the ARCAM EBM S400. Employing a patented CAD-to-Metal process, which is based on Electron-Beam Melting (EBM), the highly efficient system produces parts from titanium powder

Clive of India's Clive of India's tortoise dies, aged 255

by about 2100, average temperatures could be 4° warmer than today and that over the coming centuries, the world's oceans could rise 13 to 20 feet — conditions last seen 129,000 years ago, between the last two ice ages.

Antarctica’s ..ice sheet decreased by 152 ± 80 km^3 annually between April 2002 and August 2005.
..enough to raise global sea level about 1.2 mm.. 13% of the overall sea level rise
But confusion...
the contribution of the ice sheets to sea-level rise during the decade studied was much smaller than expected, just 2% of the recent increase of nearly 3mm/yr
[Ice-melting is a very new science]
Wormwood deaths: "between 1986 and 1989, at least 200 more children than normal died before their first birthday. He calculates there were over 600 extra cases of babies born with Down's syndrome, spina bifida, cleft palate and other abnormalities in these years. One possible explanation is that radiation from the accident could have damaged the immune systems of the children or their parents, rendering them more vulnerable to harmful viruses.
The results, unveiled at a conference on low-level radiation in Dublin last weekend, were "unexpected but disturbing", Urquhart says. "We've probably been too complacent about health effects from Chernobyl in western Europe."

energy list
The Planck Energy..energy that a subatomic particle contains when its Compton Wavelength is equal to the Planck Length, which is theoretically the smallest length possible..
Value In Joules: 1.96 E9
Equivalent In Gallons Of Gasoline: 14.8

Greenpeace in Papua
Posted by Sophie, blogger on board the Warrior

A black butterfly flits past and lands on the deck; soon mosquitoes and other insects are around. After a week at sea we are coming back to land. The days of walking around in shorts and sleeveless t-shirts are over – we’re covering up, to avoid malaria and other nasty mosquito-born diseases and out of respect for local custom.
Touched by His Noodly Appendages
Apollo 17 images
(for 60's fans... you had to be there)

Clean Hands
it has been known for decades — that an alcohol concentration under 60% won't kill the microbes
... If your hands are dry within 10 or 15 seconds, according to the C.D.C. guidelines for health care workers, you haven't used enough.

Anti Anti-psychotics
The patients on full medication were taking older antipsychotics, like Haldol; similar studies have not been carried out with newer drugs, like Risperdal.
he other four studies found the opposite: that the less-medicated group did slightly better. Over all, the findings of the studies were a wash, showing no significant advantage for either group.
"The most striking observation in this review," Dr. Bola wrote in the paper, "is the dearth of evidence that addresses the long-term effects of initial treatment."
Previous reviews concluding that drugs provided significant benefits included many studies that did not have a comparison group of people who were not on medication, he found. [and a word of appreciation for Tom Cruise and all those in Scientology, who have been fighting bad medication for years]

BAGHDAD 26March06 American and Iraqi government forces clashed with Shiite militiamen in Baghdad tonight in the most serious confrontation in months
..the militiamen who were killed worked for Moktada al-Sadr...[Mahdi Army]
Security in Baghdad seems to be deteriorating by the hour, and it is increasingly unclear who is in control. Earlier today, the Iraqi Interior Ministry reported that American forces raided a secret prison and arrested several Iraqi policeman. ... As night fell, American and Iraqi Army forces surrounded a mosque in northeast Baghdad that is also used as a headquarters for Mr. Sadr's militia, Iraqi officials said. Helicopters buzzed overhead as a fleet of heavily armed Humvees sealed off the exits, witnesses said. When the soldiers tried to enter the mosque, shooting erupted, and a heavy caliber gun battle raged for the next hour.
The Interior Ministry said 17 people were killed, including the mosque's 80-year-old imam and other civilians.
Sheik Yousef al-Nasiri, an aide to Mr. Sadr, said that 25 people were killed and that American troops shot the mosque guards and then burst inside and killed civilians.

AWB, Average White Bread, The sanctimonious pricks that have the govt in Australia, it is now clear, were the biggest contributors to Saddam Hussein. $300M in bribes.
"If there's a problem with building 7 then there's a problem with the whole thing," Charlie Sheen. 22Mar06
Joshua Frydenberg was just named as prime suspect in the criminal leak of top secret Iraq information to suspected ASIO/CIA agent Andrew Bolt. Joshua Frydenberg is Australias answer to G Gordon Libby.
He also appears to have the credentials for preselection for the plum seat of Kooyong