Arab President, Packets, Pat Buchanan, Sri Yantra
USA elections:
from the interactive USA electoral map
electoral map
Interactive map 270towin with neat historical clicks.
It looks like Obama will win even if Florida and Ohio are stolen by Diebold machine rigging
So its an Arab/Black USA president. Who wouldve thunk it?
The whole DNC, which I watched on CNN, was a 'Labour Party' wet dream. Imagine USA with a decent health system and not out there bombing the shit out of villages in Pakistan and Syria!
Astounding how discourse can switch in an instant. In 1989 one careless remark in East German Parliament mis-stating that the Berlin border was now open, and Stalinism was caput.
Brief mild struggle over Russia, 1st Yeltsin was a hero for defending the 'white house' then he was a hero for shelling it, then it was vouchers for all, gangster state.
[If youre a true libertarian why not a voucher system for national defence?]
RSA also became a gangster state overnight in 89 when Mandela walked.
Israel, with all its faux-jew Russian immigrants, appears to be another Gangsta state.
Hey, I'm not proud... where do I sign to join one of these Gangs?
Free Markets revealed as a joke in a week whem Bush handed the traders $700B.
How quickly might a Green New Deal arrive? I suspect that the embedded illusory Luxury-Indolence-Excitement of the Capital fantasy may prove resistant until the dustbowl actually spills over your threshold.
I guess I will be dead just a little while before the Green New Deal pokes its steady-state ideology into the absurd but exciting 'growth-forever on this finite sphere' discourse/ideology tent. Still I have lived through the cultural-rev, cant expect too much on this iron ball.
The globe can only be flattened once, courtesy of 707/747 hoi-polloi jaunts.
And packet technology can only arrive for the first time once
Packet technology: Shipping containers ca 1970 and IP info packets, also 1970s but big only when Intel/Microsoft got fast/cheap with Wind95. It seems obvious in hindsight, packets move stuff/info efficiently.
I recall a vacation job in a rail shed in the 60s. pre-containers. Groups of lethargic workers trundled hand-trolleys onto rail-wagons. Entertaining challenge to attempt to solve the NP-complete package packing problem, but not a way to run a railroad.
Sure we may get better than IP for data packets, but youre talking incremental change. The fundamental change that moved manufacturing to Indonesia/China and Call centres to India is fait accompli.
Once 'real work' was ploughing and reaping. Oil powered tractors cut that out.
Then 'Real Work' was furnaces and factories. Packet technology shunted that offshore
Now 'Real work' is rump info-database shuffling and legal department boiler-plate contract and report writing - could be done in pajamas in the Bahamas.
Also big now is "Human Resources" - which is a bunch of 'liberated' feminists in black power suits needlessly gossiping about hirees.
The Metropolitan Centre of Empire must keep its 'white-collar' elite happy in employment. But the logic of Capital tears at those jobs.
Empire Centres were once places where modes of transport changed. [this idea is c/o Bucky Fuller] Where hard hand labour unloaded ships onto bullock carts, there sprung up Warehouses. And banks, and Insurance houses.
Now with containers, the warehouse is gone, and with it the logic for a city. Banking and Insurance are data-base handling - best placed near 3rd world universities.
With containers and kan-ban Just-In-Time manufacturing there is no warehouse. Your inventory is wherever the gps tracker on your container reports itself.
With the computerised hedge-fund-debt-swap now revealed as the major internal contradiction of Capital, we are forced to face the hollow shell of infinite growth. Guess what? we are biological players in a biological system. Even oil is merely stored algal sludge.
The only non-biological players are the French nuclear heaters, and a few Germans and Californian solar panels.
What you gonna eat I dont know, but sure as eggs it will be biological for the next century at least. Whose gonna grow it, weed it, squash the aphids?
I felt the urge to see what Pat Buchanan, my favourite Tridentine Mass attending, anti-immigration conservative is saying. Seems he loved the Obama DNC speech. youtube
Pat is sorta like a papist Winston Peters, very down on immigration. Hell, if you let those guest workers vote, the indulged privileged classes at the centre of Empire will never get to keep voting in their Masters.
Pat on Georgia is a classic
Saakashvili's blunder probably means permanent loss of South Ossetia and Abkhazia.
After shelling and attacking what he claims is his own country, killing scores of his own Ossetian citizens and sending tens of thousands fleeing into Russia, Saakashvili's army was whipped back into Georgia in 48 hours.
Vladimir Putin took the opportunity to kick the Georgian army out of Abkhazia, as well, to bomb Tbilisi and to seize Gori, birthplace of Stalin.
For $15 you can purchase the details of the Sri Yantra:
In the heady 90s I spent hours with Corel Draw approximating the Sri Yantra for my internet bubble corporate logo. I wrote the world's fastest long division program using 80386 assembler code. Based on Knuths book. Essential for PublicKeyCryptography. All other programmers wrote in C. Soon processors got fast enough that Assembler wasn't necessary. A couple of other Sydney lads put their RSA code into the public domain. Netscape picked it up. Now you can bank online thanks to them. My dreams of wealth as a security expert withered.

weird blog max:
yesterrday, the grAhin, which had been kept at bay for a day came back to needle us. We called upon rudra to bear us aid in the second hour past mid-night and used the apsarA to relieve us from the grAhin. Today (19th) around 11.25 AM we were attacked by the cheTaka again, who also tried to sneak in the grAhin on us. Having draw-up the draw-bridge we remained cloistered in our fort. We could hear the cheTaka repeatedly banging on our doors. After about 45 minutes the cheTaka retreated.g.manasataramgini