Mark D Quin  wrote this funny javascript clock
I have an eviction notice from my flat, so Newtown Aus may soon see the back of me
Its been an interesting 7 years. a nervous breakdown, a marriage, a near miss at an internet fortune, feel like quitting the entire bloody country.
this Palm Sunday procession  will probably be the last.
Israeli bulldozers ..moved to the very heart of the Holy City: the Mount of Olives. .uprooting hundreds of ancient olive trees.
2000 years ago Jesus stopped ask for food..All that could be found..was the unripe fruit..from which Bait Fagi derives its name: the Place of the Unripe Dates.
This coming Palm Sunday, Christians will commemorate the event with processions and the blessing of palm branches.
But the most important procession should be taking place on the Mount of Olives, following in Jesus's footsteps from Bethany, now ..Aizariya, to Bait Fagi, where two neighbouring chapels - one Roman Catholic, the other Greek Orthodox - lay rival claim to be built over the rock where Jesus mounted the donkey.
"The wall will soon be finished and there will be no way I can reach the church. No one seems to care,"
Join Blackwater Security Consulting 
Get $1000 a day
get shot, fried, chopped up and
get your hambone slung over a power line
no soldiers or ambulance will come to your aid
in Falluja
The New York Times publishes the picture
which even Arabic TV channels feared to publish.
So the the NYT is moving strongly against the war and the Administration
The Iraqi crowds see no army or ambulance response for hours.
So private contractors will die unprotected and uncounted
as the Empire retreats behind a screen of privateers.
Tiny Planes continued...
14kg robot helicopter stolen in Tel Aviv 12Nov03
more Tiny Planes
Tel Aviv spy plane flies in windows