Escobar, Vespula vulgaris, Doi Sutep
Pepe Escobar ... keep up people...
a militia of Berbers from the mountains southwest of Tripoli. The militia is the so-called Tripoli Brigade, trained in secret for two months by US Special Forces.
all the top military rebel commanders are LIFG, from Belhaj in Tripoli to one Ismael as-Salabi in Benghazi and one Abdelhakim al-Assadi in Derna, not to mention a key asset, Ali Salabi, sitting at the core of the TNC.
Jalil was the judge that condemned those Bulgarian nurses to death
what Islamabad wants for Afghanistan is the Taliban back in power - just like the good old days of 1996-2001. That's the opposite of what Washington wants; a long-range occupation, preferably via NATO, so the alliance may protect the TAPI pipeline, if it ever gets built...
.. Pakistan's Afghan policy - which also implies containing Indian influence in Afghanistan - won't change. The Afghan Taliban will keep being encouraged as potential long-term allies -..
What IP will do is to embolden Islamabad even more - with Pakistan finally becoming a key transit corridor for Iranian gas, ... If India finally decides against IPI, China is ready to step on board - and build an extension from IP, parallel to the Karakoram highway, towards Xinjiang.
los indignados
He's 26, has been with the KNLA since he was 16...with an M78 grenade launcher
Bacteria & Gene Sequencing
As the flu season began, the surfaces began containing more and more of the predominant flu strain until, at the height of the flu season, every surface had the flu viruses. The most contaminated surface? The control switches for projectors in the conference rooms. “Everybody touches them and they never get cleaned,” Dr. Schadt said.
He also swabbed his own house and discovered, to his dismay, that his refrigerator handle was always contaminated with microbes that live on poultry and pork. The reason, he realized, is that people take meats out of the refrigerator, make sandwiches, and then open the refrigerator door to return the meat without washing their hands.
“I’ve been washing my hands a lot more now,” Dr. Schadt said.
Prof Tim Jackson’s book Prosperity Without Growth
..Nouriel Roubini, ..the fix we're in...
: "Karl Marx, it seems, was partly right in arguing that globalisation, financial intermediation run amok, and redistribution of income and wealth from labour to capital could lead capitalism to self-destruct."
When both the invasive Vespula vulgaris wasps and native New Zealand ants scramble to collect the same food windfall, one of the wasps sometimes swoops down and grabs an unsuspecting ant, then flies backward and drops it. The ant typically does not choose to return to the food, Julien Grangier and Philip Lester of Victoria University in Wellington, New Zealand, report online March 30 in Biology Letters.
The wasp, Vespula vulgaris, is on the list of the world’s 100 worst invasive species and reaches the highest known density in South Island beech forests. There, when competing for food, they dominate just about every animal except native ants.
“Despite being 200 times smaller, the ants are able to hold their own by rushing at the wasps, spraying them with acid and biting them. Eventually the wasps get so angry they pick up the ant, take it away and return to eat the food.\
..BitCoin user .. allinvain found 25,000 BitCoins had been stolen. .. $500,000 at current BitCoin-US Dollar exchange rates.
..BitCoin is a form of fiat currency, meaning it only has value because people believe it has purchasing power.
...the weak point is the user's computer where the wallet.dat file is stored... it appears somebody hacked into allinvain's home PC to access the unencrypted file.
Frustratingly, the nature of the BitCoin network means allinvain knows the thief's BitCoin ID, and is able to track him or her as they launder the money through various other accounts. However, the decentralized nature of the BitCoin network is designed to make tracing individuals in the real world impossible. ..
Samsung Galaxy Mini S5570 NZ$244- $270 Android2.2 can be upped -> 2.3, maybe 2.3.4...
(2.3 is NFC 'ready' sans antenna?
hints from the orifice that sub $500 NFC phones are sooner than u think..
Methane puzzle
After years of climbing, atmospheric concentrations of methane, a potent greenhouse gas, have held steady for nearly 30 years.. two new papers in the Aug. 11 Nature link the arrested growth in atmospheric methane with human activities. Chemical markers studied by one U.S. team suggest the plateau traces to a larger global drop in the combustion of fossil fuels during the 1980s than had been recognized. Another group, at the UCIrvine, linked much of the change instead to reduced methane emissions from rice production in Asia. ..
The Man of Numbers: Fibonacci’s Arithmetic Revolution by Keith Devlin
.....Aug. 22, 2011.. GENTAG.. US Patent 7,969,307, complementing its joint patent portfolio with Motorola, ...
..disposable wireless skin patches directly readable with NFC cell phones,.. medication, food safety, pathogen detection, ..
Chaweng flower girl (& poppets & maize)
Doi Sutep
Wat Phrathat Doi Suthep
northern gate of the city, now known as Chang Puak (white elephant gate),
main gate, Thapae, is on the eastern side and facing the river Ping
Chiang Mai Gate to the south,
Suan Dok to the west and
Chiang Puerk to the north.
The earliest record of foreign visitors to Chiang Mai comes from a Mr Ralph Fitch, who recorded visiting a place called 'Jamahey' in his voyages from Goa to Pegu and beyond (1583-1591), remarking that is was 'a fair and great town'. In 1614, traders Thomas Samuel and Thomas Driver arrived in Chiang Mai (probably overland from Burma) as representatives of the East India Company.