Michael, Swarming, Gouled Hassan Dourad
the 80s truly over...
Reviewing F. William Engdahl's "Full Spectrum Dominance:"
"Swarming" is a RAND Corporation term referring to "communication patterns and movement of" bees and other insects and applying it to military conflict by other means. It plays out through covert CIA actions to overthrow democratically elected governments, remove foreign leaders and key officials,.....
..... Methods include non-violent strikes, mass street protests, and major media agitprop for regime change - much like what's now playing out in Iran after its presidential election.
Other recent examples include the Belgrade 2000 coup against Slobodan Misosevic, Georgia's 2003 Rose Revolution ousting Eduard Shevardnadze for the US-installed stooge, Mikheil Saakashvili, and the 2004-05 Ukraine Orange Revolution, based on faked electoral fraud, to install another Washington favorite, Viktor Yushchenko. The idea is to isolate Russia by cutting off its economic lifeline - the "pipeline networks that (carry its) huge reserves of oil and natural gas from the Urals and Serbia to Western Europe and Eurasia.
Fascinating how the "nice" well meaning, smallcar, tofu eating, white( ish), folk, are buying into the anti Iran swarm.
Energy Units
Type II supernova = 100 foe = 2 x 10E30 megatons of TNT.
1 ton TNT= 4.184 GJ .
1 foe ..= 10E44 Joules or 10E51 erg
....a supernova typically releases one foe ???
Gamma Ray Burster GRB is 4 X 10^54 ergs/sec .... the Sun has an energy output of 4 X 10^33 ergs/sec
GRB 990123 the most powerful GRB 'more than 10^54 ergs'
5.37×10E41 J, the theoretical total mass-energy of the Earth
one eV = 1.602 x 10-19 joules
the LHC = 14 TeV ... cosmic ray collisions have been measured with energies of 10E20 eV (108TeV).
LHC = one-millionth of a Joule.
Hawking radiation. Although never observed
"If the scale of quantum gravity is near a TeV, the LHC will be producing one black hole (BH) about every second."11
This requires that there exist large dimensions in addition to the four with which we are familiar, and while this may seem to be less than likely (or sane), it is actually predicted by some versions of string theory. Indeed, the prediction of 'one black hole per second' can be seen as sensible.
If Hawking radiation doesnt happen, tiny black holes could be a terrible nuisance.
If cross section is small, the tBH would orbit steeply, not gaining much mass, zip round the earths core and re-emerge in Switzerland.
If a definite cross section, the tBH would grow (slowly?) its initial weight would be so tiny that it might waft around. If infalling mass gave out 1/3 in energy, then the tBH could easily put out a Megawatt. Hopefully the outradiation pressure would counter infalling mass. If not, then E41 Joules of Earthmass to energy. Not a Supernova, but would be seen across this half of the galaxy.
If semi-stable, the Megawatt tBH might bounce around, melting through any container, less subject to gravity than the smallest dust mote. riding updrafts.
Might be hard to catch and contain... maybe blast it inyo space with a nuke...
China: climate change is good, so far
We conclude that rice production in China is likely to benefit from global warming due to the extendediop: the picture is confused
length of rice growing season that allows earlier planting and later harvesting, the reduction of low-
temperature injury, and the northward expansion of rice-planting area, while the increasing plant diseases
and insect pests and water demand must be recognized.
using the regional climate model, PRECIS. The
reduction in >
NEThailand rainfed rice yield will reach almost 18, 28 and 24% in the region during 2020s, 2050s and 2080s,
respectively, compared to the average yield of years 1997-2006. The yield is predicted to decline by 15% for
rice cultivar KDML105 and 5.5% for rice cultivar RD6 with each degree rise in temperature from the
ambient level. On the contrary, an increase in yield is expected by 8.7% for KDML105 and 17.45% for RD6
with every 100 ppm rise in CO2
Some of these iop reports (pdfs) seem to be a page of handwaving
I got really confused by Oscar Teka's brief article on Benin which didnt conclude anything , then said ... "The information should be widely disseminated amongst the general public" - it seems this was a "Poster Presentation"...
I suspect that extreme climate may outfox PRECIS.... something like: A small probability of no change at all, a medium probabilllitu of somewhat worse,
a small (medium?) probbability of many (frequent?) disruptiv events that choke a regions grain. Its just hard to be sure, as denialists snigger.
If Peak Oil trumps Climate,, then economic crash means more primitive farming conditions. Does this mean no small diesel pumps for Paddi irrigation?
Will IRRI cease turning out resistant strains? (down there in Lovely Laguna del bay)
The pattern is assumed now to go:
1) Oil price zooms, economy crashes, Oil price crashes Oil investment crashes.
2) economy recovers, oil price recovers.... return to 1
but note oil fields are peaking, investment is declining so the cycle is ever downwards.
Kjell Aleklett (first name sounds like Shell) has a chart showing that Global Warming doesnt happen... we never get to afford all that industry.
If food prices spike along with oil, which seems the new paradigm, then expect riots (where?)
Famine itself doesnt seem to trigger uprisings.. people tend to simply die.
Uprising seems to depend on a regime changing through other forces (War 1917 CCCP, 1949 PRC) Some level of expectation, and in the old days some Paris trained intellectuals (Ho Chi Minh, Chou En Lai)
Paris not now a source of intellectual foment?
(I just watched "Hidden" which some journalist gushed about, seems all the young reviews say its one of their best movies)
Well bad luck guys. 'Hidden' a tedious, tendentious, attempt at a sort of 60s French art movie -and it falls flat - you had to be there...
It had the sweater wearing intellectual, Studio with hundreds of fake books (do the French really read books with blank spines?)
And a slightly racist retake of the 61 massacre of Algerians. Tedious static camera... really too bad
on perusing USAJingo sites, It seems that USA is serious about the Al-Base Somali link thing
They grabbed Somalian Gouled Hassan Dourad in Somalia 2004, tortured him in a CIA dungeon in Kenya.
He is now in . Gitmo, one of the 13 high value, dreaded secret ninja, samauri assassins that I guess BarryO will have to fret about now
The USA say:"the detainee was named an al Qaida Djibouti cell leader and senior facilitator" nicely circular - hes called guilty because he was named...
He allegedly scouted this place for a planned terrorist attack.
Camp Lemonier, a U.S. Special Forces base in Djibouti
11.543611, 43.148611
He admitted this after Dick Cheney sat on his face...
Dick now calls him Guleed Hassan Ahmed
Update: USA will train TFG troops in Camp Lemonier, has shipped arms to TFG.
Lake Eyre full