Comet McNaught , Cuba, Sahel, Linuxworld

Up on Sydney Hill last evening, clouds, no comet sighting,
try again tonight,
Admire the fancy telescopes lugged up there
c/0 Steve Quirk (2007)
Comet McNaught
16th, the comet is about 10 degrees from the sun and
just left of directly above the sun at sunset. It will set 54 mins
after the sun, 9 degrees to the left of the sunset point.
Sydney Sunset Jan 16, 2007 8:09 PM
Saddam's half-brother was hung, and, well, whoopsie, his freakin' head came off???
AO’s forecast for cereal production in 2006..1 994 million tonnes 2.7% less than the 2005..
World wheat stocks lowest since 1981
[2007 outlook is OK, except for Australia and China?]
Zbig speaks... washingtonpost · The speech reflects a profound misunderstanding of our era. America is acting like a colonial power in Iraq. But the age of colonialism is over. Waging a colonial war in the post-colonial age is self-defeating. That is the fatal flaw of Bush's policy.
seaton "Israel cannot play Russian roulette and attack Iran, because its nuclear facilities are inhabited by Russian technicians, and Israel imports 60% of its oil from Russia. Because Israel has limited fossil fuels, its energy supply from Russia is of extreme importance for the functioning of its economy. Therefore, Ahmadinejad holds the trump card, while his chief ally, Russian kingpin Vladimir Putin controls most of Israel’s oil supply, and can bring the Israeli economy to its knees." - Global Money Trends

Brothers 60th birthday
Where $8.8 Bln in Iraq Funds Went?
theoildrum . Perhaps Hansen is right. We can (and I expect will) burn all the oil and gas we can get our hands on, as fast as possible without condemning ourselves to dangerous climate change, if and it’s an incredibly big if, we can get away from coal (and unconventional oil), or at least the CO2 emissions.

Ox power in Cuba
Cuba heroically responded by growing crops with the use of oxen as part of their appropriate technology program. They had about 50,000 teams left in 1990. By the year 2000, they had over 400,000 teams of oxen plying the land. (photo: Oxcart, Holguin Province, Cuba, G. Friedman)
This acords with my theory that you cant choose hapiness, or oxen, you must have them forced upon you. Or at least volunteer work on the farm. And you need a popular state, like Fidels
nasa A high school student working on a back yard science project now has pretty clear evidence that such fires may not kill everything we thought. In samples of the smoke from massive fires in Central America that reached Texas in the spring of 2002, she found living fungal spores that were perfectly able to start new colonies. This surprising discovery from a young, amateur scientist has the potential to change the prevailing wisdom on the benefits of burning diseased crops or timber.
Sahel movie
A string of dry years shriveled vegetation in Africa's Sahel, causing some to fear that the Sahara Desert was shifting south. Satellite data spanning more than twenty years now shows that the Sahel is holding its own against the Sahara and may be recovering with the return of near-normal rainfall. Now thats what you expect, warmer world, more rain...
3-8pm thur 18 Jan 2007 Linux world open day
Senator Joseph R. Biden Jr., the Democratic chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, said Sunday that as a practical matter, there was little that lawmakers could do to prevent Mr. Bush from expanding the American military mission in Iraq.
“You can’t go in like a Tinkertoy and play around and say you can’t spend the money on this piece and this piece,” Mr. Biden said on the NBC News program “Meet the Press.” “He’ll be able to keep the troops there forever, constitutionally, if he wants to.”
“As a practical matter,” Mr. Biden added, “there is no way to say, ‘Mr. President, stop.’
When are the American people and their representatives in Congress and the military going to wake up and realize that the US has an insane war criminal in the White House who is destroying all chances for peace in the world and establishing a police state in the US?
Comet McNaught , Cuba, Sahel, Linuxworld,