Hobbit, Trans Fats, LSST
1960 Brother Camillus every Friday, would squeeze standard 5 into stnd 6 and read great books.
Best memory : "Pit and the pendulum" E A Poe
Second best was The Hobbit
Great for 12 year-olds
Later I read LOTR , got bored with the tedious repetitive battles
Once it was de-constructed for me by folks from Lit dept Auckland University... Hobbitts are working class English, ..teaching us to know our place beneath the aristocracy, Tolkein never could seem the same.
Saw 1st LOTR in a cinema. Wife went to sleep, I hung on through tedious battles
what to say ? Jejune, dull, tendentious?
Saw pieces of latter 2 on bootleg, not much to say
I was early an advocate of CGI, computer animation movies. Where I lived In NY 1980 the school managed to produce a few frames.
Later I got bored by the trivial (Grammar Rhetoric Logic?)
Now I feel that computer cartoons are bland to the max.
I was impressed when Wellington got the biggest Intel farm in the world.
Amusing that movie simulation of explosions, and military simulations of nuclear explosions required similar power.
Odd that I left Wellington to find computer graphics work.. who knew
Amusing to see Kiwis identifying with fore-lock tugging Hobbitts.
I agree with Ian Mune, (local longest actor?) let it go...
once a producer gets big they go where the local serfs are the least in dependant, and the local regime is the most obsequious.
Actors here have walked into a trap, so they can be blamed for Jackson flying offshore.
Greed? How many private jets can a bloke fly in at one time?
the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope, which should start scanning the sky from atop a Chilean mountain in 2018>>
The LSST will collect one gigabyte of data every two seconds, ...potential to spot one million supernovae and 10 million asteroids every year
Smith: Capitalists are "an order of men, whose interest is never exactly the same with that of the public, who have generally an interest to deceive and even to oppress the public, and who accordingly have, upon many occasions, both deceived and oppressed it."
Sceletium tortuosum. ..a groundcover plant native to Southern Africa.aka kanna and kauwgoed, ..used as a mood enhancer and relaxant.
..alkaloids .. mesembrine, mesembrenol and tortuosamine,
..inflammatory molecules in fat cells.
..(soy) isoflavones ...
.. equol and daidzein reversed the pro-inflammatory effects of TNF-a on inflammatory signals such as the Jak/stat cascade and NFkB pathway.
....down-regulated ..including interleukin-6 (IL-6), PGE2, and prostaglandins.
..equol would promote an anti-inflammatory role ..
Trans Fats
..naturally occurring trans fats are present in the milk and the meat of ruminant animals such as sheep and cows, the most common being vaccenic acid.
... grazing cows produce more of it than grain-fed cows. ...vaccenic trans fat showed up in the lipid analysis of the patients’ blood, ...
But the presence of the palmitelaidic trans fat hadn’t been seen before.
..[Dr Jocelyne] Benatar noticed a news item on Greenpeace concerns about the amount of palm kernel animal feed imported into New Zealand that she made the connection... to supplement dairy cows’ largely grass diet is increasing in New Zealand.”
Two naturally occurring trans fatty acids in our milk and meat have just been shown to be associated with polyvascular disease and stroke in high risk patients.
..2004 ..palm kernel cake imports ..95,920 tonnes. In 2008 ..over a million tonnes, ..665,382 tonnes in 2009.
..last remaining rainforests in Indonesia.
Trans fat intake is very low in New Zealand - around 0.5%.. dietary energy cf 2-4 %.. other Western countries.
NZ.. trans fats is predominantly from dairy sources (60-75 % ),//most Western countries..from processed foods ( 85 %).
In my childhood, we would drink from streams, catch yabbies. Now "Pure" NZ has 95% of streams unsafe for swimming, Giardia, cowshit, How long will it take for the non-industrial farming message to roll over NZ's export-cash-industrial-filth model?
(See Bill Clinton video of his plant diet)

Climate graphs

Interesting thing here:
Out of Africa: Two ways out:
1) When its hot (and wet) you can walk across the Sahara. Its a trap. First humans out (120k ybp) got stuck in Palestine by cold dry spell.
2) When its cold and seas are low, you can walk across Bab el-Mandeb (Gate of Tears) around the beach to Java. Then you need to build a boat for Aus
Most say 60K ybp departure. Oppenheimer says 80k low departure, enough time to get to Aus early, and to see Toba (70k ybp) cover India in a couple of metres of ash (oddly no animals went extinct)

China smog - people, stop buying stuff, its a nasty habit

big map of Palestine archipelago
the proton’s radius to be 0.84184 femtometer (one femtometer is one quadrillionth of a meter). This figure is smaller than all previous measurements made, which ranged between 0.8768 and 0.897 femtometer.
[as opposed to the electron which has NO radius... as you approach it anti-electrons spring into existance, which sort-of defines an effective radius??]
Vehicle Miles Traveled
an earlier version of this image seemed to show the cleanest picture of the peaking of twawki
Now it shows a struggle to recover ...

Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, the spiritual leader of the Shas party, a member of Netanyahu’s coalition – recently called for the annihilation of the Arabs. (as opposed to Iran, who merely called for the erasing of the Zionist regime from the pages of History, which is a very Hilary-kind of remark]
Windows 7 memory monitor
overflow addict - geeky code site
crapware - hoew to remove
Trade Me free wi-fi early December Wgtn Queens wharf
- 'twill be interesting to see if this actually works
all the cafe wifi I have tried in Wgtn seems to be installed by the same incompetents ...
doesnt work on my phone.. much better to go to a $3 internet cafe than spend $3.50 on coffee and a hope of connection
Carlos Slim made himself the richest man in World via cell phones... isnt that a caution?
2degrees data useless
OK in Courtney place for facebook
Doubt if WindLiveMessneger will ever fly
prepaid "BroadBand" (?!) $20 for 1G.
...the best phone experience was pre-satellite, and pre packet switching, late 1970s, seabed cable
crystal clear Wgtn-London, cost about half a days pay.

jing video capture
uglychickens from 08
has this neat idea to block ads:
add to bottom of HOSTS file Notepad (as admin)..
C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc. You sh
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