Qaddafi, Radiation, Palin, Predator
NYRBooks replete with PsyOps jargon
Qaddafi's crime is that he has not taken money from the IMF
Impressive how heavy food subsidies haven't prevented a mob from taking the "Western" shilling
"The consequences of a takeover by Qaddafi" since when is putting down an insurrection a "takeover"?
"local liberation from the Arab world’s most psychotic tyrant"
- love that "local" liberation, so much better than liberation by the "West"
- Psycho-babble,...... any modern transgressive is damned in medical terms
- anyone who doesn't sign up with the IMF must be "mad" or "psychotic" if you prefer a more fancy term
the National Transitional Council, the rebels’ representative body, [representative by what measure - armed, predator backed, gangs in the street?]
and say they favor maintaining an alliance with America after Qaddafi’s downfall. [ well lets start repeating this now...]
without Western intervention .. [Western here means sans Germany, sans Russia, sans China, sans AU, sans a majority of AL)
Benghazi, there would not have been a slaughter amounting to genocide; but almost certainly there would have been a bloodbath.
[ as Pat Robertson said, the regime is being punished for a crime it didnt actually commit]
“When before did the UN support regime change of a member state?” [ UN support begs the question, does abstention from war indicate support?]
low-dose radiation hypersensitivity (LDRH)
as opposed to the inverse?
Creepy spider
National Party Twit
Which of these 2 is an actual Tweet?
Ok. Shower... Reading ... And then bed! listening to a compilation a friend did for me of K Pop. Fab. Thanks Jay.
Late night in That Place passing Law on Copyright which presumes guilt by association
"By the time [my grandchildren are] my age," Newt warned, "they will be in a secular atheist country, potentially one dominated by radical Islamists."- add Newt as President, and we truly would have the worst of possible worlds...
Guess Who
One of the drivers of the offshore world is what he calls the ‘tides of looted or tainted oil money [that] sluice into the offshore system, distorting the global economy in the process’. One radical solution is to get a country’s mineral windfalls out of the hands of a few super-wealthy individuals and into the hands of ordinary citizens, by redistributing the money directly to every inhabitant. This may sound unrealistic but such schemes have been implemented in a few places, including Alaska. However, Shaxson doesn’t see fit to tell us the name of the politician who spread the wealth there: it was Sarah Palinlrb
"We have 18 pax [passengers] dismounted and spreading out at this time," an Air Force pilot said from a cramped control room at Creech Air Force Base in Nevada, 7,000 miles away. He was flying a Predator drone remotely using a joystick, watching its live video transmissions from the Afghan sky and radioing his crew and the unit on the ground.
The Afghans unfolded what looked like blankets and kneeled. "They're praying. They are praying," said the Predator's camera operator, seated near the pilot.
By now, the Predator crew was sure that the men were Taliban. "This is definitely it, this is their force," the cameraman said. "Praying? I mean, seriously, that's what they do."
"They're gonna do something nefarious," the crew's intelligence coordinator chimed in.
At 6:22 a.m., the drone pilot radioed an update: "All … are finishing up praying and rallying up near all three vehicles at this time."
The camera operator watched the men climb back into the vehicles.
"Oh, sweet target," he said.
As they surveyed the carnage, seeing other children, the Predator crew tried to reassure themselves that they could not have known.
"No way to tell, man," the safety observer said.
"No way to tell from here," the camera operator added.