Gillard, epigenitics, steel
Feminism falls to a faux male warrior myth?
On 3 March, Greer wrote in the Sydney Morning Herald that she “fell in love with” the “matter-of-fact” Gillard long ago. Omitting entirely Gillard’s politics, she asked, “What’s not to like? That she’s a woman, that’s what. An unmarried, middle-aged woman in power – any man’s and many women’s nightmare”.
That Gillard might be a nightmare to the Aboriginal women, men and children whom this quintessential machine politician has abused and blamed for their impoverishment, while implementing punitive and racist measures against their communities in defiance of international law, is apparently not relevant. That Gillard might be a nightmare to refugees detained behind razor wire, children included, in places that are “a huge generator of mental illness”, according to Australia’s ombudsman, is of no interest.
That Gillard has pledged to keep Australian soldiers in Afghanistan indefinitely and that the overwhelming majority of those killed or wounded has happened during her period as prime minister, is beside the point. Gillard’s feminist distinction, perversely, is her removal of gender discrimination in combat roles in the Australian army. Thanks to her, women are now liberated to kill Afghans and others who offer no threat to Australia, just like their comrades in “hunter-killer” units currently accused of massacring civilians
Pilger antiwar
Germaine spoke tonight for the arts festival, I failed to show
The epigenetics of the cells in the brains of alcoholics is messed up-- both the epigenetic markers on the DNA and epigenetic markers on histones ... epigenetics is one of the main ways our genomes have for restricting the expression and movement of transposable elements..they found that ERVs were stripped of their DNA methylation in the alcoholic brain, and saw the expected huge increase in ERV mRNA as a result of this.
So, take home message-- they found a ton of ERV mRNA floating around in the brain cells of alcoholics.
The authors think that ERVs .. are actively contributing to the brain damage ... inducing neuroinflammation. ,,
periodic table of swearing
slack quenched bloom , mere bainite
[ no mention of East African steel?]
200 BC Celtic metallurgists supplying the Roman Republic with swords made from manganese iron ores mined in Austria ( Noricum).
blast furnace in westernEurope (± 1300). By
1500, the indirect process of decarburizing cast iron to producewrought and malleable iron and German steel dominated iron- and steelmaking strategiesafter the transition was made to utilizing the larger and more efficient Stucköfen and blastfurnaces. ..
Wayman (2000),
* are excerpted fromBarraclough (1984a).
Date Event
1900 BC First production of high quality steel edge tools by the Chalybeans from thehigh quality iron sands of the south shore of the Black Sea.
1200 BC End of the Bronze Age in the eastern Mediterranean region; steel isprobably being produced by the bloomery process.*
800 BC Carburizing and quenching are being practiced in the Near East.*
800 BC Beginning of the European Iron Age. Celtic metallurgists begin makingnatural steel in central and eastern Europe
.650 BC trading through Europe of iron currency bars, often percentage of raw steel
400 BC Tempered tools and evidence for the ‘steeling’ of iron from the Near East*
300 BC The earliest documented use of crucibles for steel production was thesmelting of Wootz steel in Muslim communities (Sherby 1995a).
[Wootz bars said to come from Sri Lanka, hilltop ridges forced air through the bloom?]
Damasc blades could be bent 90 degrees? Some say that some organic additive put carbon nanotubes into the blades.
200 BC Celtic metallurgists begin supplying the Roman Republic with swordsmade from manganese-laced iron ores mined in Austria (AncientNoricum).
55 BC Julius Caesar invades Britain
50 BC Ancient Noricum is the main center of Roman Empire ironworks.Important iron producing centers are also located in the Black Mountainsof France and southern Spain.
43-410 AD Romans control Britain.
125 AD Steel is made in China by ‘co-fusion’.*
700 High quality pattern-welded swords being produced in the upper RhineRiver watershed forges by Merovingian swordsmiths from currency barssmelted in Austria and transported down the Iron Road to the DanubeRiver.
1000 First documented forge used by the Vikings at L’Anse aux Meadows(Newfoundland)
1250-1350 First appearance of blast furnaces in central and northern Europe
+/- 1465 First appearance of blast furnaces in the Forest of Dean (England)
1509 [“Natural” (German)] steel made in the Weald [Sussex, England] by finincast iron*
1601 First record of the cementation process, in Nuremberg*
1607 First shipsmith forge in the American colonies used at Fort St. George,Maine
1613/1617 Cementation process is patented in England.*
1709 Abraham Darby discovers how to use coke instead of coal to fuel a blastfurnace.
1720 William Bertram invents manufacture of ‘shear steel’ on Tyneside.
1742 Benjamin Huntsman adapts the ancient process of crucible steel-productionfor his watch spring business in Sheffield, England.
1758 John Wilkinson begins the production of engine cylinders made with theuse of his recently invented boring machine.
1763-1769 James Watt designs and patents an improved version of the Newcombatmospheric engine, i.e. the steam engine.
1774 John Wilkinson begins the mass production of engine cylinders used inWatt’s steam engine pressure vessels.
1775 Matthew Boulton and James Watt begin mass production of steam engines.
1784 Henry Cort redesigned reverbatory puddling furnace, decarburization of cast iron to produce wrought and malleable iron without contact with sulfur containing mineral fuels.
1804 Samuel Lucas of Sheffield invents the process of rendering articles of castiron malleable.
1828 Adoption of the hot air blast improves blast furnaces
1835 Steel is first made by the puddling process in Germany.*
1837 In England, Joseph Nasmyth introduces the steam-powered rotary blowingengine.
1839 William Vickers of Sheffield invents the direct conversion method of making crucible steel without using a converting furnace.
1856 Gasoline is first distilled at Watertown, Massachusetts.
1856 Bessemer announces his invention of a new bulk process steel-productiontechnique at Cheltenham, England.*
1862 Robert F. Mushet sets up his Titanic Steel and Iron company in the Forestof Dean and begins producing alloy steel with tungsten and titanium.
two-lives-added-to the tree-of-souls