Qassem Suleimani, Depleted Uranium , wIikipedia, Climate Change , Rainforest Carbon
After five years of massive US training and equipment, the Iraqi armed forces weren't even able to take control of Iraq's second-largest city.
Adding to Bush's utter humiliation, the Iranian-negotiated truce was mediated by the commander of the so-called Quds Force of Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps, Brigadier General Qassem Suleimani,
who brought Sadr's representatives together with Hadi al-Ameri, the Badr Corps commander and the leading aide to Abdel-Aziz al-Hakim, the ISCI leader. The Quds Force, you will recall, was only last year designated as a "terrorist" entity by the US government. So President Bush's "defining moment" is this: the head of an Iranian "terrorist" force has brokered a deal between the two leading Shiite parties in Iraq, Sadr's movement and ISCI.
it seems that broke this story, so they are evidently a site to watch
(if you have forsaken your promise-to-self to ignore Iraq, that is)
nb pro=war types are proclaiming that maliki won, which shows that no solution short of grinding the last US soldier to a bloody smear will persuade the pro-armchair-warriors to support a disengage.
nb Jaish al-Imam = Mahdi Army
Wikipedia now considered Co-opted
Wikipedia entry on Depleted Uranium DU seems to be a whitewash - it seems that the PTB have understood and taken over wikipedia.
So no entries on war, energy, industrial behaviour including oil, steel, pharma , in Wikipedia can now be relied upon
but cf:
if there were a population of 100,000 people, each excreting an average of 3 micrograms of DU per day (the average for some Gulf War veterans), then 3,000-21,000 additional fatal cancers could be expected.
A Canadian medical research facility recently found that the urine of Afghani people living near the area where the United States carried out military operations contained radioactive isotopes 100 to 400 times as high as Gulf War veterans from the United Kingdom who were tested in 1999. The Canadian team recorded an average of 315.5 nanograms of these isotopes in people in Jalalabad, Tora Bora, and Mazar-e-Sharif. A 12-year-old boy near Kabul tested at 2,031 nanograms. The maximum exposure considered safe by the United States is 9 nanograms/year
Bunker buster bombs containing depleted uranium warheads used by Israel against civilian targets in Lebanon
...The delivery of at least 100 GBU 28 bunker busters bombs containing depleted uranium warheads by the United States to Israel for use against targets in Lebanon will result in additional radioactive and chemical toxic contamination with consequent adverse health and environmental effects throughout the middle east. Israeli tank gunners are also using depleted uranium tank rounds as photographs verify.
by Dr. Doug Rokke
energy links
Hotter, Colder...
Natural Resources Defense Council ..temperature in the 11-state Western region from 2003-07 0.94° C higher than the historical average of the 20th century.
The global average increase for the same period 0.55° C
In the Colorado River Basin, which supplies water to big and fast-growing cities like Los Angeles, San Diego, Las Vegas and Denver, the average temperature rose 1.21°C
Recently I have seen reports that Ocean Temperatures have not increased since 2003 when some fancy buoys were launched (no ref sorry)
"World" air temps also havnt followed the ramp-up trend for the last 3 or 4 years??
Record snows in Ottawa? Big winter ice in Antarctica? Decent winter ice in Arctic ... It seems clear that Climate Change GCC is going to be a very hard sell.
Recent cave finds in Asia indicate that the Indian monsoon is rather reliably temperature sensitive, so future monsoons should be wet. Which I guess means that every few years a few hundred thousand Bangladeshis will drown, which I suppose is preferable to a few million Indians starving from a failed monsoon.
Australia's wheat harvest dropping from 25 to 9MTons is alarming, but it may be La Nina, not GCC. I havnt seen decent models of PRC grain yields under GCC, that may be the big problem.. First effects will be PRC buying up all grain it can (Rice has doubled since Xmas? maybe not, I dont recall where I heard that). Recall that Chairman Mao's super-certainty 'Great Leap Forward' in 1961 told him that wheat could grow in the South and Rice could grow in the North. The Chinese population may have dipped 30Million - most were deferred births,, but some were outright starvation.?
global warming not?
Just to be clear: Global Climate Change, which will be largely Global Warming is as sure as physics. It may take 30 years to get severe, it may involve cold winters in places, but its coming, and its going to be bad
Rainforest Carbon
Clear a Forest, lose some Carbon
estimate of the losses: 126.7 tonnes C/ha in vegetation, and 47.5 tonnes C/ha in soils for tropical rainforest.
Their estimate of the gross uptake from regrowth is 0.9 tonnes C/ha/yr...
[0.9 tonnes seems a rather low estimate, My guess might be 2-5T/ha/yr, which would mean 35 -87 year payback time]
The Time Traveller: One Man's Mission to Make Time Travel a Reality (Hardcover)
by Ronald L. Mallett (Author), Bruce Henderson (Author)
Mallett is proposing coils of laser light to bend time.
His first proposal to bend space around a neutron, requires 50Watt × 1000 turns? around a 'hair' size 100 microns? - for $12M?? - hard to see how this 'hair' wouldnt evaporate under 50kW
To bend time he would require 'trillions' of Watts - this for a single particle? but it would be quaint seeming it return before it was sent?
Qassem Suleimani, Depleted Uranium , wIikipedia, Climate Change , Rainforest Carbon,