Tax Havens, nanostructured super-thermite, Wilkins ice shelf
Tax Havens
It’s happening daily now, almost hourly-rampant eruptions of violence throughout the so-called developed world. As civilization unravels, the uncivilized behavior of humans is becoming viral, and the culture of empire is quite simply going mad as its values, assumptions, and reasons for existing are evaporating with dizzying speed
I saw a list of sole-gunman massacres in USA since 2007 - there are a lot on the list, sorry I have lost the url. Newsmedia have got immurred, only a few are being reported.
Sometimes I feel like the ur-typical product of the 1948 baby-boom, sometimes I feel just slightly ahead of the wave.
If my personal collapse had been just 18 months or so later, I could have blamed the system, with impunity..
My father dressed us in sun hats with anti-sunburn back flaps in the early 50s. He banned the use of asbestos mats, which we had been using on the Shacklock gas stove. They were used to keep pots simmering. He also banned the use of CarbonTetrachloride as a stain remover, an outstanding solvent, but rather seriously mutagenic. He got caught up in the margarine trans-fat scam , but otherwise was a seriously intellectual GP.
He kinda lost interest in me when I evidently wasnt gonna get that PhD - I sorta lost interest myself, but he cunningly arranged for me a job in the Treasury Dept as a very early COBOL programmer. Guess its not his fault I didnt invent Visicalc. I did take Lysergide. Steve Jobs said it boosted his creativity, Bill Gates took it but refuses to give it any credit
I have this wacko theory that the end of decades produces change, the early years of the next decade involve dealing with the consequences
• 1979 Iran and Sandinistas indicates USA grip slipping Reagun brought in to halt the slide
• 1969 - actually 1968 the cultural-rev Nixon brought in to halt the rot
• 1989 Gorbachev put forward the proposition of Glastnost, collapsed the entire Stalinist thing
• 1999 - no social rev, we were all caught up in tech - the idea that the circulation of money could be indefinitely accelerated, and that DNA could be sequenced at accelerating rates
• 2009 The other shoe dropped - Capitalism revealed as a gangster scam
Oddly the London G20 meet started talking about Money Laundering States ... None of the collapses/Scandals stories had featured offshore Tax Havens, at least in my cursory skimming of the news. I dont believe the rich will ever give up their secret tax havens, no matter what drug lords and other villains they share them with. The grossest perfidy of Capital is the secrecy, the idea that a Corporation has the privacy rights of an individual. "Commercial Confidence" they say, with a sickly grin, as they refuse to reveal the details of where public moneys are going as they slip away into privatised contractors slimy hands.
The only hope of saving Capitalism is to abandon corporate secrecy, but look what happened to Stalinism when they tried Glastnost there
"nanostructured super-thermite." found in WTC rubble
Now I dont hold with that conspiracy stuff but, lest we forget:
World Trade Center Security...
..Marvin [shit-bag] Bush, Bush's brother, was overseeing security for the towers and 9/11 was the day his contract ended. The Towers had the electricity and security cameras shut off for 36 hours in sections of the building for the first time in its history, the weekend preceding the attacks
page no longer found @ smirkingchimp
Well, obviously it was a conspiracy, just not Haliburton, just some Egyptian urban planners...
Update: Marvin wasnt the sole overseer, he was on the board of a Kuwaiti (!) security corp. It now seems doubtful that his contract ended on 10 Sep, that was just too cute to be true.
it was a conspiracy though, just sayin...
Wilkins ice shelf 8,000km ² or 16,000 ??? cf Larsen B 2,000km²
Biggest collapse yet it hasnt gone yet, but dont holdya breath
Professor Katharine Richardson, who chaired the scientific steering committee for the conference, said...
"We can forget about the 2C ... We are now facing the situation where we have to avoid a 5-6C rise in temperature."