Lefty Blogs
williampfaff ++ ++
Russian News ++
seaton-newslinks. USA expat in Europe ++
bilegrip Asu spleen ++
us-rockstroh a rant, not a blog ++
aboutmyplanet eco ++
sfgate ++
crookedtimber ++
onthecommons ++
sjlendman ++
abutamam freeiraq ++
airamericaradio +
amygdalagf +
angryarab ++
annezook +
antiwar ++
billmon ++ whiskeyB
consortiumnews ++
dailywarnews ++
drforbush +
english +
halcyondays ++
hereticalideas ++
boxspinning boxes

jamaicaobserver newspaper
jameswolcott +
lefarkins +
liberalgirlnextdoor ++
lonehighlander Libya, not lefty
mahablog +++ solid
maruthecrankpot +
indymedia melbourne
messopotamian +7Apr06
monkey ++
motherjones ++
nocapital +
norightturn +NZ
peakoil ++
pilger +
politicalhumor +
rafahtoday Feb05?
rense w= wacko conspiracies
rigorousintuition x
hegemon ++
ruckus ++
rudepundit ++
satiricalpolitical +
scaramoucheblog ++
secretsinbaghdad ++15Ap06
aliveinbaghdad ++
riverbendblog ++
sideshow +++
signs-of-the-times +++
slashdot ++techy
talkleft ++
thinkprogress ++
thismodernworld +++
uncapitalist ++
velorution ++ bicycles
org ++Brazil peasants
warandpiece +
warfare.ru +russia military
alternet ++
gbruno ++YT
axisoflogic ++
bobharris +
bradblog +
buckfush +funnies
buggery +
buzzflash ++
counterpunch +++
crooksandliars ++?
grist ??
huffingtonpost ++
infoshop +
inthesetimes x
iranmania x
juancole ++
kuro5hin ++ notlefty
kurtnimmo ++
lrb ++ Iraqi?
lewrockwell ++
marklynas climate change
mnftiu get your war on comics
rall ++ Ted Rall cartonist
selvesandothers ++
theleftcoaster +
thepoorman +
tnr ++ magazine
tompaine ++ mag
traprockpeace ++
truthout +
boondocks ++
. . . helix
rain radar
worldtribunal +
worldwatch ++ $ required
zaman + Turkish news
youcantmakeitup + ?
youngfox ????????????
bareknucklepolitics videos?
popdrain videos??
discovery videos??
cs videos??
aegisIraq video??
mariyaguchi video??
iwilltryit video..
ahram cairo newspaper
jfaughnan 28/04/2006 10:25AM
shrillblog +
thinkprogress +
marchforjustice + pictures
messopotamian + Iraqi not so radical, but scared (also see IraqTheModel which was a USA front, but is now also scared)
scaramoucheblog +
blogads liberal blogs by CPM $ per view
malakandsky ++ stolid?
republicoft + black gay parent??
dailykos ++
rawstory ++
democraticunderground ++
atrios ++
workingforchange +
leftinthewest +
dembloggers +
talkingpointsmemo +
firedoglake ++
vastleft ++
pamspaulding +
americablog +
washingtonmonthly ++
mydd +
politics1 +
bartcop ++
politicalwire +
sisterstalk black lesbian?
culturekitchen ++
wonkette +++
billstclair +
freefreedomtoldhere ++ pipe bomb

almuajaha defunct
whynot defunct
winstonsmith defunct
samadams dormant
mquinn02 defunct
iraqblogcount ++14Apr06 suspended
iraqicomments most recent: jan2005
iraqidoctor most recent: Aug2005
georgemustgo + moved?
vialls ++Dormant (joe is dead)
warblogging Defunct
hammeroftruth quiescant?
mediastorm quiescant? +
bushwhackedusa defunct
hamasonline defunct

09 December 2005

John Lennon, In my life

aaa8Dec1980 I was in my apt on E23 (to high for the real East village, too low for 'Airline Stewardess Gulch' ) , news flash - John Lennon shot, cab across the park, gather outside the Dakota, milling about.
That week small posters appeared on lots of midtown lampposts, saying "John Lennons murder was a political assassination" - claiming mind control over assassins. Wish I'd nabbed one of those posters. Wish I'd made a fortune. John working in Manhattan somehow made it all right for me to be working there, albeit in a big ten bank. Fairly soon after that, Reagun elected, decided to leave the country. Flew out early the next year, got my high net worth individual visa card pinched in Bangkok, scopolamine kiss. End of my green card, almost.

08 December 2005

Sayyid Qutb, Leo Strauss, they hate our our freedom

Sayyid Qutb:
"Even the Western world realizes that Western civilization is unable to present any healthy values for the guidance of mankind. It knows that it does not possess anything which will satisfy its own conscience and justify its existence..."
.....understand the imperfections, injustices and moral poverty of jahiliyya

"At the heart of the neoconservative attack on Darwinism lies the political philosophy of Leo Strauss. ..In an intellectual revolt against modernity, Strauss focused his work on interpreting such classics as Plato's Republic and Machiavelli's The Prince.
Kristol has acknowledged his intellectual debt to Strauss in a recent autobiographical essay. "What made him so controversial within the academic community was his disbelief in the Enlightenment dogma that `the truth will make men free.'"
[nb not Enlightnement, actually said by ol' JC hisself, its in the book...]

now Baily sticks his foot in it, attempting to show that evolution is dis-proveable:
"Also, biologists agree that a general principle of evolutionary biology rules out the possibility that there are organisms that will sacrifice their own reproductive success in order to enhance the reproductive success of some other species."
- Dianne Fossey an example? I wouldnt bet on neo-Darwinism blocking any odd human behaviour.. Altruism as a pathology? but seriously folks, humans run on an idea of the "sort of person they would like to be" - thus trancending neo-Darwinism, and enabling all kinds of weird charity. Of course the 'idea' in most peoples heads is to score big with chicks by means of a huge car & house with air-con, so charity is a fringe affair.
stcynic A couple weeks ago, in response to an article about the Miami police staging random "shows of force" at hotels and banks, surrounding the place with swat teams and forcing everyone to show ID to go in or out for no apparent reason, Radley Balko sarcastically commented that if the terrorists hate us for our freedom then clearly attempts to reduce our freedom amount to "appeasement."

Weird Science..

Coffee and tea ..people who drink too much alcohol, are overweight, or have too much iron..10,000 people ..more than two cups of coffee or tea a day developed chronic liver disease at half the rate of those who drank less than one....
I have broccoli seeds sprouting, which completes my anti-alcohol kit. NAcetylCysteine, TriMethylGlycine, Se-methylselenocysteine, Kyolc garlic, [enough Sulphur to stop a Rhino] Bvitamins, zinc, Aspirin, Vit A E C, Lecethin
Fast Breeders still operating
India FBTR 1985 13MWe
Japan JOYO 160MWe? restarted 2003?
Japan MONJU 280MWe 1995 closed due to a massive leak of sodium coolant. due to re-open 2008
France Phenix1973 250MWe? shut down 1998-2003 ..started again recently at a reduced power due to close..
Beloyarsk BN-600 600MWe The only large breeder still operational?
China Tuoli Construction is well under way on China’s first
niehs uic in2p3 iaea anl ieer

06 December 2005

Condi threatens, Fallujah follies cont.., fade into Bolivian

rice bubbles
"the terrorists cannot in practice be reached by the ordinary processes of law. ..."
"I also know what a terrible tragedy it would be for any leader's family to have an accident suddenly befall them out of the blue."
- Just who is she threatening?

The Bush administration has already tacitly accepted the Sharon government's plan to conduct assassinations in "friendly countries" - presumably including the United States. That's right: the White House has basically given the green light for Israel to conduct targeted assassinations on US soil. Feeling safer?

An opinion that corn dealers are starvers of the poor, or that private property is robbery, ought to be unmolested when simply circulated through the press, but may justly incur punishment when delivered orally to an excited mob assembled before the house of a corn dealer" (On Liberty, ch. 3).

Re: John Howard Lies.Com suddenly verbotten
All is not lost!
The Government is hosting the site. There is justice!

infowars 6/12/2005 2:21PM
upgrade the land-mobile SS-27 Topol-M and submarine-launched Bulova ICBMs and make them maneuverable and impervious to America's still untried new anti-missile defense systems.
..Russian Space Troops Force announced ..successfully test-launched another Topol missile ( RS-12M) from Plesetsk Cosmodrome ..
mobile ground-based Topol missile ..rapidly upgrading Russian strategic nuclear arsenal. "The mobile versio.. A rapid-acceleration, solid-fuel missile, it will be difficult to intercept in the boost phase and the maneuvering warhead will make it hard to stop thereafter."
.. Duncan Lamont.. Jane's Strategic Weapons Systems in November ..upgraded Topol-Ms and Bulavas now being tested are "armed with some sort of hypersonic payload which would be capable of maneuvering in its midcourse and terminal phase, and thereby evading ..
"A new class.. 'quasi- or semi-' ballistic.. can maneuver during the boost, mid-course, and the terminal phases ..
Submarine-launched missiles, like the Bulova SRBM "have very depressed trajectories, possibly as low as 24 miles altitude for a missile with a range of 180 to 240 miles.
..46 Topols deployed in silos..plans to upgrade all of them with three maneuvering warheads each, and to replace all its existing, road-mobile SS-25s with road-mobile Topols
dlong..infinite time
carbonweb Crude Designs - The rip-off of Iraq's Oil Wealth
technologyreview Oil worriesdlong..infinite time

Fallujah Follies cont..

1/09/2005 4:20PMI kinda stopped listing USA deaths in Iraq, figures there were enough to wear down the USAnians and thankyou Iraq resistance, but I cant help but get on board as the crusaders vow to clean up Fallujah again.....
www.chinaview.cn 2005-12-04 19:40:49
BAGHDAD, Dec. 4 (Xinhuanet) -- A roadside bomb went off when a US-Iraqi patrol passed by an area in southern Baghdad on Sunday, damaging a US vehicle, an Interior Ministry source said.
"An improvised explosive devise exploded near a US-Iraqi patrolin Jurf al-Nadaf area, damaging a US vehicle," the source told Xinhua on condition of anonymity.
US troops immediately cordoned off the scene, and Iraqi police in the area said they saw three US soldiers lying on the ground,the source said...

1:45pm Mecca time Sunday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that Iraqi Resistance fighters from the al-Jaysh al-Islami organization armed with light and medium weapons and hand grenades had engaged in a gun battle with US forces in al-Fallujah at dawn on Sunday.

The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent reported eyewitnesses as saying that the half-hour-long battle left more than seven US soldiers and two Resistance fighters dead. The witnesses said that the Resistance fighters pressed their attack so hard that US troops abandoned their positions under Resistance gunfire and took cover in a nearby abandoned school. One witness described how the American troops ran quickly away under heavy Resistance fire. The Resistance fighters then dispersed after American helicopters arrived on the scene.

I'm puzzled by Norway making a separate deal with the Kurds. How is this in turd-blossoms plans?

rudepundit still rude
Aus blogs:
Tim Dunlop, Mark Bahnisch, Gin Nabakov, Mister Barista, Rob Schaap
thepoorman cat picture

jengajam Mike Tyson Quotes
"I'm just a dark guy from a den of iniquity. A dark shadowy figure from the bowels of iniquity. I wish I could be Mike who gets an endorsement deal. But you can't make a lie and a truth go together. This country wasn't built on moral fiber. This country was built on rape, slavery, murder, degradation and affiliation with crime."
tyson quotes
"I guess I'm gonna fade into Bolivian."

aliveinbaghdad has photos for Iraq on flickr
burning humvee
flickr bombed humvee
flickr Fallujah street
flickr chelio
flickr grunt dead
flickr shoulder rocket ..
the central tabulator of the Diebold voting system, called GEMS, is based on Windows Access, jut like any household laptop or PC.

infoshop Photos from Iraq
infants killed by crusaders
puppets flee

Gone Gone

today 6DEc2005
I note that posts after 15Nov2005 appear to have gone
How long can we expect US Severs to serve in the dissemination of exposes?

05 December 2005

Pissarro at Osny,

Pissarro show at AGNSW. The old man remembered now an inspiration. Arounf 81 when he was 51 & PaulGauguin was 33 they worked together, you can see the lift in CP's work.
The exhibit has "Steep road at Osny" 1883 which PG owned for a time. Quite moody. [not found on web, see the show
PG painted several at Osny in 83, not yet great works? 3664 3656
3670 3666
Victoria NGallery has a good city view: The Boulevard Montmartre on a Cloudy Morning. 1897
abcgallery Montmante

3Dec2005 On Tuesday, gunmen in a silver BMW shot dead Hamza Abbas Asawi, the city's mufti, or top religious cleric, as he was leaving an evening prayer service. Asawi was considered an ally by U.S. forces. Wed two Marines were killed by small arms fire,
Thursday Ten Marines were killed and 11 wounded by a roadside bomb near Fallujah,

Well done the resistance, (Islamic Army in Iraq) making the world safe from further USA attacks.
How careless the Marines, believing they can walk anywhere in the world without being blown up
How careless of Hamza Abbas Asawi to become considered an ally
IED Iraq 2005
Jun 1,170
Oct 1,869
Nov 1,329 avg 44/day
How to Run an IED Gang
"..The specialists most in demand are the emplacers. This is the most dangerous job, as coalition and Iraqi troops watch carefully for IEDs being placed, and shoot fast, and to kill, if they see a bomb being planted. Needless to say, the highest casualties are among the emplacers.
Many of these specialist teams are independents, and hire themselves out to the money man who pays the best, or has a reputation for not losing people. Some of these teams have been found advertising on the Internet. Men in each team get from $50 to several hundred bucks for each IED worked on.."
To get that shaped charge directly under the arse of the driver: If we have 2 IR beams
Off = beam blocked = front of vehicle
On = beam cleared = rear of vehicle

Let: t1 = beam 1 off t2= beam 1 on t3 = beam 2 off t4 = beam 2 on d = distance between beam 1 & beam 2
Then Speed v1 = d/(t3-t1) Also v2 = d/(t4 -t2)
v1 & v2 are estimates of Vehicle velocity.
Length of Vehicle L = v1 * (t2-t1)
Only detonate if vehicle length and speed are in target range.
if v1 not = v2, acceleration f = (v1-v2)/(t3-t1) correct distance from s = ut + ft²/2