Nataraja, Cereals, Su-30MKI, scenario A1FI, , Charles

9). The Python:
Even though beings do not desire pain and try their utmost to prevent it, they do experience it; similarly, whatever pleasure lies in store for us, is bound to happen. Therefore, the wise person who knows the essence of pleasure and pain should not desire either of the two, nor make any efforts towards them.
Like the python, one should eat food obtained without any special effort, whether it be tasty or tasteless, more or less, sweet or bitter. If no food reaches you, then like the python you should go without it, making no effort to obtain it. Though endowed with a body full of physical strength and mental energy, one should lie down actionless yet sleepless, believing that it is fate which provides us with food.
The earth currently produces 2,264 million metric tons of cereals, which is the staple food of the world. If each person consumes 2,000 calories per day, 2,264 million metric tons of cereal will support a little bit over 10 billion people.

Su-30MKI India seems to have the best heavy fighter, bought from Russia. But if the frequency-jumping schemes are suborned by spies (as happened to Syria?) the best avionics are nought.
..scenario A1FI in Table SPM.3 on page 13 of the Working Group I report. It is the "worst case" of the six scenarios considered by the IPCC.
"we are beyond A1FI [the most pessimistic scenario] which with carbon feedbacks means we on track for over +8 degrees C in warming... Over 5.5 degrees C, at this rate of global change, would by best guess be limit of survival for humanity... Coupled with the recent news on the Antarctic Ocean means that IPCC 4 is hopelessly out dated now."
.. a rise in temperatures of this magnitude would catapult the planet into an extreme greenhouse state not seen for nearly 100 million years, when dinosaurs grazed on polar rainforests and deserts reached into the heart of Europe. It would cause a mass extinction of almost all life and probably reduce humanity to a few struggling groups of embattled survivors clinging to life near the poles.
I rather like the idea of a warm ice free earth, with 60 ton herbivores chomping a global forest. The AEV (Anthropogenic Extinction Event) may be so rapid that it might take a few million years for the fires to subside, but heat beats ice, even if Primates dont make it through.
In Auckland U we have one of the most infamous AnthropogenicCarbonClimateChange ACCC deniers
Chris deFreitas +64 21 166 2960
home page School of Geogr.& Env. Science
Charles travels by public plane.
, Charles came to New York, accompanied by Camilla, to receive a Global Environmental Citizen Award from the Harvard Medical School's Center for Health and the Global Environment. This time, the Prince and his entourage flew commercial, nodding amiably at the economy passengers who did double takes as they filed by the royals in first class.

Nataraja, Cereals, 30MKI, A1FI, Charles__________________________________________________