Africa burning
Last Chance Texaco...
1/09/2005 4:20PM
dissidentvoice. . . speaking for the Mississippi National Guard, Lt. Andy Thaggard said: "
Missing the personnel is the big thing in this particular event. We need our people." According to the Washington Post, the Mississippi National Guard "has a brigade of more than 4,000 troops in central Iraq" while "Louisiana also has about 3,000 Guard troops in Baghdad."
28Aug05 BAGHDAD (AFP) - US forces in Baghdad shot dead a Reuters television soundman and wounded a cameraman, Iraqi police said.
iraqirouletteA crisis (between
Muqtada Al Sadr and Badr brigade)
..Also because Muqtada is a genuine Arab unlike Al Hakeem (Commander of Badir Brigade ,whose rates are falling dramatically in the Iraq street ) and Al Sistani (Persian roots involved here ), who look condescendingly to the poor semi illiterate population of the gutter .
The poor and the abandoned see him as a Robin Hood in an
Imama (the turban clergy men ware ) .
16/5/2005 25 workers were killed on a roof of some building in AL Alawi area .
There is a vital garage in that area , and lots of very cheap lodging places, when I say cheap I mean really cheap. Poor workers usually spend nights there for as little money as possible and they go about the capitol during the day looking for jobs (builders mainly) . Their wages are small so these places are suitable .
People from there said, that the workers were sleeping on the roof because ; Yeh , no electricity and they were about to fold their mattresses when they were spotted by an air craft that opened fire on them..
Iraqi journalist shot, US forces accused
28 June 2005..
..Ahmad Wail Bakri, a programme director for al-Sharqiya television has allegedly been shot dead by US troops ..in Baghdad..
On Sunday, Maha Ibrahim, a news editor with the local Baghdad TV channel, was killed when she was allegedly shot when US troops opened fire after they apparently came under attack in a Baghdad neighbourhood..
On Friday, another Iraqi reporter working for an American news organisation was shot and killed in Baghdad allegedly by US troops after
Another American empire day:
falluja follies:
scanning Michael Yob's gung-ho war blogging
"Our goal in Iraqi is not to win hearts and minds. The primary goal is to make Iraq safe and secure from within, and to make it safe from its neighbors and its neighbors safe from it. Our foremost purpose is steadying Iraq on its feet. Only then can we bring most of our people home,"
- Love that "most"
MYob is very big on how free the press is"
"A journalist not wishing to embed with US forces is free to apply for an Iraqi visa, fly to Baghdad, and hire a car and an interpreter who can drive them around town."
OTOHand, another Mike , Mike Whitney has this:
"a photographer from Al Aribiyya news was arrested while leaving Falluja and his equipment and film were confiscated.
To date, he is still being held without explanation and there is no indication when he will be released. This illustrates the fear among the military brass that the truth about Falluja will leech out .. "
Weird Science
A .. rise in carbon dioxide caused temperatures
10 to 30 °s C higher than today..
..impact on the oceans, cutting off oxygen to the lower depths and extinguishing most lifeforms..Geology.
..at the end of the Permian..95% of lifeforms in the oceans became extinct, .. three-quarters of land species.
..NCAR) in Boulder, Colorado,..volcanic activity over the course of hundreds of thousands of years released large amounts of carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide .. warming up the planet.
..Community Climate System Model (CSSM)..
The greatest of all Earth's mass extinctions ..250 million years ago
..Pangean ..temperatures in higher latitudes rose so much that the oceans warmed to a depth of .. 3,000m ..
This interfered with the circulation process that takes colder water, carrying oxygen and nutrients, into lower levels. The water became depleted of oxygen and was unable to support marine life.
August 18, 2005
..Oregon State U..Diversa Corp..
..Science..SAR11, a group of bacteria..combined
weight exceeds that of all the fish in the world’s oceans.
..a milliliter of sea water off the Oregon coast .. 500,000 of these cells.
....only 1.3 million base pairs..the smallest ..in a free living organism
.. About half of photosynthesis .. produced by algae in the ocean, and microbes like SAR11 recycle organic carbon.producing the nutrients needed for algal growth.
.... discovered at OSU in 1990
..George Osol of the University of Vermont College of Medicine in Burlington and his colleagues tested pregnant rats with
preeclampsia-like circulatory problems. The team found that daily sildenafil treatments improved the growth of uterine blood vessels and produced healthier pups.
26/08/2005 11:01AM
One woman living on the Congo River, unable even to write her last name, tells customers to call her
cellphone if they want to buy the fresh fish she sells.
"She doesn't have electricity, she can't put the fish in the freezer," said Mr. Nkuli of Vodacom. "So she keeps them in the river," tethered live on a string, until a call comes in. Then she retrieves them and readies them for sale.
St Gerards picture