mother made me a homosexual
(If I gave her the wool would she make me one too?)
..New Zealand Mental Health Survey, ..13,000 people aged over 16 between 2003 and 2004.
... less than 1% identified themselves as homosexual, but 3% had a same-sex encounter.
..the more "adverse events" experienced in childhood..including sexual assault, rape and domestic violence...the more likely the person identified with one of the non-exclusively heterosexual groups.
Of those who reported sexual abuse or rape in childhood, 15% were non-heterosexual. Of those who had not had these experiences only 5% were non-heterosexual.
- ain't social scientists grand? especially when they dont have the faintest grasp of statistics...?
I guess they will be calling for salaried positions to investigate this.
[ for social scientists reading: 3% SSEx cannot possibly match with 5% NonH)
Marilyn Waring spoke well on RadioKim last Sat
Her position is still crude Marxist... she calls for more positions to be made moneyed... all human activity to be paid a salary... child care... disabled care, aged care etc etc. Thus moving the world towards the CrisisofCapital I suppose.
My position is way more radical. We need to move towards no positions at all being paid.
Where I live, child care operates under a truly radical methodology... the children walk to the house they want to live in,... women and older children are there to care for them. This presumes that women are not forced into or able to get wage labour.
It aint all grand... favela/bario people have little inclination to grow food by their houses... its safer to infill with houses for your relatives. Recycling is unthought of unless theres an immediate cash return, which is rather often (plastic bottles etc) Composting is unknown where starving animals roam, but a neighbour often has a couple of pigs, so of course you give your food scraps to his son if he calls around. Long abandoned as unsafe in the DevWorld.
School is still the big idea, theories of de-schooling society are beyond the Step-one, Marlyn Waring kind of 'progressive' thought. We just live with the school as the container which forces the child into a few roles under Capital. Teach them early that the few rule over the many.
Medicine in the DevingWorld is way cheaper than the DevWorld. For surgery, teeth caps, Lasix eye treatment etc, its better for the DevW to jet to Bangkok or Manila.
Antibiotics over the counter eliminate a major need to pay a doctor ($50 in NZ, %75 for non resident $0 in Australia until HowardGovt)
DevG (3rd) World provide cheap Gin, Smokes and Amoxicillin. But opiates tend to be tough. If pain-control was in peoples hands, then doctors would be cheap. - As a doctor's son who rode police-auction bicycles and got a thin inheritance, I can credibly call for cheap doctors.
Ivan Illich used to say he could take a 15 year old from a poor village and teach her to be a Surgeon in 2 months.
The missing ingredient in the DEvGWorld is greed. Accumulative, grasping greed. Its not enough to earn big, you must keep all you earn.
ie: no handouts to wastrel neighbouring indigents. This is consistent with monetarisation of tout: your house is cleaned by paid contractors,your dog is massaged by paid contract, your infants (pre-school toddlers') have paid minders. You must keep your money for the 200metresq bank-loan-house and the 100kW chariot.
This system works. Ensalaried labour produces a society with heaps of progress, heaps of stuff. Only the occasional urge to bomb the shit out of some 3rd world types. Occasional odd counter examples ... Castros Cuba producing vaccines... against the norm: The need to hide/clean money and the need to imprison 1% of the underclass makes supplying and criminalising 'narcotics' handy. Narco-money keeps banks going thru the crashes.
The unspoken ground for all that stuff being oil, the last remnants of which are deep offshore, where casual drilling can be messy.
The opposing trend is ephemeralisation; stuff gets tiny. Information packets on undersea glass fibres. Dont need a lot of oil to maintain the cable repair ships. I hope.
Meantime the parasites get smarter. We eliminate Smallpox and Rhindepest, but sloppy DNA enables HIV to elude. Starting with sharks, sloppy DNA repair has fine tuned immune responses in vertebrates. So its a battle between error-prone information systems.
Eventually we will retrofit every ovum with Shannon Error Correction Codes. Mere biology has only come up with redundancy. Shannon(in 1948!) proved than a message could be sent over any noisy channel with enough ECC. So where are they?