Lawson, Climate Chaos, Solomons, Ortega, Capital & Coast DHB
Why the world is cooked
This Lawson chap, supposedly good at sums, probably better at ancient greek. He reckons that: since Singapore is 20° warmer than Finland, and they get along alright, the world can handle a few degrees warming.
What a fatuous, dangerous fart. Some Northern climes may benefit from the first 1.5° ,, while reefs and jungles wither, so some rich countries may cheer while poor regions starve... for a while. But any resulting inaction will hasten the 5.5° where human existence will be imperiled.
Its not like moving to Singapore, Nigel, you twerp, you innumerate ex-chequer.
former British Chancellor of the Exchequer Nigel Lawson, they’d tax them. And he wouldn’t mind all that much.,
This seems rather off-message from someone who is (a) the driving force behind the Thatcherite and many subsequent low-tax regimes in various countries, including our own, and (b) a prominent sceptic about the likely impact of global warming.
But Lord Lawson, here recently to give the annual Sir Ron Trotter lecture...
Its about time that the effects of Nuclear weapons was re-examined. Peak Oil is going to trash nations (Zimbabwe) and lead to invasions of others (Iraq, Timor)\
These tensions are likely to see nuclear detonations. A couple of decades later, ClimateChaos is really going to stir the pot. It seems likely that nukes will get involved. What is the effect of a few years nuclear winter superimposed on a few centuries of CC? US weapons apparently go "phut" if you try to crack them open without the right code. Sort of ready-made dirty bombs. j Depleted Uranium around the well-heads, ensures that only the extremely desperate or ignorant will volunteer for the military occupation force
the deepest dregs of greenhouse gas concentration data from the EPICA ice core in Antarctica, extending the data back to 800,000 years ago.
...The lowest CO2 value ever measured in an ice core is now 172 ppm, from 667 kyr ago. If you average over the glacials and interglacials, there appears to be a very long-term cycle in atmospheric CO2, low from 600-800, peaking around 400 kyr ago in stage 11, the 50 kyr-long “super interglacial” when the Earth's orbit was nearly circular as it is now, and then subsiding a bit since then. Perhaps this variability is driven by variations in rock weathering, the longest-term geological carbon cycle. Interestingly, there is no corresponding million-year cycle in Antarctic temperatures, when they are averaged in a similar way. CO2 is a dominant controller of global climate, but it is not the only game in town.
Maori in Manhattan?

will Rudd carry on little johnny's mini-imperium?
Australian police and heavily-armed soldiers were deployed yesterday and today to strategic locations around Honiara. The authorities claimed that this was for security reasons but there is little doubt that the show of force is intended to strengthen the opposition. Australian troops wearing camouflage gear are currently guarding the gated entrance to Honiara Hotel, where opposition parliamentarians have based themselves. Government MPs earlier accused opposition leaders of locking away their supporters to prevent them switching over to the government side.
Ortega born again?? - he used to be an athiest, now he's in bed with RomanCatholic women killers..
The HRW report on the abortion ban cited the Center of Reproductive Rights’ research, which says that, along with Chile and El Salvador, Nicaragua is one of only three countries in the world with an entire “blanket ban” on abortion.
Wellington Hospital NZ
something is rotten in the administration of Wellington Hospital
The board is allowed too stay on board, including Ken, that old red firebrand... I dont know if Ken contributed to, or fought against, the chaos.
".Capital & Coast DHB former union boss Ken Douglas would also remain as deputy chair."
Children are targets of Nigerian witch hunt
Evangelical pastors are helping to create a terrible new campaign of violence against young Nigerians. Children and babies branded as evil are being abused, abandoned and even murdered while the preachers make money out of the fear of their parents and their communities
Lawson, ClimateChaos, Solomons, Ortega, Capital & Coast DHB