Keef Richards, KBR gross negligence, Leaf Blowers, Ritalin, naringenin

Hi to Keef, waking up in One Tree Hill, sore head, I've been there. But never 5m up a coconut palm.
Monday morning Complaints:
Not surprised department:
The wrong coffin. Guess who was responsible for the tatty plywood coffin of Juso Sinanovic, which arrived n Aus in error.
Yes, it was Kellog Shit-coloured & Rooted. Really, if you find anyone working for this outfit, smash their head with an iron bar, courtesy of me.
Yellow Pages Australia: this web site is a travesty, a pathetic waste of a billion dollar asset. Useless for searching, Google works better. (Pink pages suburban search gave outdated numbers)
Leaf blowers cont...
A species which uses leaf-blowers deserves the Darwin prize for self destruction. Certainly deserves no sympathy.
I hope the USA stays in Iraq & bleeds for its leaf blowers. I hope the USA with Aus on a dog leash, invades Iran and gets all the green zone & a couple of carriers blown to smithereens.
Time to scrape the human slime off the surface of this world.
theatlantic desertdebacle
I was in a cubicle in BT #1 Liberty Plaza when Carter's rescue mission failed due to sand (in a desert!)
I put a NYT pic clipping of a burnt Herc on my cubicle wall. Undoubtedly helped to get me canned. My contract not renewed.
The boss said it was because some woman refused to work with me. I dont recall the woman, didnt then either. Evidently I ignored some office bitch one time to many. I believe she was a pom, possibly came from pommieland in my batch. Actually I disliked most of those poms, except for DJ, who got canned from Chemical Bank almost immediately, but was a genius. I also got on OK with the two Indian girls - family booted out of Idi Amin's Kenya. They bought an apartment UpperEastSide, in 1980 apartments were cheaper.
I was pissed off at being canned just before my green card arrived. Turned out it didnt matter, I got 3 job offers immediately, got my card & left the country. 3rd world types cant understand why I walked away. I actually believed my good reference from BT would open doors back in EnZed. In fact I arrived back just before the hyper-inflation 80's boom and my NY cred amounted to nada in NZ. (ps '3rd world types' is a quote from Mick Belker the racist swat leader in Hill St Blues)
telegraph The over-prescribing of the drug Ritalin to children diagnosed with alleged behavioural problems is a growing scandal..
Baroness Greenfield, a neuro-scientist and director of the Royal Institution, said the overuse of the drug should be addressed as a matter of urgency.
..Prescriptions of .methylphenidate - ..Ritalin - rose to 359,100 in 2004, a rise of 344,400 since 1995..
It is almost entirely prescribed to children under 16 in this country. ..(England)
The Citizens Commission on Human Rights:.. "Children are being drugged into submission,"
There are no medical tests for ADHD .. questionnaires that ask if a child displays symptoms including restlessness, inattentiveness and fidgeting.
..Ritalin..Harvard Medical School..rats given the drug in their infancy were found to have a reduced sense of pleasure and were more prone to signs of despair during adulthood.
..51 deaths among children and adults taking drugs for ADHD in the US since 1999.
The UK licensing authority,.. nine children had died
(not sure what a sign of despair in a lab rat might be - kept alone in a featureless plastic bin, theyre all stark staring mad anyway)
swansonvitamins Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry 17(2):89-95, 2005
UCLA.. .. naringenin, a citrus bioflavonoid ..After 24 hours of exposure to 80 micromoles/l naringenin.. stimulated .. Base Excision Repair (BER) ..repairs DNA during the replication stage.
“What is essential in war is victory, not prolonged operations.”
– Sun-Tzu
Keef Richards KBR gross neglilgence Leaf Blowers Ritalin naringenin
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