Wormwood|Chernobyl, Boreal forests, Jane Jacobs, Al-Zarqawi, Abu Omar, Skype
26April1986 Wormwood remember: the Chernobyl reactor explosion has cost
more than the $ value of ALL the electricity produced by all the nuclear reactors in the fCCCP
- In 86,I was flying about (there was a solar flare also), ended up by Lake Como, which was oddly devoid of tourists, had a bowl of strawberries. Turns out that Como was a hot spot where the Chernobyl cloud rained down (Sorry about that George Clooney). Also Strawberries are among the worst thing to eat in a hot zone. The Italian tourism board kept mum about the radiation levels. Guess I can expect the big C any day now.
earthobservatory.nasa By most predictions, the Northern forests that cover much of North America, Europe, and Asia, should be getting greener..But they are not.
A greening forest was what Scott Goetz, .. expected to see when he began to track the forest’s health using satellite data...between 1982 and 2003, he noticed something strange: the forest was getting browner, not greener ..
These two studies and several field studies hint that the world’s northern boreal forests may be in decline.
big pic
nytimesJane Jacobs dies at 89
a big player in the Cultural-Rev - you know, the movement that brought you ecology, feminism, humanism, ecstatic theology, anti-war, anti-nuclear, sexual liberation, world tribalism travel, free speech etc etc..JJ had a revolutionary simple view on things like exchange rates, imports,exports
- her view on primary products, raw materials or agricultural exports, was that the money received must circulate several times to be any use. A country that merely exports a product will find the money doesnt 'stick' around to benefit the place, unless it goes around several times in services & manufacturing. Aus is hanging on only because it has such a humongous and diverse range of raw materials & low-input grains. And because it defends its tiny population with grotesque cruelty.
"The Economy of Cities" (Random House, 1969)
"Cities and the Wealth of Nations: Principles of Economic Life" (Random House, 1984).
Dark Age Ahead" (Random House, 2004)..Jacobs assails the automobile as ''the chief destroyer of American communities'' and General Motors as an enemy of public transit.
Gene regulation nytimesA complex 'polycomb' tags spools [histones?] at a site K27.
..a signal for another set of proteins to make the spools wrap DNA tight and keep it inaccessible.
..Another complex tags spools at their K4 site, which has the opposite effect of making them loosen their hold on the DNA.
..mature cells have long stretches of K27-tagged .. and other regions where the spools are tagged on K4..
Kellog Shit coloured & Rooted:KBR
The Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction, began an investigation of the project and issued a report earlier this year. It sharply criticized KBR for not relaying the problems,.. The company received a slap on the wrist..
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Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi Appears In New Video, looking chubby & fit - a long burst from lmg shoulderhigh
Abu Sayyaf leader Abu Omar, "the planner" of the May 2001 kidnappings on.. Dos Palmas ..arrested in ..Zamboanga on 24Apr06

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Wormwood|Chernobyl Boreal forests Jane Jacobs Al-Zarqawi Abu Omar Skype
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