Jet Carbon, Coral, LeBlanc, Bamako, Wellington
fightglobalwarming fightglobalwarming
tells me that 2 7hr jet trips makes10.6 tTons of CO2
(they persist in the confusion by also calling this "Carbon" but I think they mean CO2)
they say the average American emits 8.4Tons, but my single occupancy house itself generates 8.4 Tons
- so not driving a car isnt so grand
We assume ..the plane averages 430 mph.
A domestic or international trip originating in the U.S. averages 33.4 passenger miles per gallon according to Transportation, Energy, and the Environment.
..a gallon of jet fuel produces 21.1 lbs of CO2 ..
..each passenger mile creates 0.63 lbs. of CO2..
The Climate Neutral Network estimates that non-CO2 greenhouse gas emissions from air travel are at least as significant as the CO2 impacts.
According to the Climate Neutral Network, upstream processes add an additional 8 percent, meaning that 1.36 lbs. of CO2 equivalents are created for each passenger mile..
one passenger-hour emits 0.265 metric tons CO2 equivalent.
so 30 hours = 8 Tons CO2 equivalent (not 10.6 but still a heap)
Coral OK
March 31, 2006.. The Great Barrier Reef is far more resilient to rising water temperatures than scientists feared..
..professor Ove Hoegh-Guldberg, from the U Queensland's Centre for Marine Studies
..coral north of the Keppel Islands near Rockhampton had escaped bleaching, and less than 1% of the outer reef had been affected.
..about 1000sqkm of reef has experienced moderate to severe bleaching ..quite a minimal impact."
..concerned that the 2005-06 summer could be a repeat of 2001-02, when more than half the reef was bleached and between 5% and 10% of the coral died.
..The reef is worth $5.8 billion to the national economy..
Coral not OK
cnn March 31, 2006 ....the biggest loss of reefs scientists have ever seen in Caribbean waters.
..estimates from Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands find that about one-third of the coral in official monitoring sites has recently died.
"It's an unprecedented die-off," ..colonies that were here when Columbus came by have died in the past three to four months."
.."We haven't seen an event of this magnitude in the Caribbean before," said Mark Eakin..NOAA Coral Reef Watch.
..The Caribbean is actually better off than areas of the Indian and Pacific ocean where mortality rates -- mostly from warming waters -- have been in the 90% range in past years, said Tom Goreau..Global Coral Reef Alliance.. (this sounds a bit tendentious Tom)
..New NOAA sea surface temperature figures show the sustained heating in the Caribbean last summer and fall was by far the worst in 21 years of satellite monitoring, Eakin said.
Random Families - once read, you read it again immediately
Jessica is 16 as we start , so Jessica born 1968
Lourdes Jessicas mother is 32
Big Daddy Lourdes man is 25
Lourdes children: Robert Jessica Elaine Cesar
Robert & Jessica have the same father
Lillian friend o9f Jessica
V boyfriend of J
Puma & J have a child Serena 'little star'
May 85 Cesar is 11
Puma's wife is Trinket
Milegros is Pumas friend
P & T 1986 a son
J & Willy (22) twins Brittany & Stephanie
Willy is brother of Puma W has 4 kids already
Lourdes new boyfriend Que Que
Elaine boyfriend Angel
Roberts girlfriend Shirley
Elaines boy child is L's first grandchild
1988 J is 20 years old
J boyfriend "Boy George' ($500,000/week Heroin)
Rocco friend of Cesar 9 years older 22 so C is 13 born 1975?
... I will update this genealogy when I find the book currently lost in the laundry
the NYTimes boosts Bamako..
several of these establishments, including Mr. Keita's Mofu and Oumou Sangare's Hotel Wassulu, are owned by musicians.)
Wellington in the 1930s (Korean phone ad)
Jet Carbon Coral LeBlanc Bamako Wellington
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