Unwired, Iraq good news, Pataka, MEND, genographic
Unwired complaints 3/05/2006 11:26AM
whirlpool Unwired forum .. Unwired speeds
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Test run on 3/5/2006 @ 12:12 P.M.
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3/05/2006 paulrieckhoff
One simple question: "What do you say when people say the media doesn't tell enough good news stories out of Iraq?"
.."I never hear that because we all here know the good news stories are bullshit and do not really affect the mission in any way. It's like this thing we keep saying here about all the new people we've recruited for the iraqi police. It leaves out the fact that my platoon was in a 40 minute gun fight with the iraqi police. So you recruited more of them ... awesome! I am sure that will make everything better. Also, they don't do ANYTHING. They don't even leave their building,..

PATAKA - The cultural heart of Porirua City.
terrible boredom of paradise

Jane Kauangaro, Courtesy of The Alexander Turnbull Library

Wayne Youle, Often Licked, Occassionally Beaten, (2005)

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nationalgeographic genographic
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Peak Oil And The Political Economy Of Terrorism
Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta (MEND)
06 March 2006 .. Deborah White is a senior energy analyst with SGCI..“The situation in the Delta has made the oil market extremely nervous. ..when we have the supply losses of up to 455,000 kdb [sic] (barrels per day), as it has been recently,... It’s on the market’s mind. .. “The militants have the capacity to shutdown certainly 500 or 600 or 700,000 barrels a day.
It therefore warned all Niger Deltans, who provide job and related work services for Exxon Mobil in all its off-shore locations to stay off all these locations till further notice, noting “we will have neither the time nor the patience to pursue identification and separation processes. We will be quick, decisive and hard hitting. In furtherance to this campaign, we hereby declare Operation ‘One-rocket for One Platform.’"
Unwired Iraq good news Pataka MEND genographic
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