Mogadishu, µsoft, Lazada water, Jane Smiley, RFK Mercury
05 June 2006 An Islamist militia..has taken the capital after weeks of fighting warlords said to have US backing.
Sheik Sharif Sheik Ahmed.."We want to restore peace and stability to Mogadishu.
.. the first time control of the entire city since.. Mohammed Siad Barre, in 1991.
..a proxy war between the United States and Islamic militants.
Suleiman Baldo, International Crisis Group
"We know that some of the warlords are receiving support from Washington in the form of payments that allow them to buy weapons,"..
..Washington ..supporting some of the very warlords that killed 18 US troops in 1993
6/06/2006 A number of other violent operations have been carried out by people in uniforms, which can be easily bought in the city's markets.
My brilliant nephew Matt, is going to Seattle , internship with µsoft.
.. 'usability of the next version. Going over to the dark side' as my sister put it.
Seems Matt did his presentation using an Apple.
dissidentvoice Pilger29
El Alto's Federation of Neighborhood Committees. These are a new phenomenon of Latin America; the Landless People's Movement in Brazil is the best known, but the most effective, politically, have been in Bolivia. For more than five years, the movements included almost the entire population of the city of Cochabamba as they fought the "water wars" against a foreign consortium led by a subsidiary of the American multinational Bechtel, which de Lozada had handed the city's public water supply, causing water bills to consume a third of meager incomes.
Even the right to collect rainwater belonged to Bechtel.
Sydney has narrowly avoided losing its famed Snowy hydro water & electric to private hands - which in this day mens KellogShit&Fucked or Bechteloxic
James MacNaghten thinks 50 knots is small potatoes. For the Cambridge, England, entrepreneur, success means hitting 70, 80, even 100 knots in his Monofoil.
..the single-driver hull lifts up above the water about a foot, flying like a glider tethered to the ocean by a stress-resistant foil that extends from the boom. [The monofoil looks crap, curent speed records are all windsurfers. 25 years ago SciAm had : no keel at all, the pilot hangs from a parafoil, joined to an underwater flying keel]
the tropics have widened by 140 miles since 1979
huffingtonpostJane Smiley
But there is more than mere tactics going on here. If this plan to destroy democracy and enrich and empower themselves sounds both evil and stupid, that’s because it is both evil and stupid. The Iraq war partakes equally of both the evil and the stupidity. Therefore, IT COULD NOT HAVE SUCCEEDED. The Iraq war was not conceived of in accordance with any known version of common sense.

2300 CE climate
mercury rising - Severe criticism of RFK jnr - On reading his article, it does seem tilted, but there was a trend to Autism and a leading figure did say he wouldnt vaccinate his kids with mercury

..Left Behind series of 14 novels by writer Jerry B. Jenkins and his visionary collaborator, retired Southern Baptist minister Tim LaHaye. "We hope teenagers like the game," Mr. LaHaye told the Los Angeles Times. "Our real goal is to have no one left behind."
In this way, the game resembles a send-up of Christian-themed video games by "The Simpsons." "Billy Graham's Bible Blaster," is a first-person shooter game in which you fire Bibles at club-carrying heathens to convert them into card-carrying Republicans. (Hint: after you finish reading this blog piece - and eating all your vegetables -- visit the Simpson's official web site and open file drawer F-H, then click on the character of Evangelical Christian kid Rod Flanders to play the game.)
Mogadishu µsoft water Smiley Mercury
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