Dili, Baghdad, Kabul, Ramadi, Warm North Pole

Looters in Dili: Initially I believed they were merely students of Baghdad:
In the first 3-4 days of an occupation, opportunities for loot & burn abound as the new occupiers are confused and loth to massacre the locals.
Then I heard that the prosecutors office had lost 15% of its files, the ones describing TNI involvement in 1999 massacres.
Now I believe that Jakarta Government is behind some of the riots.
So I say drop a few of the buggers with head shots.
However that tactic hasnt worked for USaniuans in Ramadi. Another few thousand culled from Kuwait to be casualties of chaos.
al-Maliki said on Tuesday that "every militia which is loyal to a party is a militia".All that can be said to that is: - well Nuri, You and whose army?
..he specifically named the Kurdish peshmerga, the al-Mahdi Army of Shia cleric Muqtada al-Sadr and the Shia Badr movement as being among those that would have to be disbanded.

Kabul going smoothly?
Baghdadis are reporting that radical Islamists have taken control over the Dora, Amiriya and Ghazaliya districts of Baghdad, where they operate in broad daylight. They have near full control of Saidiya, Jihad, Jami’a, Khadhraa’ and Adil. And their area of influence has spread over the last few weeks to Mansour, Yarmouk, Harthiya, and very recently, to Adhamiya.
All of these districts, with the exception of Adhamiya, are more or less mixed or Sunni majority areas. They make up the western part of the capital, or what is known as the Karkh sector
the Oil ministry fire that broke out about a week ago. Funny that the event did not even register in the news. The fire actually engulfed two floors, the accounts and records floors to be exact. Rumour among Oil ministry employees is that the fire - which went on for over 2 hours - was intentional, apparently to cover up some major corruption scandal
n its quarterly update to Congress, the Pentagon reported that from Feb. 11 to May 12, as the new Iraqi unity government was being established, insurgents staged an average of more than 600 attacks per week nationwide. From August 2005 to early February, when Iraqis elected a parliament, insurgent attacks averaged about 550 per week; at its lowest point, before the United States handed over sovereignty in the spring of 2004, the attacks averaged about 400 per week.
The vast majority of the attacks -- from crude bombing attempts and shootings to more sophisticated, military-style assaults and suicide attacks -- were targeted at US-led coalition military forces,
When you enter Ramadi, just inside the city there is a stoplight. You can go straight or right or left. If you go straight you will be killed by snipers. We know this because sometimes friendds came to visit, and they didn’t know which way to go, so they went straight, and one time a whole car full of our friends were killed. There are no signs to indicate the danger, you just have to know from the people who live in Ramadi.”
If they weren’t here gangs would be roaming our streets kidnapping our children, women and men without anyone daring to stop them, but that did not happen cause thank god they are here
If they weren’t here bodies would’ve been found not in mass graves like in Saddam’s time, but scattered on sidewalks for everyone to see, but that did not happen cause thank god they are here
You can plant thyme around some perennial boxes, that will spread to create groundcover, fragrant paths, and herbaliscious seasoning when you want it-- and you've created another place that you don't need to mow.Lawns and more especially Golf Courses, represent "Toxic Biophilia" - where we believe we are engaged in "Nature" but are actually in a monotonous, chemical drenched space.
Smart wives refuse to touch husbands returning from golf.
SUVs are also "Toxic biophilia" - sold via TV adverts showing single vehicles in pristine natural surroundings , used in 20mph bumper-to-bumper traffic.
I guess its great that people have biophilia, shame that its manipulated towards false, toxic, regions.
book:Ted Steinberg..this pseudo-nature that covers 40 million acres of the USA "American Green: The Obsessive Quest for the Perfect Lawn"
bentzblog list of lies
mouse inherits via RNA
May 24, 2006 ..even those who smoked more than 20,000 joints ..did not have an increased risk of lung cancer.
..burning marijuana leaves contains several known carcinogens and the tar it creates contains 50% more of..chemicals linked to lung cancer... ..also deposits four times as much ..
.surprised to learn that a study of more than 2,000 people found no increase in the risk of developing lung cancer for marijuana smokers.
hubblesite new spot on Jupiter
dinosaur soft tissue, blood cells?
chimp HLA - your antibodies more like a chimp than some human?
alternet .. buffalobeast
police state

CBS hummer, well & truly embedded
Miraculous Intervention:
The ID supposedly made cilia suddenly, so if you had been there with a microscope, you would see (eukaryotes?) lacking cilia suddenly produce progeny with cilia. Its not clear how mitosis would have been proceeding prior to the 'Centriole-Miracle'.. Its also not clear if the new DNA for all those proteins was inserted from nothing (conservation of mass-energy broken) or if the ID somehow prodded existing bases to insert themselves. (2nd law of TD break)
I am rather rusty on cilia. A few years ago, after reading Behe, I thought "if there are any known variations of cilia, then they cant be IRedComplex, because IRedComplex says NO changes are possible. A quick lit. search showed several cilia variants, so I decided "Case against Behe, Proven"
Oddly enough, reading Lyn Margulis, it wasnt clear if centriole proteins have ever been found in prokaryotes. So they did appear rather suddenly. Maybe they have been seen since in some precursor form?
nytimes Warm North
..seabed near the North Pole shows that 55 million ybp the Arctic was .. year-round average of 74 degrees Fahrenheit.
..Computer simulations.. do not reproduce an ancient Arctic nearly that warm,..
2004 ..samples from the seabed 150 miles from the North Pole: 1,400 feet .. a climate history that dates back 56 million years.
..the warming was driven at least in part by ..greenhouse gases — one far greater than the current human-caused rise.
The samples also chronicle the subsequent cooling, with many ups and downs, ..began about 45 million ybp..
..evidence that greenhouse-gas changes controlled much of climate history..
..Arctic Coring Expedition..
Estimates of temperatures .. dinoflagellates.. ..changes in the composition of ..Crenarchaeota.
..49 million ybp,..summertime growth of vast mats of an ancient cousin of the Azolla ..
..earth's long slide to colder conditions and the recent cycle of ice ages and brief thaws began quite soon after the hothouse days 50 million ybp.
..a single pebble,..the size of a chickpea, found in a layer created 45 million ybp. ."dropstones"
..The amount of ice-carried debris.. started increasing about 14 million ybp
Mars skull
Dili Baghdad Kabul Ramadi Warm North Pole
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