Audio distortion, Hobbit heads, Prisoners, Big Coal, space-elevator cable
Audio Distortion
This will be the first generation to pass on Audio of worse fidelity then they received from their forebears.
(Also fewer species, probably more refugees, and if trends continue, more govt intrusion and less habeas corpus)
MP3 is a joke to those hi-fi fans who read 'Audio' magazine in the 60's
Also, if listen on a computer, the residual buzz means a signal-to-noise that would cause grimaces of disgust amongst audio-philes over a certain age.
I still have my 95 litre speakers, with an equaliser to offset the cheap woofer resonance. (12" speakers are a minimum requirement, for us enthusiasts)
But I imagine the next time I move, doubtless to a tiny apartment if I'm still in this town, I will wave goodbye to my racks of 430mm black & adjust to sounds from much tinier things.
A 2-finger sized mp3 player & ec2 ear-buds. Maybe my phone will also be my sound system.
hobbits still contentious
prisoners of the world
Whitewashing the Usanian backed death squads
"people were dancing in the street with the commandos."
- seems a definite psy-op is underway. - Build admiration for the latest set of psychotic murderous death-squad thugs sponsored by the USA.
The Salvador Option. Without the dead nuns & RC bishop.
But finally, Rummies Street Dancing
Since 2001, Rolling Stone contributing editor, Jeff Goodell has traveled the country, and even to China to examine the faulty assumptions underlying coal’s revival, and shatter the myth that cheap coal is the energy for the twenty-first century.
book reviews
Goodellby Jeff :Big Coal; The Dirty Secret Behind America's Energy Future 0-618-31940-9
the end of cheap oil and the arrival of global warming. Both are profound threats to our comfortable notions of civilized life. We should be grateful for the vast reserves of coal we have left and use them wisely, but it’s important to recognize that our bounty of coal is not going to save us from anything. At best, exploiting our coal reserves will buy us a decade or two of time and come at enormous expense, both in terms of the environment and public health and in terms of the billions of dollars that will be invested in a fuel source that is, at best, a short-term solution. In many ways, the world’s coal reserves only make our energy problems worse, because they give us a false sense of security: If we run out of gas and oil, we can just switch over to coal; if we can figure out a way to ‘clean’ coal, we can have a cheap, plentiful source of energy. In reality, however, facing the twin challenges of the end of oil and the coming of global warming is going to require reinventing the infrastructure of modern life. The most dangerous aspect of our continued dependence on coal is not what it does to our lungs, our mountains, or our even climate, but what it does to our minds: it preserves the illusion that we don’t have to change our thinking.”
In 1928, Justice Louis Brandeis.. "The greatest dangers to liberty," he observed, "lurk in insidious encroachment by men of zeal, well meaning, but without understanding."
..the zealots have been brought in from the far-right fringe on the golden chariot of George W,..hardly well-meaning
fouledplanet .. via: oldamericancentury
President George W. Bush, intentionally or unintentionally, admitted that global warming is taking place and that something should be done about it.
“New technologies will change how we live and how we drive our cars, which all will have the beneficial effect of improving the environment,” Bush said. “And in my judgment we need to set aside whether or not greenhouse gases have been caused by mankind or because of natural effects and focus on the technologies that will enable us to live better lives and at the same time protect the environment.”
Filed under: Global Warming Climate
the best shape for a space-elevator cable would be a ribbon, ..a metre wide and as thin as paper. withstand 62 gigapascals (GPa) of tension..
..individual nanotubes can withstand 100 GPa .. But if missing just one carbon atom, this can reduce its strength by 30%. .. fibres made from nanotubes .. much lower than 1 GPa.
..high-quality nanotubes have found.. missing one C atom out of every 10^12 bonds; .. one defect over 4 µm..
16May2006 ..June.. Current Anthropology, Melinda Allen (U Auckland ) ..long-lived Pacific corals..
During the "Medieval Warm Period" ca. A.D. 900-1200, conditions in the tropical Pacific were cool and possibly dry. ..during the "Little Ice Age" ca. A.D. 1550-1900, the central Pacific was comparatively warm and wet, with stormy conditions more common.
The San Bartolo art provided David Freidel..with insights for interpreting a discovery.. at Yaxuna in the Yucatán. .. structure that contained a cloverleaf pattern like a quatrefoil. .. pottery, an ax and other artifacts from the late Preclassic period but in the style of the earlier Olmec civilization... which faded away in the fifth century B.C.
Other recent digs have revealed stone monuments, altars and figurines at La Naranjo, near Guatemala City, that was occupied as early as 800 B.C. Naranjo, Dr. Stuart said, "is proving to be one of the most exciting excavations in the Maya area."
diebold election machines
wired entire internet. These installations enable the government to look at every individual message on the internet .. .. . (The location code of the cabinet is 070177.04, which denotes the 7th floor, aisle 177 and bay 04.)
afterdowningstreet solid blog
The Great Iraq Oil Grab
PSAs are the worst possible deals for countries; in Latin America some of the worst PSAs gave domestic governments royalties of just one percent of their natural gas revenues.
Iraq's permanent oil law is being written with the help of Bearingpoint Inc. under a contract from USAID. The Virginia-based company (which was KPMG until it changed its name after being embroiled in the Arthur Anderson accounting scandal) prepared a report for the Bush administration in 2003 that concluded "foreign participation [is] the most efficient way of developing the sector,
eye on the Iran campaign
taylormarsh dig this blog
Iran Race badges is a Neozion psy-op lie
abu_ghraib_torture_pictures" .. msnbc

Audio distortion Hobbit heads Prisoners Big Coal space-elevator cable
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