USA war crime Haditha, USA war crime Isahaqi, Pretty good Zfone, Kyrgystan, USA prisoners, Toys
salam pax is back. Iraq Health ministry elevators (lifts): his & hers [watch for the latest: lift bombs]
NYT has a long article on Interior Ministry Commandos by Peter Maass.
Intriguing because
1) That typical Usanian way of describing horrendous murders in an off-hand, 'whatever gets the job done' (and the job is most definitely not democracy)
2) He describes Sunni Baathist commandos, whereas many recent reports from Sunni neighbourhoods describe attacks by IM Shia 'commandos' - On balance I suspect the NYT is doing some sort of psy-op. Describing brutality in a half-praising way to immure their citizens. Perhaps the beginning of a campaign to align with Sunni death squads as Shia seem to strong?
USA War Crimes:
vastleft .. msnbc

15 civilians shot to death by Marines in Haditha in November.
and this:
16Mar2006 floyd
03/16/06 - TIKRIT, Iraq, March 15 (Reuters) - Eleven members of an Iraqi family were killed in a U.S. raid on Wednesday...
nytimes 21May06
Philip R. Zimmermann ..1991 Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) .. Sunday released a free Windows program, Zfone, encrypts a computer-to-computer voice ..
.. earlier .. Mac and Linux voice-over-Internet protocol, VoIP.
.. performs the key exchange inside the digital voice channel while the call is being set up, so no third party has the keys.
.. The FCC .. would force ISP & VoIP companies ..permits law enforcement monitor conventional telephone calls...exempts programs that operate directly between computers
" can't regulate point-to-point communications, which I think will let Phil off the hook," said Marc Rotenberg, director of the EPIC
..British government is preparing ..authority to compel both organizations disclose encryption keys.
[I believe this is already enacted]
.. Zfone can automatically encrypt any call between users of freely available VoIP software programs like X-Lite, Gizmo or SJphone. It can be downloaded at
The system does not work with Skype, the VoIP system acquired by eBay, which uses its own encryption scheme. .. German.. .. intercepting and decrypting Skype phone calls,.. VeriSign..
Kyrgyzstan warned on Friday that the US risked eviction from its last military base in central Asia unless it agreed to a 100-fold increase in rental for aircraft landing and refueling facilities at Manas outside the capital Bishkek.
[I cant recall which 'stan' recently booted the USA out. Condi recently congratulated Uzbek for their brutality & corrupt electioneering, so I dont think its Uzbek. The Shanghai group called for a timetable (see Jan06), but thats just them. Its in my blog somewhere, but blogger search is non-functional. So I must search my text backups, which sadly are incomplete.]
1 in 136 U.S. Residents Behind Bars
USA Prisons, Jails Grew by 1,000 Inmates a Week From '04 to '05..
2.2 million people behind bars
..2.6 percent increase from mid-2004 to mid-2005
..gain of 33,539 inmates in jails.. 4.7 percent growth rate, cf 1.6 percent increase state and federal prisons.
Prisons = 2/3 of all inmates, or 1.4 E6 .. 750,000, were in local jails

Shure e2c er buds
I got these on ebay for $115, great bass. Isolation too good for use on bike. The 'plug in ear-canal' sensation will take a while to get familiar. For around $1k, musos get personally moulded plugs, so foldbacks are obsolete.
(Foldbacks still in use in the Beaconsfield concert)
Giant Farrago with disc braked $750 - currently out of stock in Sydney
Samsung E770 1.2M camera uSD mp3.. ebay: $348 with data cable (why r people are bidding $350+15 on ebay for a 2nd hand phone?)
Barracuda goggles (available Jul-Aug06
designawards .. skylinenw .. barracuda
USA war crime Haditha USA war crime Isahaqi Pretty good Zfone. Kyrgystan USA prisoners Toys
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