Richard Carlton, Huygens, BBC radio3 World Music, Zarqawi
Richard Carlton, Aus 60 minutes journo, dropped dead on TV yesterday, in the background of a group of journos. He had just asked the mine manager why they persisted in an unsafe area. Bad boy Richard, while the Nation waits for those 2 trapped miners, angry questions were supposed to wait. So you paid with your life.
Oddly his home channel 9 failed to interrupt a footie broadcast, so his death inmentioned on 9 for 90 minutes. His co-host said you either loved or hated him...
Google first page didnt mention his death, but did throw up this, from a Siamese twin:
When we were younger, television crews would come from all over the world on a weekly basis. These days they come less often, perhaps because we are not as cute now as when we were younger. The last interview we did was with Richard Carlton for Sixty Minutes, a follow-up to a story they made a few years ago. I had thought that Richard Carlton was a smarmy git from seeing him on television, and meeting him confirmed it. He asked us all of the usual questions, which were either patronising or leading or both, and my brother replied with the usual answers. During the interview I began to feel very angry with this man. Finally, to close the interview, he told us that we were very brave individuals. I said to him, what does that mean? What are you talking about? Nothing has happened to us. This isn’t Kafka’s Metamorphosis, we didn’t wake up one morning and discover we had turned into monstrous vermin. We were born like this. We aren’t brave. If anything we’re an anachronism. If our mother had been given an ultrasound like everyone else we would have been aborted. We’re fucking freaks.
Sixty Minutes decided to edit that bit out. I think the literary reference threw them.
.. My brother collects Barbie dolls .. Then there are his favourites, the factory seconds once sold cheap to employees, until Mattel discovered these mutant Barbies were being resold to collectors, and began destroying them instead. He keeps them hidden from me: microcephalic Barbies with foreshortened heads, or twisted arms and legs, with blotched skin or cheeks sprouting stray clumps of hair like warts. Sick dolls, the vinyl flesh bubbled with syphilitic chancres, twisted fingers and hair and eyes emerging like malignant teratomas from their guts. Do you understand now? And two days ago his latest acquisition came and he showed it to me: two Barbies, side by side and joined by a lump of vinyl from chest to hips, naked in a transparent display case. So I grabbed it and threw it out of the window, and then I took Cas and Bindie and dragging him screaming into the kitchen I put Cas and Bindie head first into the In-Sink-Erator and ground them into vinyl shavings. The sad thing is, both Cas and Bindie were part of his collection. They were his favourites. His friend Lisa is a Miss Barbie and Robbie is a fucking GI Joe. You thought they were real people?

hubble bubble
Nasa releases a cute Huygens Descent Movie 5/05/2006 cassini .. But, its not the movie I want to see (again) .. Just after the descent, broadcast TV in Aus showed a brief movie which revealed a stunning shoreline. .. The 5May06 movie passes the final descent in a blink.
See these 2 images:

These images do not appear in the May06 movie, but Something very like them was in the TV clip, and being animated, they conveyed a startling sense of shore& ocean.
So where is the Real Huygens movie?
Morales blog
scroll test: Tinakori Hill from the Bolton St Cemetary Wellington:

WorldMusic Newcomer:
Konono No 1
Dobet Gnahore
Daby Toure
The USAnians released this 'found' video to 'humiliate' Zarqawi as a 'poseur'
...General Lynch said. "Wearing New Balance sneakers with his uniform,"...
- this reveal more about themselves... Most resistance fighters wear sneakers. They are effecitve. .. Lynch reveals a concern with 'uniform' which is a big part of why the USA is losing.
If you can recall the Vietnam American war, maybe you can recall how VC wearing sandals defeated USAnians wearing heavy boots.
The VC used bamboo stake traps, which persuaded USAnians to put steel plates in their boots, slowing them down even more...
Richard Carlton Huygens Kent State BBC radio3 World Music Zarqawi
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