Bob Marley, Chalcogenide
Yesterday the 25th Anniversary of the death of Bob Marley.
I saw him open for the Commodores in Madison Square Garden in 1980. He wasnt the huge icon with USA blacks that he was with the rest of the world, most were there to see the Commodores (I left before the end of their show)
It was great to see Bob live, I arrived in the USA via Jamaica & Guatemala. BT (Wankers Truss) were paying for my relocation from England, They were miffed at my unorthodox route and would only pay for a regular economy London-New York fare. While in JA (Mo Bay & North shore, didnt get to Kingston), I went into a record store and said give me a bunch of great reggae, got a pile of singles and a few LPs that lasted for years. Most lost now. I made a "best of JA" Cassette which vanished from my great Auckland party of 86.tempis fugit, as do great discs.
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Bob Marley Chalcogenide
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