let me be

Wear a fish-hook, get recognised as a Kiwi wherever you go in the world.
Why doesnt NZ licence some whalebone carvers, so we dont have to wear cow bone?
In 1967 we found a sperm whale carcass on Mason's bay in Stewart Island. We immediately thought "great, whalebone"
but it was impossible to get into the body with machete - it takes a chainsaw, which is such a disturbing image that NZ now bans the taking of bones from dead whales.

Margarita 1991 Manila - the last days of the wild,wild East. (Mayor Lim closed all the bars in Ermita, many of which had video loops with great rock. Lotsa $ spent on decor, these were not dingy dives.
theparisreview (pdf) W Burroughs interviewed.

from FotoMorganaFotoMorgana

Kent State 1970

let me be , originally uploaded by Tatiana Cardeal.
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