Ken Lay, Sabrina Houssami, 16th Brigade, Climate sites
Kenny Boy, 'Tis you, 'tis you must go , off to the slammer

Sabrina Houssami Miss World Australia 2006
A Muslim, father from Lebanon, Mother a hindu from India.
- MultiCulturalism is alive in Aus. Good to see the name 'Sabrina' has survived from the 60s
(you had to be there, and listen to the Goon Show)
Prime Mini John Howard spoke on teev as Aus troops hit the ground in Dili.
As much as I despise the little weasel, I am forced to admit he spoke well.
Gravitas, none of the silly mannerisms. He appears charged up, from speaking to all those State occasions on his (swansong?) world trip. Maybe he's had some speech coaching. Only one "a" pronounced like "Hay". The rest spoken like a normal person, rhyming with "up".
When Blair bales JH will be the last man outside Cheneys range who claims that the illegal Iraq invasion is a sound idea. Oddly JH sent the troops to East Timor without a signed request, so technically its another illegal invasion.
...just like Saddam
the 16th Brigade represented a new frontier.
The brigade, a 1,000-man force set up by Iraq’s Ministry of Defense in early 2005, was charged with guarding a stretch of oil pipeline that ran through the southern Baghdad neighborhood of Dawra. Heavily armed and lightly supervised, some members of the largely Sunni brigade transformed themselves into a death squad, cooperating with insurgents and executing government collaborators, Iraqi officials say.
“They were killing innocent people, anyone who was affiliated with the government,” said Hassan Thuwaini, the director of the Iraqi Oil Ministry’s protection force.
Climate sites
Salinity is not increasing
(linked from Warwick Hughes 'Greens are Bunkum' site - WH says that the drought aint that bad, and he very usefully, states that a Sydney De-Salination plant would be a big mistake - onya Warwick!
climateark exploratorium panda office
debunk the debunkers..
Ken Lay Sabrina Houssami 16th Brigade Climate sites
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