wind change, fat gas pipes, Basra, "Oh My God, they've convicted Kenny".
"Oh My God, they've convicted Kenny".
Blair & Bush doing the schoolboyish homoerotic apologies was a weird sight.
The local teev breakfast show mentioning Haditha, Kabul riots..
Basra brit bashing.
Atrocities hang about for 6 months or more until some wind-shift brings them into the msm show.
The NeoZion thing must come unglued one day, I dont believe in a new 30 years war.
Australia oddly defies this zeitgeist. Fiercely cruel treatment of refugees. The Prime mini saying that nuclear power is inevitable.
Surreal absence of community. Each migrant group huddled in its own suburb, determinedly ignoring the polis.
The AWC Saddam bribes investigation may shake the tree,but maybe not. Australia as the last refuge of NeoZion, just like Joe V. predicted?

George Monbiot
A Fondness for Fossil FuelsGM is essential reading,but...
..natural gas .. wholesale cost of gas had trebled in just three years(1).
..February 16th – the UK’s main gas storage facility (on the Rough Field in the North Sea) blew up...., whose consumption has grown by 19% since 1990, now account for almost one-third of the energy the United Kingdom uses(8). Of this, only 18% is used for lights and fridges and TVs and the other electronic gadgets with which we now fill them. All the rest is used for space and water heating(9). In the domestic sector, the big issue is not electricity but heat.
..there is only one low-carbon source of heat which could .. be supplied to most of the homes in the United Kingdom between now and 2030. It is hydrogen.
.. to power a fuel cell .. could provide both the heat and electricity our homes require. The natural gas pipes to which most of our houses are now attached would be replaced by hydrogen pipes. These are about 50% wider..
..price of hydrogen made from natural gas with carbon capture will, in “the future”, be $1.72 per kilogramme; from coal, $1.45; and from electrolysis $3.93(11). ..
.. I defy anyone who knows what opencast mining looks like to say the words “clean coal” without blushing. ..
..other European countries hoard an average of 52 days’ worth of gas, the UK stores only 14..
Storage increased from 2 weeks to 6 weeks supply - now that aint no energy answer.
Home fuel cells: hard to see the fat pipes and as-yet-non-existent H-fuel-cells getting built. Heat in a cold climate is going to be even more emotional than petrol for the steel-chariot.
[GM's book "Heat" out in September (In time for Kenny's sentencing on 11Sep?]
There seems to be a perfect storm approaching. The USA army will cook coal for oil, and everyone else will get in line. So the planet is cooked. Issuing a Projection, not a Prediction, it seems likely that the critical system failure will be agriculture. Its not clear just how, but I project a global crop failure. Aus & USA out of the grain export business as climate bands move polewards. Canada may gather some slack. Dont know what warm China can grow. If they need imports, which wont be there, then its world conflagration time. Armies use a lot of oil as they clash by night.
priceofoil G8 have given up on climate, and now propose more fossils & fission-steam.
youtube . watch a USA nukular power station blowup [hint: turn the sound way up!]
campaign against Climate Change - a solid site
..Smuggling of oil on a large scale coupled with increasing violence and the lack of basic services like water and electricity has caused increasing tensions ....
..when thousands of residents took to the streets earlier this month to protest high unemployment and corruption in the governor's office, the British attacked the demonstrators with helicopters. Fighters responded.
"They shot down a helicopter," As'aad Kareem, president of the Iraqi oil workers union in Basra told IPS. "It was real resistance. They shot it down because the British were supporting the governor and shooting at the people in the demonstration.
..mountains -- of garbage.. .."The sewage system is destroyed.... Even clean water is not there. Electricity .. Now you're getting 30 minutes or one hour a day..
..the governor (Mohammed al-Waili) was misusing it..
So far, at least seven British soldiers and 100 Iraqi civilians have killed ..
Fadil el-Sharaa, spokesman for Shia cleric Moqtada Sadr, says British forces and the governor (Scrci)..want to blame the killings on sectarian conflict.
But that is not the case, he said. "What happened in Basra is that Ayatollah al-Sistani's representative talked about the corruption created by the governor and his administration, which caused the governor to say that the religious offices were responsible for all the violence in Basra and that we are dividing people against themselves."
..The Sunni group, the Association of Muslim Scholars, complained this week that 1,200 Sunni Arab families from the oil city have been forced out.
"They are getting abducted and killed on a daily basis," Jawahary said of Basra's Sunni population. "Just recently, 18 people were abducted, and they found them dead ..
wind change fat gas pipes Basra "Oh My God, they've convicted Kenny".
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