Hezbollah, IED

What is it about Hezbollah, they have to go one better than Hamas?
Three Israeli soldiers died in the raid, while four more were killed when their tank ran over a landmine. The eighth soldier died while assisting in recovering the tank, the Israeli army said.
Nasrallah said Hezbollah had repelled an Israeli force that tried to enter Lebanon to find the captured soldiers.
..Footage on Hezbollah's Al-Manar television showed a smouldering Israeli jeep. It also showed smoke rising from an Israeli border post.
Hezbollah supporters set off fire crackers and distributed sweets in the streets of Beirut..
crisismesh . . fotw

Amnesty International Reports on the status of Palestinian Women:
"Scores of women have been forced to give birth at checkpoints by the roadside and several have lost their babies because Israeli soldiers denied them passage," it said.
It cited the case of Rula Ashtiya who was refused passage on 26 August 2003, by Israeli soldiers at the Bait Furik checkpoint on the way to hospital in Nablus to give birth.
"I was lying on the ground in the dust and I crawled behind a concrete block by the checkpoint to have some privacy and gave birth there, in the dust, like an animal," she said.
"I held the baby in my arms and she moved a little but after a few minutes she died in my arms."

Hezbollah IED
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