Maliki, Crick, Mouse, Barrett
Maliki :
I don’t see the country falling into a civil war despite the regrettable activities of certain people who ignore that Iraq is united..We have the capacity, if necessary, to impose order and suppress those who rebel against the state.- you and whose army,?
'Francis Crick, Discoverer of the Genetic Code' By Matt Ridley.
..He seldom read newspapers, because working in intelligence had convinced him that most stories never reached the press. He experimented with marijuana and LSD,
... A glance at Rosalind Franklin’s X-ray photos of DNA told him what she had not grasped, that the two parallel chains of the DNA double helix must run in opposite directions.
.. In 1953 Crick and Watson, in sessions at the Eagle pub in Cambridge, set out to select some finite number of amino acids that DNA might reasonably code for.
Ridley observes: “They came up with 20. That they got the list exactly right, despite being amateur biochemists, is a minor miracle.”
I set a trap for my mouse.
1) first put the trap in her path so she gets used to it
next night:
2) put some aluminum foil with some blue-veined cheese on the trap (she dragged the foil away)
3) make a little cup of Al-Foil on the 'tongue' of the trap, baited with sardines (she carefully slid the foil of th trap without springing it) -the cup shape is designed to prevent the rodentary careful sideways scraping of the bait, she must put her weight on the cup .. sudden death. nb the world has failed to beat a path to my door, merely more mice.
4) ensure the Al-Foil is wedged firmly onto the trap (she sprung the trap, nearly escaped, the wire got her right on her skull)
Then of course I got quite sad & depressed, who else gave me company in the night?, even if it was only the sound of her scraping away at ghee-soaked wine cask cardboard? (I use them as disposable soaks for pappadums).
However the very next night another mouse was out & about. (I sleep on the floor of the living\kitchen area because I use the pokey bedroom merely to store clothes).
So evidently its a mouse collective
Mouse Empathy: "psychologist Jeffrey Mogil of McGill University in Montreal and colleagues, found the effect at work only in mice that were familiar to each other from being housed together.
Among these mice, the group found, those who could see one another in pain were more sensitive to pain than those tested alone. The rodents didn’t need to be related for the effect to appear" (as to who did the testing, thats one reason I'm not a scientist)
My new mouse is gaining in confidence, making more noise at night.
We are already at step 1) (above) I am betting that mice dont learn from others mistakes, despite Mogils research. My lazyness in not scrubbing the kitchen each day, means my mice come out, and means they must die.
nyu mp3 Mari Kimura makes a violin string vibrate in a totally new way. In physics we call this a driven and damped non-linear system
artman Question the official conspiracy theory, get fired?
Barrett continued, “Conservatism is supposed to be about conserving what is good. It's about conserving the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the First Amendment, individual freedom and responsibility, family values, and so on. True conservatives hate big government, hate huge military budgets and standing armies, hate thought police running around prying into our private affairs and telling us what to believe. They're against foreign interventions, and especially aggressive wars and ‘nation building’ through mass murder. They want to preserve the values of our Founding Fathers against the onslaught of the so-called neo-conservatives. They see that 9/11 was a convenient excuse to put big government on steroids and take a blowtorch to the Constitution.”
..Having anthrax show up at the offices of the two Congressmen who were blocking the pre-9/11-written Patriot Act was one heck of a coincidence... I went from ‘this is interesting, but how will we ever know’ to ‘wow! there's a strong case for complicity’ after hearing that David Griffin was writing The New Pearl Harbor .. I would say focus on Building 7 to start with. Show people the collapse. Show them Silverstein making his inadvertent confession. Show them that the 9/11 Commission Report doesn't even mention any of this -- not even a footnote! If that doesn't get them scratching their heads, I don't know what will.

"Billions of Blue Blistering Barnacles"
have you heard about the new Italian wine?
It goes, “Mama Mia, I am so injured. Penalty, penalty.”
One sign that economic diversification is gaining force was the success last year of Argentine President Néstor Kirchner's take-it-or-leave-it offer of 30 cents on every dollar owed on its $100 billion external debt, to be paid in long-term, low-interest bonds. In the past, financial markets would have severely punished such insolence, but with Asian investment pouring in and the economy rebounding at a steady clip, a majority of lenders had no choice but to make the deal. For its part, the IMF, fearing either a complete default or a successful agreement made without its imprimatur, was forced grudgingly to sanction the bid. It was, according to Knight Ridder Business News, the "biggest sovereign debt restructuring in history, with international creditors accepting unprecedented losses."

Nukuoro,.. 6 km in diameter. .. It has no airstrip, and a passenger boat calls irregularly only once a month. The tiny population [900] speaks its own unique language.

The Piper at the Gates of Dawn
...`It's gone!' sighed the Rat, sinking back in his seat again. `So beautiful and strange and new. Since it was to end so soon, I almost wish I had never heard it. For it has roused a longing in me that is pain, and nothing seems worth while but just to hear that sound once more and go on listening to it for ever. No! There it is again!' he cried, alert once more. Entranced, he was silent for a long space, spellbound.
`Now it passes on and I begin to lose it,' he said presently. `O Mole! the beauty of it! The merry bubble and joy, the thin, clear, happy call of the distant piping! Such music I never dreamed of, and the call in it is stronger even than the music is sweet! Row on, Mole, row! For the music and the call must be for us.'
The Mole, greatly wondering, obeyed. `I hear nothing myself,' he said, `but the wind playing in the reeds and rushes and osiers.'
Maliki Crick Mouse Barrett
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