Swift, Malaria, Mefloquine, connexins, Dingo Urine
Neo-Zion have spied on SWIFT, the system the rich use to move their money out of taxreach.
I predict this is the end for Neo-Zion. Old Money needs its secret offshore accounts, nobody fucks with them.
Old Money is content to co-exist with NarcoThugs, they wont allow SWIFT to be tapped. Cheney is running scared now the NYT has blown the whistle
Some of the banks didn‘t know this was happening. The government‘s not just messing with its own citizens here, it‘s messing with business. And if anybody in this country believes in privacy, and I think they call it proprietary information, it‘s businessmen. Are they going to fight the government in a way that ordinary citizens could not?
Age now = 2 * a prime
Age previous birthday = 3 * a prime
Age next birthday = a prime
And I'm not 22
New UN Malaria Boss:
"The malaria community hates me," Dr. Kochi said in an interview in the W.H.O.'s small Manhattan office. "I said, basically, 'You are stupid.' Their science is very weak. The community is small and inward-looking and fighting each other."
In January, he attacked the drug industry, naming 18 companies that were selling artemisinin in single-pill form, and giving them 90 days to stop. Monotherapy encourages resistance, and if artemisinin was lost, he said, "it will be at least 10 years before a drug that good is discovered — basically, we're dead."
Dafra Pharma, a Belgian company that supplies about 25 percent of Africa's private market for malaria drugs, said her company had agreed to stop selling monotherapy and was developing pills mixing artemisinin with lumefantrine [Benflumetol], amodiaquine and other drugs.
Halofantrine (also called Halfan) is widely used CDC recommends X ..heart-related side effects, including deaths.
Atovaquone/proguanil is a combination US brand name, Malarone.
Doxycycline (many brand names and generic drugs are available) related to tetracycline.
Mefloquine (brand name Lariam ™ and generic)....[ 2%? get an immediate profound suicidal depression]
medicalnewstoday07 Aug 2004
Brown U: mefloquine,..blocks two gap junction proteins, or connexins, ..the brains of..mice.. Connexins found in high concentrations in the brain are believed to play a critical role in movement, vision and memory.
..Cx36 and Cx50. There are..20 kinds of connexins in the brain and eye, as well in organs such as the heart, liver and pancreas. Cx36 is found in the brain; Cx50 is located in the lens. By specifically blocking them, Cruikshank said mefloquine will be a useful tool for electrical synapse study.
..could shed light on the cause of epilepsy and seizures. .. a Cx50 mutation can form cataracts in mice.
"Electrical synapses were only discovered in the neocortex of mammals five years ago," Connors said, "so they are still a mystery. ..
..mefloquine can cause ..depression and other psychotic side effects.: Connexin shut-down in the brain.??
27 June 2006 dingo urine can act as a repellent for use in everything from rehabilitating old mine sites to reducing roadkill.
.."When we presented tame kangaroos with coyote urine, they became interested in the new smell, but when presented with the dingo urine they were startled and fled,"

why is this old guy wearing my jacket? flickr
Swift Malaria Mefloquine connexins Urine
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